Forty-five percent recruitment probability!

Fang Che was startled by this data.

The data stored in the super brain and the data in the memory of the mind clearly told Fang Che that under the boost of the title and leader module, he only had a 20% chance of successfully recruiting other mechanical warriors.

"For transforming the Tyrannosaurus-type body, the Mechanic World rewards ----- Tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior family friendship! Could it be that this reward has increased so much when recruiting Tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warriors?~"


Fang Che clearly remembered that the last time when he was recruiting 'doctors and nurses', the friendship of the tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warriors increased the recruitment-probability by 5%!

But now recruiting Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors directly increases the probability to 25%!

Fang Che understands very well!

This difference comes from leader module mutation.

It is a particularity produced after the lord-level module of the ancient tyrannosaur family is equipped.

【You have the friendship of the tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior family!】

【You have successfully equipped the ancient tyrannosaurus rex family lord module!】

【Note that your leader module integrates functions and produces mutations!】

[Leadership module]: 5% chance to recruit targets, increase the recruitment probability of tyrannosaurus mechanical warriors by 25%! The leader level of the tyrannosaurus mechanical warrior family has the legal leader status of the tyrannosaurus mechanical warrior family.

After seeing the text message at this time.

Fang Che suddenly realized that the mutation is the integration function!

But mutation, maybe it refers to the theory of the legal leader of the tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior family?

"It means that I have the qualifications to become the leader of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior!"

That is the correct explanation!

After Fang Che understood.

Clan Friendship? The value of this reward has been increased.

And the explanation of the legal leadership of the tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior family? It has no practical use, it is a hidden effect, just like the probability of recruitment.

If it is understood that with this explanation, the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors all over the world will be loyal, then it is a big mistake!

It is equivalent to having that leadership qualification.

Higher chances of recruitment!

If used well, it will be different.

the other side.

Fang Che looked at Gang Fist's options.

It has to be said that he wants to devour the soul flame of the ancient species even more.

Red level! I don't know how many times I can evolve my soul fire to this color.

Gobble up the gains before your eyes. Immediately, his soul fire will undergo a great change.


The information in the head of the ancient species is crucial.


If it really doesn’t work, first recruit yourself and ask for the information you want, and then devour the other party in one bite!


On the light screen panel, the recruitment information of Steel Fist appeared again.

Fang Che looked at the new recruitment prompt in surprise, it was a urging from the ancient species.

"Recruit each other!"

Fang Che finally chose the other party's allegiance.

Return to base back.

Fang Che picked from the backpack.

He kept every type of body module, which seems to be a kind of collection addiction.

From these airframe modules, emergency vehicles and engineering modules were quickly selected.

The emergency vehicle engineering vehicle module is a special body with repair equipment. Most of the mechanical warriors who have this body will choose to become maintenance mechanical warriors.

Now, for the entire faction, there is only one maintenance battle for medical care, which is still a little less.

The first-level civilized emergency maintenance vehicle is similar to the body module, and its special function is maintenance.


When Fang Che slowly sent the ancient species to the body module of the emergency vehicle, the hidden tongue species flew back into his hands.


also the same!

"Not satisfied?"

Fang Che frowned, this ancient species is still picky about the body.

Several of his men have never had such a thing happen.

That being the case.

Fang Che threw out a few more body modules.

Beast type, dinosaur type, 4 engineering body modules.

At this moment, the ancient species——Steel Fist!

After seeing the Tyrannosaurus rex body module appearing, he flew in without hesitation.

I really have a soft spot for the Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Squeak! Squeak! When!

Suddenly, the small tyrannosaurus rex-shaped body, which was more than one meter long, transformed successfully.

next second.

Switch to the second form humanoid state.

Then Steel Fist roared loudly: "You definitely have a leader module!"

"Tyrannosaurus-type family, the steel fist helps the leader to dominate the world!"

... ‥ Asking for flowers ... 0

Dominate the world!


Fang Che was stunned, the world view of the ancient species is so powerful.

In fact, Fang Che hadn't thought about this problem at all.

After all, he is still living in the mechanical world.

With the civilization level of the mechanical world, the first level civilization dominates the entire mechanical world?


But it is impossible now, and it may be true in the future.

However, my goal now is to survive!

Recruited the ancient species?

J01, who was still puzzled at first, was shocked when she saw the ancient steel fist switch to the second form.

Ancient Recruitment!

It is not as simple as imagined!

In the entire mechanical world, it can be said that there has never been a situation where ancient species were recruited.


However, Fang Che successfully recruited the ancient species.

And, what did she hear!

"He owes his allegiance to the leader!"

"Leader module?"

Just when j01 shocked Fang Che to successfully recruit the ancient species, she heard another piece of information that made her unbelievable.

That is an extremely rare module.

But this kind of module is generally in the soul flame, unless Fang Che is hunted down, otherwise it is impossible to explode.

It is even impossible for others to notice that the other party has a leader module!

Moreover, the leader modules are all equipped by the ancient species, and there are not many pieces in the entire mechanical world!


The leader module is a qualification that can become a leader.

Many common modules, such as bosses, bosses, and lords, have this effect.

And having this type of module is equivalent to having the qualifications officially recognized by the mechanical world.

A module without this kind of leader performance just has a title for nothing.

There is nothing remarkable about it.

But Fang Che's leader module only has a 5% chance of being recruited at first.

This kind of leader module that the mechanical world rewards new species is obviously very different from the ancient leader module.

After all, ancient module materials have mysterious powers.

Such as Fang Che!

His leader module is mutated? Leader traits are also mutated.

This variation is obviously caused by the lord-level module of the ancient tyrannosaurus rex family!

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