[Initiate research and development]: The progress of analyzing the material steel is 100%.

【hint! 】

[You lack materials and cannot develop a new body! 】


Didn't study hard!

Fang Che's eyes flashed, the flames in his head had been devoured for several days, and the flames in the brains of other mechanical soldiers had turned more and more blue.

"I only know that an alloy is a metal obtained by melting and cooling several metals or non-metals..."

Fang Che tried hard to recall that bit of knowledge, who told him that he was doing business on Earth.

Learning knowledge is not his strong point at all.

"Those mathematics, physics and chemistry subjects are too dominant. Where can I find materials!"

But he only knows aluminum alloy!

This alloy is light in weight and high in strength!

But not at all suitable for the organism.

How does this alloy material, which is not resistant to impact, adapt to high-intensity combat in combat.

Suffice to say, any brittle and hard materials are out of consideration.


Perhaps in the mechanical world, aluminum alloys will be different.

After all, material science is as vast as the sea of ​​stars.

Fang Che didn't want to use himself for experiments...

I have no choice but to be unwilling to give up unlocking new material science!

Wei Wei misses the days when materials can be seen everywhere on the earth...


Body materials, one step ahead.

It can be said to be extremely comfortable.

Ordinary grade iron body.

Can't even stand his bare hands in front of him.

The toughness of the iron body is too poor, it is hard, and under the huge force, it will break abruptly.


The white horse is too late.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Fang Che continued to go deep into the grassland.

In the depths, there were bursts of strange noises. Compared with the edge, the half-person and one-person-high grass became a natural protection, and many shaking grass could see the figure of a mechanical warrior with a beast-shaped body.

Fang Che did not rely on any slack in the steel body, and someone in the world chat channel has already posted photos.

On that photo!

There is an unknown animal-shaped body with a machine gun on its back, which can be freely retracted into the body.


The man didn't dare to get too close, he didn't get a good shot, and he didn't know what kind of animal it was!

With the transformation of billions of people on earth into mechanical warriors, more and more traces of thermal weapons will gradually appear in front of everyone.

Those mighty bodies!

Therefore, Fang Che was even more worried.

There are more and more mechanical warriors in the depths of the grassland.

Maybe if you take a step forward, you will step into the lair of beast-shaped mechanical bodies!

"one two three……"

Three-headed hyena-type mechanical body!

This kind of mechanical body with red eyes is extremely disgusting. It has a black appearance and amazing bite force. It is small in size but has the speed of a wolf-shaped machine. What's more disgusting is that it has more than three heads!

Fight together!


Fang Che drew out the iron spear on his back!

Lock the direction!


The iron spear was thrown like a flying arrow, and there was a sound of piercing through the air, Fang Che jumped up after him.

Knife skills are used.

The alloy long knife shows its sharpness!

With the power of jumping up, he slashed down suddenly, cutting off a hyena model body!

At the same time, with a backhand punch, the head of the rushing hyena-type mechanical warrior exploded.


The iron dog's head obviously made a crunching sound.

The toughness of the steel body material has not been lost at all under such an impact.

The advantages of materials are obvious.

"You killed a soldier-level hyena-type mechanical warrior!"

"You get 12 points of experience! Get 180 grams of common-grade material iron! Get one percent of the hyena-type mechanical module!"

"You killed a soldier-level hyena-type mechanical warrior!"

"You get 12 points of experience! Get 180 grams of common-grade material iron! Get one percent of the hyena-type mechanical module!"


However, the third head!



Aw~ woo~!

A wolf-shaped mechanical clan, the unique howl of a wolf, came from not far away.

Fang Che, who was advancing, paused on the spot when he heard it.

I can't help squatting down instinctively!

As if falling into a state of stillness, he lurked towards the place where the sound came from.


Gently part the grass in front of you.

"That's right, it's a wolf-shaped mechanical warrior!"

Fang Che was startled, "Is this the wolf-type mechanical warrior I've seen?"

On the grass that has collapsed, a wolf-type mechanical warrior that has never been seen before?

A mechanical claw held down the hyena-type mechanical warrior who ran away with Fang Che's iron spear inserted!

It directly bit off the head of the hyena-type body, devouring the white flame.

"It turns out that the aborigines will also swallow that flame!"

Fang Che was taken aback!

"A wolf-type mechanical warrior with a steel body."

That's right, only the steel body has this brighter color than iron.

This is the first time Fang Che has seen the steel body of the aboriginal mechanical warrior.

The wolf type is really a perfect one of a kind airframe! Regardless of the wolves on Earth or the mechanical wolves in this world, it seems that this kind of body has the advantage of standing out.

Can't make it!

Suddenly, a hesitant thought appeared in my mind.


In a blink of an eye, this beast-shaped warrior, which was twice the size of a wolf and about three meters in size, turned its head sideways.

Blue eyes, looking at him?

What a difference!

"Unlike any organism I've encountered."

Including those eyes! Completely blue eyes.

This means!

The most mysterious flame in the mechanical warrior's head.

The flames of this wolf-shaped steel body fighter have completely turned blue!

You know, the flame in Fang Che's head is only a little bit blue.


"Done! Wealth and wealth are in danger."

Fang Che struggled for a moment, and the long alloy knife in his hand swung across.



Instead of howling like a wolf, it roared directly.


The steel body wolf fighter not far away is gone!


When it reappeared, it had already appeared near Fang Che.

Afterimage-like speed...

Is this... this... such a strong beast warrior?

But Fang Che's reaction and movement speed are only so much!

【Movement speed】: 10km/1h

[Reaction Speed]: 25/1 second

These two attributes on the panel, although I don't know how far it is from the mechanical warrior of this wolf-shaped body.

But the gap is absolutely horrific.

Fang Che was stunned, how could he fight at such a fast speed, he seemed to have encountered a ferocious machine fighter!

It is impossible to escape.

However, the wolf-type fighter with a steel body doesn't care what the enemy thinks!

In the blink of an eye, he quickly bumped into Fang Che!


Hit directly!

At this moment Fang Che flew up.

So strong!


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