Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 53 Worth A Try (Thank You For Everything)

"Start attack mode!"

A female voice in the language of the Dragon Kingdom sounded.

The sound just landed.


A turret tube protruded from the building.



A beam of light gathered and hit the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior who was one meter away from the building and smashed to the ground.

In an instant, his head was pierced.

Only a strange green flame floated out from the spot.

This time Fang Che saw clearly.

The building's means of attack.

If I guessed correctly, it should be a type of laser weapon!

Da da da ~!



The other Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors quickly machine gunned! Cannon!

There's even a real artillery module for the cannon! Bombard the building!


There was no more warning sound from the building, and another beam of light shot away in the blink of an eye.

Squeak ~!

At this moment.

A 30-meter Tyrannosaurus rex-type mechanical warrior suddenly turned into two alloy plates with its forelimbs, and they came together with a bang.

Like a shield, block the front!

But immediately, it was shot through by the building's attack beam. In the next second, a big hole was left in the chest of its body...

It was just two simple laser cannons, which solved the two seemingly powerful Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors!


"It's not a weapon of an era at all!"

However, Fang Che understood that no matter what the purpose of the five-headed Tyrannosaurus Rex was, it was over.

In front of such a weapon that spans the ages!

In an unbalanced battle, it is believed that no one can leapfrog to win.

But that leader-level tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior also has self-knowledge.


Angrily roared, "Go and collect their soul fire."

After finishing speaking, he took another tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior and retreated several hundred meters back.

The decision without any hesitation made Fang Che feel incredible.

Everything came and went too fast!

"Good bt building defense! Attack is also bt!"

Fang Che has a panoramic view of everything that happened. Their thermal weapons can't break through the defense of the building at all, and the laser cannon that only shows the tip of the iceberg is enough to solve all troubles.

Of course, Fang Che didn't believe that the building built on the grassland in front of him could only be attacked by laser cannons.



Following the footsteps that shook the earth, the Tyrannosaurus Rex mechanical warrior who accepted the order of the leader-level Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior!

He rushed towards the fire of the souls of the two partners.

Just when he had just come into contact with it, he couldn't help being excited!


There was another sound of a laser cannon launching an attack.

Impressively following behind, is a beam of light that brightly penetrates half the sky!


The tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior who collected the soul fire of his partner reacted very quickly.

Da da da ~!

The machine gun on the back shot out rows of bullets like mountains and seas.

In the next second, he turned around, and his forelimbs transformed into shields, standing in front of him.

"Same makeover!"

While watching the battle, Fang Che said, "But it's obvious that this tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior is stronger, and its fighting style is very mature. It took a lot of care to transform the 30-meter-long machine to maintain such a speed of response."

The reaction speed of my own body is not as good as the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior in front of me.

no the same!

Completely different reaction speed.

"Can it still be like this? Damn it!"

Fang Che exclaimed.

I saw that the tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior who collected the soul fire of his companion abandoned his forelimbs in the next second.

As if disintegrating, run away backwards!

"This is obviously smarter than the dead Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior."

Fang Che looked at his hands.

Whether it is possible to transform one's own hands in this way.

Just, how did they transform their hands into shields?

"I should be missing a corresponding module!"

This made Fang Che think of the wolf-shaped mechanical warrior with a steel body in the past, and that mechanical warrior's hand could also be turned into a cold weapon!

Wanton deformation!

This transformation is obviously an excellent transformation.


"Run away? Will you not continue to attack?"

Fang Che looked more and more incredulous.

I saw that the building returned to its lonely appearance again.

It is like a twenty-first century house appearing in primitive times.

The shock!

As if it has become a bright light on the grassland, illuminating the lost buildings.

This is very interesting!

It's no wonder that the leader Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior dared to try this, attacking a building that was epoch-making for them!

After all, the attack on that building will stop if it goes out of a certain range.

And they should have figured out this rule.

"Escaped with almost no loss! Taking this kind of Tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior with a large body and companions, they can always find another body for their companions who have turned into soul fires."

After all, the fire of the soul is not extinguished, and if it does not disappear, it is not considered real death!

Fang Che suddenly saw a green light in his eyes...

Soul fire!

"Green soul fire, the flame in my head hasn't completely turned green, and I can't start the second evolution of silicon-based life. I don't know if there is a chance to intercept and devour these... a few soul fires!"

Fang Che seemed to feel that his power system was running!

There are human emotions, tension.

Fang Che didn't have this idea.

Now I saw a wounded tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior carrying two green soul flames, going to join two companions a hundred meters away.

One hundred meters!

There are many things that can be done, and the calculations of the Ultrain module were performed immediately.

The two companions of this tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior.

It takes 30 seconds to 1 minute to rush over!

That's like half a minute.


When the leader-level Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior escaped with one of his subordinates, Fang Che had already recorded the movement speed data.

Calculating the time for half a minute can only be said not to be too simple.

And this data is definitely their fastest moving speed.

After all, when escaping, everyone will use the fastest speed to escape!

Otherwise, it wouldn't be called running away!


But Fang Che already had an idea.

"Three green soul flames, if the calculations are correct, are enough for me to evolve into a grade III silicon-based life. Even if the 50-meter leader-level tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior supports me, it may not be impossible to fight. A large machine has a lot of black technology, let alone five! Although in front of the building, the corpses of the two tyrannosaur-type mechanical warriors, I don't know if they can be disassembled. But the three heads are worth trying!"

What's more, my goal is only three green soul flames.

Hunt and kill these three Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors who are still alive, unless you have to!

Fang Che thought about it and asked the supercomputer to plan an escape route.

"Your odds are 50 percent!"

Immediately overcalculate the result.


"It's worth a try! The Tyrannosaurus rex body module is also worth taking my risk!"

Fang Che has made up his mind!

Immediately jumped up from the grass, and the dual power instantly rose.

Run at a speed of 30/km.

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