Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter Thirty-Six Ammunition Accumulation (Seeking Everything)


Before they got close, there were a few swift dragon mechanical warriors about the size of a small kangaroo!

From a hundred meters away, he seemed to sense the arrival of Fang Che and Dongdong.

Only a few red dots were seen on the radar.

It spread out suddenly, and surrounded it with the momentum of encirclement and suppression!


"Is there a radar module? Or something! How did they find themselves at such a long distance!"

Fang Che was puzzled, and suddenly jumped up, "The left side of Dongdong is handed over to you."

There was a bang.

It hit the ground at an uncontrollable speed.

Under the force of inertia, the common-grade alloy long knife easily decapitated the head of a swift dragon-shaped mechanical warrior.


The broken wire sparked as soon as it hit the ground.

[Your team kills the sergeant-level swift dragon mechanical warrior! 】

[You get 130 experience points! 】

[You get one percent of the swift dragon module! 】

[You get 500 grams of zinc alloy material! 】

[You get diesel engine parts +1]


Fang Che quickly turned to the other swift dragon mechanical warrior on the right.

The airborne photoelectric sighting system automatically locks to the target position.

Supercomputing module, the target operation is in progress.

Information appeared in Fang Che's mind within a second: the target has an 80% chance to attack from the left after 13 milliseconds! Twenty percent will jump up and launch a pouncing bite.


As supercalculated.

This velociraptor mechanical warrior attacked from the left.

Of course, these computing modules such as supercomputers are only auxiliary equipment.

Combat Sometimes data is not everything.

But there is no doubt that with supercomputer calculations, he will avoid a lot of dangers.

However, the next second.

Fang Che made a knife.

Just like having the ability to predict the future, come out in advance.

The speedy dragon-type mechanical warrior who was rushing forward saw the sharp alloy blade, and wanted to dodge quickly, but it was too late to turn, and then hit the blade.

The head was broken in an instant!

The whole process was a bit weird, as if this swift dragon mechanical warrior was committing suicide...


[Your team kills the sergeant-level swift dragon mechanical warrior! 】

[You get 130 experience points! 】

[You get one percent of the swift dragon module! 】

[You get 300 grams of titanium alloy material! 】


Titanium again!

Fang Che found that most of the mechanical warriors modified the alloy body, and they chose titanium alloy.

The body of other material alloys is much less.

But titanium alloy is indeed the most suitable airframe among alloy materials!

Five minutes later, Dongdong also ended the fight and came to meet up.


But the days of the two of them hunting down the dinosaur-shaped body began.


【Ding! If you sign in successfully, you can sign in for 22 consecutive days, and you will be rewarded with a physical talent of 1! 】

【Ding! If you sign in successfully, you will be rewarded with 1 ton of tungsten alloy for 23 consecutive days! 】

【Ding! Successful sign-in, continuous sign-in for 24 days, accumulation of reward ammunition! 】

After spending three days in a row safely, signing in to get rewards has appeared before.

And there are new rewards that have not appeared before!

【Ammo stacking】: Ammunition stacking technology will make ammunition stacked together to save space.

What does that mean!

But it is just like the meaning of the literal hint, which can stack ammunition together, such as the technology that one bullet can be superimposed into two.

Use one space to stack ammunition that usually requires ten spaces!

Seems like a small technique.

Available for thermal weapons!

For mechanical life forms, ammunition accumulation will allow them to store more ammunition in their bodies.


Fang Che was extremely depressed, this technique is of course good.

But he doesn't have a hot weapon!

This kind of technology can only be temporarily put in the warehouse to eat ashes.

But every mechanical warrior has his own scientific and technological reserves.

And the more powerful the mechanical warrior.

The more scientific and technological reserves they have!

After all, it will be used one day, applying these scientific and technological reserves to one's own body or other aspects.

"Damn it! Fang Che? Another announcement on the world chat channel."

"Ammunition accumulation technology? What kind of black technology is this!"

"Please explain the black technology!"

"It's a little simpler than the last airborne photoelectric sighting system, but how did he do it!"

"I'm afraid this is also the protection object of our country on earth!"

"Do you think Fang Che is a very powerful scientist?"

"The airborne optoelectronic sighting system the day before yesterday! Today is ammunition accumulation again! How did he do it, even if it is copying technology, it is impossible!"

"I'm afraid this Fang Che is not... the legendary national soldier!"

"No, the ammunition accumulation technology is just a theoretical technology. The ammunition accumulation technology on our earth is just a fake ammunition accumulation technology! It is digital management, but the announcement on the chat channel of this technical world did not copy two words!"

"The ammunition accumulation technology he developed by himself?"

This message, which seemed to be sent by a professional, instantly attracted everyone's attention to the world announcement.


ps: I don’t know why today, I’m dizzy. I fell asleep as soon as I lay down at night, and then woke up... Speed ​​up the code and get the fifth update!

Ask for support, ask for all data support, a little flower is also a motivation for me, thank you everyone.

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Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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