Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 163 Life Allegiance

"Silicon-Based Life! A Way of Allegiance of the Highest Courtesy!"

All the silicon-based life forms present thought in amazement.

Even Fang Che didn't expect that millimeter wave would make such a move.

This 45% recruitment rate is really terrifying.

Maybe in the eyes of Tyrannosaurus rex fighters, I am really charming!

"Why? Why do you want to pledge your allegiance to me?"

See such respect for yourself!

The way to take out the fire of your own soul! Fang Che, who is loyal to himself, looked at the other party and asked in doubt.

Questions he has always wondered about.

Moreover, the millimeter wave also uses etiquette, which is almost equivalent to using the way of life to pledge allegiance.

Millimeter wave, holding his own soul flame, "I want to surrender to you! A kind of perception, but I believe in this intuition, and you are also very strong!"

"Willingly, my leader! When I was in Licheng and saw you for the first time, I felt that you are the leader of my life!"

All the surrounding silicon-based life forms were amazed at what the millimeter wave said.

With a horrified attitude, he looked at Fang Che.

"Why don't we feel the charm!"

"What is Charm 21?"

"It seems that in the future, we will transform the body to be more handsome, look at Mr. Fang Che.

"I wipe! This kind of thing happened."

"Why is no one calling me a leader!"

"No! Silicon-based life can also be handsome!"

"Why can't you, don't you see, Fang Che's charm that has nowhere to be placed?"

This kind of discussion is naturally the new species of earth people who have been forcibly recruited.

Look at millimeter waves that offer, the highest ceremonial way of allegiance!

Fang Che said: "I accept your allegiance, Mi Bo!"

Fang Che naturally knows that the real reason is the role of the leader's characteristics. The leader module can be said to be the most mysterious reward he has received, and it is also the most mysterious module.

"Should we join Fang Che's Dragon Faction!"

"Yes! Boss, accept us!"

"Join what!"

"I will also create a very powerful faction in the future..."

At the same time, Fang Che's light screen panel received the application information.

But Fang Che refused.

【You rejected, Lucien's application to join the Dragon Sect!】

Fang Che - refused.

If they use the ritual of millimeter wave to pledge their allegiance, maybe Fang Che will accept them and join the Dragon Sect without even thinking about it.

After all, he needs absolutely loyal faction members, subordinates with more than seventy loyalty.

[Name]: Millimeter wave.

[lv]: level 232

Loyalty: 100 (will not betray)

[Energy]: 15000/51000

【Faction】: Dragon School

【Title】: None

【Identity】: Captain

【Life Point】: 300


【Maximum speed of action】: 1806km/lh

【Response speed】: 390/1 second


[Equipment]: Electromagnetic shield module, electromagnetic artillery weapon module, rail gun weapon module, energy output system, laser sword, nuclear power module, iv-level battery x2, rotary autocannon module, filter module...

【Skill】: Unknown

At the same time, after opening the millimeter wave property panel, Fang Che was shocked.

Among them are some weapon modules that even he has never heard of.

Railgun? What the hell!

The filter module is a kind of interference module, which Fang Che knows, but the electromagnetic shield?

There are too many technologies in the mechanical world.

But to sum up, all of them are defense and weapon modules developed by electromagnetic technology, particles, neutrons, and other technologies.

Of course, there are some technologies that Fang Che cannot understand.

It is worthy of being a second-level civilization-level mechanical warrior.

The electromagnetic shield is supposed to be a defensive module.

The strength of the middle and late stages of the second-level civilization!

Fang Che saw the millimeter wave property panel.

But it can be seen that the millimeter wave is not weak, even stronger than him.

And the opponent's second form is a tank!

It is definitely a strength that is only available in the late stage of the second-level civilization!

The silicon-based beings of the second-level civilization around them couldn't believe that the millimeter wave, which is also a mechanical warrior of the second-level civilization, would exchange their allegiance with such a high ceremony.

This is to give your life to the other party to express your absolute loyalty.

Close the opponent's property panel.

Then Fang Che rushed towards the base with the new member millimeter wave.

Radar navigation is handy.

Just like the satellite navigation of cars and airplanes on the earth, there is no need to worry about getting lost.

At the same time, Ba Zhentian and the members of the Ba faction can be seen hunting and killing the members of the Tiger faction who are no longer a threat.

Some of the more than sixty second-level civilized fighters who accepted the task of guarding and supporting the city, chose to join the city-building faction, and some chose to leave like Fang Che.

And the new species recruited by force were directly abandoned in place, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Say it!

Mandatory drafting, Fang Che has not used it yet.

He has the rank of corporal, but he can force those new species to be included under his command, but his loyalty is extremely extreme.

If you need cannon fodder someday!

Instead, you can recruit some cannon fodder with your military rank!

Fang Che thought coldly in his heart...

While advancing towards the base at the speed of sound,...

Of course, there is no need to worry about millimeter waves at all. Now that the other party joins the Dragon faction, it is considered that 940 is sharing the base location.

But don’t worry, millimeter waves can’t find a base!

On the other side, Fang Che began to sort out the income from this g-level mission.

Earn more than you can imagine!

The body of a Level 3 civilized mechanical warrior.

The beam weapon module, as well as the black metal that can be used as a biological weapon, and the liquid metal that is like venom!

"It turns out that the benefits of doing tasks are so great!"

The effort was not in vain.

And those precious experiences are the greatest wealth. He didn't expect the ground tiger's soul fire to be placed in the heart, and he seemed to have to find a safe place to hide it in his body.

The soul flame is placed on the head, and only new species can do this.

Now Fang Che knew that he could put the soul flame anywhere else in the body, so he naturally wanted to make some changes.




Waist it!

This location feels like an unexpected location.

When the base appeared in front of him again, Fang Che had already hidden his black and white soul flame at the front of his waist...

Now that it is like this, even if someone blows his head off, he no longer has to worry.

After all, if the waist is damaged, almost the entire body will lose its combat effectiveness.

Even with a head and no waist connected to the body, no matter what form the body is, it is difficult to change the situation of the battle against the sky!.

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