Su Ze sighed, feeling that his future life was gray.

“God, I don’t like this plug-in very much, can I change it…”

“Forget it, let’s find out my own situation first!” After waiting for a long time without responding, Su Ze also said helplessly.

“Hey huh ~ hey huh ~”

After trying to control his body to move some distance, Su Ze suddenly found that there seemed to be something around.

“Is this feeling grass on the ground?” Su Ze subconsciously opened his mouth and actually ate the grass on the ground into his body.


“Speaking of which, how do I feel a little familiar with my current situation…” Su Ze’s mind suddenly flashed a picture.

A picture of a blue jelly grazing like crazy in a cave.

“A bit similar to Limuru! Won’t I fucking become that genderless blue jelly! ”

Su Ze suddenly reacted, how similar his current situation was to that guy.

Thinking of this, Su Ze quickly shouted: “Great Sage? ”

[Yes, master!] ]

Suze: ……

Su Ze immediately entered the chat group.

“Unknown – Suze: Solved the case brothers!!”

“Moe King-Suze: I’ve become that otherworldly slime…”

“Supergod-Angel Night:?!” So awesome?”

“Pirate-Suze: That’s interesting! A male me, a female me, and a sexless me…”

“Pirate-Suze: But it’s true, brother, you’re invincible!”

“Moe King-Su Ze: Hey ~ low-key and low-key! It’s all up to your peers! (Shhhhhh

“Pirate-Suze: This dog is showing off even more!”

“Supergod-Angel Night: You’re gone!!”

“Pirate-Suze: You’re gone!!”

“Moe King-Suze: ????”

“Moe King-Suze: Blanched !!!”

“Moe King-Suze: @天使夜, don’t you have either! You’re still dented!”

“Pirate-Suze: Hahaha~”

“Moe King-Suze: Hahaha~”

“Supergod – Angel Night: Blanched !!!”

“Moe King-Su Ze: Don’t say it, I have to hurry up and find that Zhong Er Long.”

“Pirate-Suze: That’s right! Wouldn’t you be able to use herbs to make potions, and create more complete recovery potions and put them in the chat group space, just in case!”

“Supergod-Angel Night: Indeed! Even if it is as strong as our angels, if they are seriously injured, they will die, and Queen Kesha will not resurrect the angels.”

“Moe King-Su Ze: No problem!”


Consciousness broke away from the chat group, Su Ze began to wander in the cave, now that he knows his identity, then the next days will be better, he is a Meng King, a powerhouse destined to be a creation god level in the future.

Cool crooked~

The herb fields passing by and the magic ores encountered were all swallowed into the stomach pouch by Su Ze.

“Great Sage!”

[Understand! Leave it to me! ]

After the active processing of the Great Sage, the grass juice was mixed with the magic element, and all the Xipokut herbs were processed into a complete recovery potion, about tens of thousands of bottles, Su Ze took out a hundred copies and put them in the shared space of the chat group.

As for those magic ores, they were also processed by the great sage in the stomach pouch into magic ore blocks that could be forged directly.

This is what he will make weapons in the future.

“Speaking of which, Rimuru in the original book seems to have turned on an eye-like effect through a certain skill, as if it is magic perception, can I open it…”

Because the magic element is similar to the energy of his own life, Su Ze’s perception is quite simple, and it may be because of this that Limuru in the original book is also very easy to get it.

I don’t know how long has passed, Su Ze finally sensed this energy called Demon Su in his body.

“Immediately after, it’s about perceiving the outside world!” Su Ze continued to radiate his perception ability…

“Great Sage, how?” After successfully sensing the magic element in the outside world, Su Ze quickly asked.

[Confirmed!] Successfully acquire the additional skill: Mana Perception! Do I need to use it? Yes/No? ]

“Yes!!” Su Ze said excitedly.

Finally I can see the outside world.

In an instant, a large amount of data poured into his mind, and Su Ze felt that if he was still a human, he was afraid that his brain would explode directly.

But fortunately, every cell in Slime’s body can be used as a brain cell, so in just a few minutes, Su Ze successfully adapted to this all-round 360 field of view.

[Sue!] Additional Skills: Magic Perception and Unique Skill: Synchronized with the Great Sage, all information will be managed by the Great Sage in the future! ]

“Hmm!” Su Ze nodded and said, although he didn’t have a head now.

“Keep going!”

Half an hour later.

Su Ze suddenly fell into a lake.

“It seems that it is not far from Verudra.” Su Ze did not panic, anyway, he did not need to breathe, so he would not drown.

“I suck !!!” Su Ze directly absorbed a large amount of lake water with the predation function.

“Squirt out harder!”


Su Ze’s body was instantly pushed out of the water by the recoil force.

[Acquisition skill: Hydro Propulsion!] ]

“This is the voice of the world!” Su Ze listened to the prompt sound ringing in his ears, although it was the same as the Great Sage.


Su Ze, who flew out of the water, lightly hit a special enchantment and was bounced back.

“Is this Zhong Erlong… Sure enough, it is worthy of being a dragon species, and it looks domineering! Looking at the giant creatures within the enchantment, Su Ze sighed in his heart.

Of course, this level must not scare Su Ze, after all, it has been expected, and Zhong Erlong does not look very terrifying, on the contrary, it is a little stupid and cute.


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