Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 92: The Hidden Panel

j01 didn't seem to expect it at all.

But what Fang Che didn't expect was that

【Your leader features have attracted a humanoid fighter!】

【You get the allegiance of the number j01 mechanical warrior!】

It's done.

Completely caught off guard.

Fang Che just invited with the mentality of giving it a try.

After all, mechanical warriors with such a mature body transformation, like those third-level academicians, must have a very low recruitment probability.

The 20% probability of the leader module did not work for those academicians of science and technology.

That is to say!

Look at the text prompt on the light screen panel [The leader module has played a role on 50L.

Fang Che was shocked.

"New species, I accept your invitation. You made me feel a kind of extraordinary, the status of a third-level academician of science. I really want to see what you will do after taking over "783"!"

Fang Che looked at the cold j01.


"This damn temperament!"

Fang Che sighed for a while.

Although it is not clear whether this probability is calculated, or what......

But this time.

Fang Che looks at the j01 property panel.

【Name】: joliv-level silicon-based life




【Faction】: Dragon School



Say hello to the bottom row.

Fang Che was stunned.

The full property panel of j01 is hidden.

I can't even see what technological weapons she has.

Loyalty is only 45!

A loyalty of 6 is considered barely passing.

j01 only has 45 loyalty points, if you use online games, he will leave his subordinates at any time!

Successful recruitment does not mean 100 loyalty points!

Regarding all these, Fang Che had no choice but to take his time.

Loyalty can be increased.

Dongdong's loyalty was not one hundred at the beginning.

However, the technology on the j01 body is ahead of him, at least the technology modules of the second-level civilization, and even started to step into the third-level civilization...

Fang Che guessed.

After all, j01 maglev technology is known, and her voice has a kind of magic.

In any case, with j01, his survival will be much better.

For this unknown world, it is definitely better to have a subordinate who understands the mechanical world by his side.

At least it can make him understand the mechanical world better.

It's just a pity that you can't see the technology of j01, but what's surprising is that the property panel can still be hidden.

Is it because of low loyalty?

You must know that the loyalty of Dongdong and medical staff is 100%!

"Or... the properties panel can be hidden?"

If it can be hidden, he will naturally hide his property panel as well.

After searching patiently, Fang Che found the hidden attribute panel in the faction, and set the attribute panel to be viewed only by himself.


Fang Che also silently closed his property panel.

The original body module!

After the III-level silicon-based life stage, every mechanical warrior will take a different path in terms of body and technological transformation.

For example, Fang Che is still walking with a metal body!

And j01 took bionics!

This is a very obvious physical difference...

Fang Che didn't struggle for a while, since he couldn't see it, he didn't force it.

What he needs is j01's experience in surviving in the mechanical world.

Besides, various modules with different functions are more like a product.

The mechanical warrior who uses the module is the user. If you don't analyze the research and development, even if you know the name of the technology, you are limited to knowing the name.

Originally, with his current strength or other aspects,

A member of the Assault Department of the S-level faction! Can recruit j01, already belongs to the European Emperor.

I believe that when j01 wants to see her panel in the future, he will naturally be able to see it.

If j01 can be recruited successfully, Fang Che has already dared not expect too much.

【Your new member j01 of Dragon faction is successful!】

【Your Dragon faction new member Dongdong succeeded!】

【Your new member of the Dragon faction has succeeded in medical treatment!】

Along with the reminder, members of the Dragon faction are no longer alone, and 4 names are hung on it.

At the same time, the Fang Che attribute panel has also changed.

[Factions]: Leaders of the Fighting Faction and the Dragon Faction!

"Leader of the Dragon Sect!"

Fang Che looked at the identity of the leader, but he was actually a little confused, "I am also a leader!"

There are billions of people on the earth, he is the first person to obtain the status of leader!

Although it is only an e-level faction, at least he is heading towards the real start...

Level III silicon-based life is the real beginning!

In the future, who dares to say that he cannot become a level 5 faction leader!

Today, if you dare to be the leader of the e-level faction, Mingyou dares to climb to the position of leader of the F5-level faction.

Besides, he has a check-in system, facts speak louder than words, everything is really possible.

But it has chosen to become a silicon-based life form of the lord system.

Obviously there is no need to stay in the Science Department, and it is not necessary to go to other departments of assault, doctor, sniper, etc.!

But it's not bad to come to the Ministry of Science, the status of a third-level academician of science.

This identity!

Obviously there is a hidden attribute.

Fang Che completely suspects that j01 gave up the martial arts faction to join a new faction like himself, and there may be a reason for his third-level academician status.

Although I don't know what is the use of the third-level academician status.

But it must be more than just a title!

Now that you have chosen!

Then plan well.

have no idea

Can the small quantum transportation platform that allocates ten new soul fires every month open a trading platform.

After all, they all have transportation functions. If this is the case, it is equivalent to bringing their own transaction 2.9 platform!

In the future, you can sell resources at any time and replace them with pressure.

"It works!"

After receiving the affirmative answer from j01, Fang Che walked out of the science department with three subordinates.


Naturally, go to the territory and take a look.

Only by setting up the official work of quantum transportation in the territory can we receive the dry soul flame every month.

Obviously the soul fire of life is very precious.

After all, a mass of soul fire is a silicon-based life!

With the cruelty of the mechanical world, the ten new species are not enough to consume.

If one month is wasted, ten new species will be lost.....

ps: j01 is Miss 2b, I saw someone in the comment area said to write one out, if you have any more, you can leave a message, I will read it. .

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