Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 130 Quantum Hacking (Fifth Change, Seeking Everything)

[Port intrusion system module]: Three-level civilization science and technology, quantum technology, injects its own quantum entanglement into the target network database, invades the target's communication, and hijacks the target's quantum connection.

"This... is the intrusion technology of quantum hackers!"


There is no problem with the law of system sign-in rewards!

The black flames in Fang Che's eyes suddenly ignited, and he thought excitedly.

This is a module that can only be owned by mechanical warriors belonging to the third-level spy department!

Of course, due to their particularity, most of the mechanical warriors of the spy department are extremely small bodies.

It often appears in the mother star of the mechanical world and in every corner of the world.

However, it's not that mysterious.

After all the skill points, Fang Che has already encountered two skills similar to the spy system.

This type of mechanical warrior, don't look at the small size of the machine, you think it can be trampled to death with one foot!

When it is actually encountered, it is extremely difficult to deal with.

Especially the mechanical warriors with medium and large bodies often find it difficult to meet the mechanical warriors with small bodies.

On the contrary, the j01 model is suitable for dealing with spy-type mechanical warriors, that is, the body that is as tall as a human being!

After all, the 973 is bigger, and if the radar fails to detect it, the consequences will be unimaginable.

However, once caught by a medium or larger body, the mechanical warriors of the spy system are often fragile.

But none of that matters right now.

"Can I hack someone else's database!"

Fang Che came to a mechanical warrior whose soul flame was still in the Velociraptor body after being blown up.

The only regret is!

Port hacking!

As the name suggests!




Must touch the target! to start hacking the target's database.

Therefore, there is a certain risk. You must know that this kind of invasion can only be launched before the mechanical warrior is on standby.

Once the soul fire of the target leaves the body, it means that the quantum network is interrupted!

Therefore, many silicon-based life forms often connect this technology to an extremely resilient "one line" to facilitate the invasion of the target's database.


Fang Che didn't master that technique, so he could only let it go and put his fingers on the mechanical body of the Velociraptor.

【Your quantum hacking port intrusion technology module has been successfully activated!】

Sure enough, there is no 100% secure network in this world, even if it is a quantum network, there will be corresponding hacker technology intrusion.

next second.

【You are invading the target's database!】

【The invasion succeeded in five seconds!】






[You successfully hacked into the target's database. 】

At the same time, Fang Che's light screen panel displayed the other party's world chat information.

And there is still an unfinished message for the target!

"Help...Bosses, there is a group of Tyrannosaurus Rex mechanical warriors hundreds of kilometers southeast of Cloud Wing City going crazy...I..."

This message was like this, before it was finished, he sent it into the world chat channel belonging to their world.

"All creatures in Felwood, we must unite!"

"Finish! What the hell is crazy!"

"???What's the meaning!"

"Cloud Wing City?"

"Have you organized a group to see..."

"Is it our own, Tyrannosaurus-type machine?"

"We have been in this world for three years. Can we go back?"

"Give up fantasy!"

"From hundreds of millions of messages in the past, to now only hundreds of thousands of messages per day!"

"All the creatures of our Felwood world! If we are not united, what awaits us is death! The Felwood world will completely cease to exist, and we are the last hope of the Felwood world!


Fang Che silently sent this message in the name of the dying velociraptor mechanical warrior.

next second. (cbeg)

This message appeared in the chat channel of Felwood World...

"Flynn Warren! Do you know what you're talking about?"

"It is because of stupid existence like you that there are only less than one million people left in Felwood!"


"We are united!"


After sending the message, Fang Che has silently exited the world chat channel of Felwood World.

can follow!

【Attention, Lynn Warren is in the anti-invasion!】

Flynn Warren?


It turned out to be the owner of this velociraptor-type mechanical warrior body, who was intruding against his own quantum hacker port!

"It's amazing!"

Fang Che couldn't believe how he did it!

"Obviously there is no anti-quantum hacking technology, but it can resist intrusion. Is it spiritual power? But can spiritual power really do this?"

However, what level of civilization technology does spiritual power belong to?

Belongs to the divine civilization?




"Do you know what unity is?"

next second.

In the name of Flynn Warren, Fang Che continued to sneer in the world chat channel of Felwood World.

"Nyma's! It's Flynn Warren again!"

"Labor and management are going to tear him apart!"

"Looking for death! In the name of the world of Felwood, I ask you to apologize! Otherwise, I will find you and kill you to death.

"Hehe~! I don't believe it!"

Fang Che smiled, and turned off the information on the chat channel of Felwood World in the next second.

But then -

【Attention, Flynn Warren is in the anti-invasion!】

【Attention, Flynn Warren is in the anti-invasion!】

【Attention, Flynn Warren is in the anti-invasion!】

"Spirit! Sure enough, it is the power of spirit."

Fang Che looked excitedly at the prompt of the light screen panel.

It turns out that spiritual power can really be so powerful!

No wonder there is an S-level faction in the mechanical world, which holds the ultimate power of "spiritual power", and is recognized as an S-level faction.

This moment.

Fang Che couldn't help thinking,

The only S-level faction in the mechanical world that controls the ultimate technology of "spiritual power"——Spirit faction!

And this silicon-based life named Flynn Warren, under his stimulation, unexpectedly counter-invaded again and again.

Obviously wanting to manipulate his quantum network!


It's amazing!

If I continue to send chat messages in his name!

Will Flynn Wallen actually succeed in anti-invasion?

Fang Che thought excitedly.

For a while, Yuanran researched on the road!

He even forgot that he invaded Flynn Warren's velociraptor body in order to steal the opponent's database technology!

Had a great time...

ps: Thank you Wei for the reward, Wuchang! Thank you for everyone's support, thank you once a day. .

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