"You dismantled the corpse of the Velociraptor mechanical warrior and obtained 100 grams of tungsten alloy!"

"You disassembled the corpse of the Velociraptor mechanical warrior and obtained 230 grams of tantalum alloy!"


"You dismantled the corpse of the velociraptor mechanical warrior and obtained a depleted level II battery."


【Name】: Fang Cheii level silicon-based life

[lv]: level 20 (3630/6000)

[Energy]: I-class battery (25/100)

[Faction]: None

[Title]: None

[Identity]: Private

[Life]: 100

【Power】: 60

[Maximum speed of action]: 15km/1h (under dual power: 30km/h)

【Response speed】: 535/1 second

【Defense】: 31

[Equipment]: Ordinary alloy broadsword, monopulse radar module, leader module, complete strength module, incomplete agile module, turret tower base, supercomputing module, ammunition accumulation technology, airborne photoelectric sighting system

[Skills]: Elementary maintenance technology, elementary dismantling, five tigers breaking doors, wormhole teleportation, anti-shock


Compared with the horror of arriving in the mechanical world on the first day.

Now his panel has begun to be full of beautiful things!

The attribute is also increased several times.

Especially the reaction speed, if it is seen by others, it can definitely scare people to death.

Under the burst of maximum speed and power, the efficiency is doubled.

Fang Che closes the attribute light screen panel.

"Next, it's time to consider the body transformation!"

Of course, it is not about modifying the body material, but what form to choose!

Fang Che looked at the progress of the Velociraptor module at 24 percent!

is a good choice.

Velociraptor is an agile body!

In addition, there are now animal, dinosaur, insect, airfoil, ocean, and eagle models, the king of the aircraft in the flying category!

"Fuck, every model has advantages!"

The end of the grassland is still not visible, Fang Che can't find traces of the city, and can't see the general trend of the entire mechanical world.

And how those Indigenous peoples made their choices.

A city in the mechanical world means civilization, and civilization must have recorded big data.

Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of various airframes will definitely be recorded!

"Ocean-type, animal-type, and insect-type can all be ignored."

Fang Che directly ruled out these two types, "Small types are not considered! With his technology, it cannot support the miniaturization!"

If a small body is required, the technology modules must also be small. Small bodies in the early and mid-term are very dangerous.

"Flying type, dinosaur type!"

Immediately Fang Che made a decision, his body will be transformed in these two directions once.

After all, you can get another attribute change after one transformation!

Why not change!


[ii battery]: R&D and analysis progress is 75%!

"Level ii battery progress is seventy-five! Finish the analysis soon and master the technology of ii battery. Solve the energy problem first."

"Let's go! Dongdong!"

His orders seemed to be of the highest order!

What is it that makes Dongdong so obedient?

Is it because of the leader module?

Or is it the leader module, which is similar... the leader, leader, and lord module all have special restrictions on the subordinates!

It's level suppression!

Or rank suppression!

After all, why do military ranks appear in the mechanical world?

Too many doubts!


These problems will one day be solved by him.

next second.

Dongdong followed immediately.

Fang Che looked at the progress of the fastest developed technology, and consciously completed the ii battery technology.

He ran forward with Dongdong directly.


[Radar scans within 500 meters]: One large-scale mechanical warrior, one hundred and thirty medium-sized mechanical warriors, one thousand one hundred and three small mechanical warriors...

The supercomputing information that is automatically prompted keeps flashing.

For mechanical life, all data is cold.

Perhaps humans feel dizzy.

But for Fang Che, data and so on are as simple as human breathing.

He has no discomfort.

"After one hundred meters, you will encounter a medium-sized fighter."

"Your airborne photoelectric sighting system is aiming at the opponent!"


"Three meters, a small mechanical warrior at the foot!"

"Judgment, the opponent is about to launch an upward attack!"



Fang Che casually trampled to death an insect-shaped alloy mechanical warrior!


How dare such a small thing challenge him!

But every mechanical life is looking for strength.

When Fang Che challenged the large body, the mechanical warrior of the large body thought the same...

at this time.

Fang Che thought of it completely indifferently.

He didn't even look at the prompt information on the light screen panel, and automatically stored the exploded things in his backpack!

Put it this way!

With the Fang Che of the supercomputing module, processing data and information is also very fast.

After all, the supercomputing module is for him.


ps: Ask again, ask for data again

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