Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 23 Rewards For Deceiving People (Please Everything, Thank You Everyone)

"Congratulations to Feng Shun for transforming into a fox-type body, and gaining the closeness of the fox-type model family."

"Congratulations to Liu Sanyilang, who copied the earth technology steam engine and won the encouragement reward from the mechanical world! A random reward of three tons of alloy material titanium!"

The reminder of the announcement kept passing through the world chat channel.


Liu San Yilang?

The name should be someone from a certain country.

Just in the mechanical world.

Steam engine power should belong entirely to that kind of technology that is not worth mentioning.

But after copying it, he still got the consolation reward of the mechanical world?

"Who doesn't know the principle of a steam engine! This kind of power system is not as good as the power system of our own body."

"Then why don't you copy it?"

"Who is interested in steam engines? Changing one's body to steam engine power, is this degrading?"

"How many times do you beep when you walk two steps? You're killing me from laughing."

"Upstairs, you are wrong. The steam engine needs to be boiled before it can operate. I highly doubt that if this power system is replaced, the walking speed will drop below the attribute value of 5! Haha..."

"But others have won rewards, and you are not angry!"

"Don't worry, I'm sorry to be a high-speed rail engineer when I study the levitation force."


"Under what conditions can you develop magnetic levitation?"

Is it steam powered?

Fang Che knows to start with gunpowder.

It's just the beginning!

More and more technologies will be copied!

And the Earthlings with these talents...

These technologies will be used to modify their bodies.

These people who laughed at Liu Sanyilang's research and development of the "steam engine"?

I'm afraid I don't know yet, the body can be transformed into two power systems!

Is water a scarce resource?

In the mechanical world, water resources can be found everywhere!

After all, there is also the sea here!

There are also mechanical warriors in the water...

With the current equipment conditions of the people on earth, it is already the limit to develop a steam engine in more than ten days.

But Fang Che believes that this Liu Sanyilang probably used all his energy to develop the steam engine before it was successfully developed.

Others can research the steam engine today!

The fuel engine can be copied tomorrow!

To know……


Fang Che looked at the R&D panel he was transforming.

His diesel engine is 1% in development progress!

It is really touching!

But others copied it entirely by knowledge.

Fang Che's research and development method relying on light screen panels, to be precise, is analysis!

Fang Che continued to watch.

Information about the city is only sporadic.

It seems most people don't want to talk about cities.

"Looking for a companion! Is there any!"

"Port Botan Port, is there anyone around here!"

"Where to gather?"

"Private chat~!"


More and more city names have been mentioned.

For example, this port city that sounds like it is built on the water's edge, Port Botan Port!

The ability to build ports and cities shows that civilization exists in the mechanical world.

It's not that there is no trace of civilization like this grassland in front of you.

It's just that he didn't find traces of civilization.

After Fang Che looked at these city messages, he turned off the world chat channel.

City has city survival!

The wilderness has the wilderness to survive!

【Ding! Sign in successfully, sign for 13 consecutive days, and get a reward turret tower base module! 】

Before I knew it, another day passed.

Just when Fang Che thought it was like this, he heard the thirteen-day reward.

In an instant, his whole face became extremely exciting.

"The turret tower base module?"

Hot weapons!


At a time when almost all people on earth are using cold weapons.

He has hot weapons.

Fang Che thought about it excitedly, looked through his backpack, and checked it.

But the next second.

Fang Che wanted to curse!

[Turret tower base module]: Turret tower base technology, after equipped, allows the body to be modified and installed with a turret!

"Do you want to be so foolish?"

Fang Che looked at the turret module in the backpack!

This is equivalent to the tower base where the turret is placed, without the barrel!

Indistinguishable from an empty shelf.

In other words, it is equivalent to having this thing!

Only his body can install the turret barrel...

With or without, it makes no difference.

Fang Che was so excited that he equipped the base of the turret.


[Hint, you have unlocked the weapon modification! 】

Turret Tower Base: The tower base used to install the turret!

But it's not as useless as imagined, after all, only with this module can the turret be installed.

But this created a new problem.

Where will I install the turret in the future!

Really tangled!

Fang Che couldn't laugh or cry.

He doesn't have a gun, but because of this module, he wants to think about the future.

However, you can choose to install it on your shoulders, your back, or even your thighs!

But in the end Fang Che mounted the entire turret module on the left shoulder.

[Your turret tower base module has been installed on the left shoulder]

【You can transform a thermal weapon on your left shoulder—a cannon! 】

But he doesn't have technology about thermal weapons and cannons.

How could it be possible to transform a cannon!


Once equipped, that's it.

"Dongdong! Come out and let's go!"

Fang Che called softly towards the empty grassland.

Immediately afterwards, the grass on the left shook for a while, and Dongdong ran out quickly.

Follow Fang Che on the right and start the journey of the thirteenth day in the mechanical world.


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