Me and countless me

Chapter 210 The destiny that cannot be defied

Li Ke's guess was absolutely correct. Although they didn't get married the next day, the moment they entered the city, Li Ke saw members of his Wang family, and then——

He was placed under semi-house arrest.

His uncle didn't look like he was about to die at all. After receiving him, he spoke to him gently.

"You must become the mainstay of the Wang family, Mang'er. Among our Wang family, you have the best reputation and the greatest knowledge. Hengqu Four Sentences are a model for countless scholars... Here is a copy of The Analects of Confucius and the Spring and Autumn Period. Note, please watch carefully. After you get married, we will arrange for you to debate and let you get the position you deserve."

Li Ke sat in his room, facing Liu Xiu who was nibbling peaches, and said what his uncle said to him, and then sighed deeply.

Liu Xiu also looked at Li Ke and tilted his head.

"It seems like your uncle doesn't really want you to be his heir."

Although Liu Xiu didn't know what the real heir to a large family was like, he would definitely not be what Li Ke is now.

Even if he is not allowed to go out, even his mother and sister-in-law have been arranged to other places, saying that before he becomes an official, he cannot be distracted, and then when he has nothing to do in the morning, he can just go to his uncle's place to bring tea and water. .

"To be precise, my uncle wanted me to get ahead first and give the Wang family a very good reputation, and then use my reputation to do other things, even some treasonous things."

When Li Ke thought of this, he couldn't help but think of Wang Mang in the original history.

In the original history, Wang Mang was really a great saint, an undoubted moral saint, and a Confucian god. But unfortunately, Confucianism represented the interests of landlords and emperors. Confucianism was already a tool, with annotations on moral articles and various Citing scriptures is not only a monopoly on common people's knowledge, it is also black talk.

Some jargon on profit distribution requires the use of classics from each company.

For example, the allusion of Zigong's redemption of cattle can be used as a slang term for distribution, making it appear that one is quoting scriptures and discussing moral articles with others, but in fact one is dividing the spoils.

Wang Mang rose to power through morality.

And now.

"It is estimated that soon there will be rumors about my outrageous filial behavior such as lying on the ice to beg for a carp, plus the miniskirt and twin ponytails that I got into when I was messing around, there will even be simple rumors, but in fact they are just that. It’s just XP that I like…”

Li Ke took a sip of tea and then spoke.

"Actually, I also like silk stockings, stockings, boots, men's beauties and the like, but these things cannot be made public."

The words of Li Ke, who had been nibbling peaches, made Liu Xiu, who was eating peaches, turn his head away, and then couldn't help but look at Li Ke and asked.

"Then what should you do? Can you still do what you promised me?"


Li Ke sighed. Under the current situation, if he disobeys, he will be crushed to death by the Wang family's forces. If he goes out to work alone, he will be crushed to death by other forces, or he will be killed by the Wang family to scare the monkeys.

"As long as you allow me to do things and promote the research productivity of people all over the world, you can also help me with many things."

Li Ke smiled and looked at 'Yin Lihua'. She was brought in because he regarded her as his own student. When all his servants were replaced, 'Yin Lihua' was the only one he could rely on. .

"Although they need me to make things, for other people in this era, this is an extremely good opportunity and a source of blessing. Unfortunately... it is not for me. So, after learning some things here , just take my handwriting, accept the food, grass, men and horses I left before I came, and do something."

Li Ke sighed a little. All his own people were detained by his uncle. If the previously reserved people were not handed over to 'Yin Lihua', they would all be cut off in less than a year. If they were left to the other party, it could be extended for a while.

And this process of my own will take at least three years.

"What are you going to teach me?"

Liu Xiu looked at Li Ke. She always felt that this man had infinite knowledge in his heart. Every time she communicated with Li Ke, she benefited a lot. She saw things that she could not see before and learned things that she could not learn before. .

However, Li Ke said something to Liu Xiu that Liu Xiu couldn't believe.

“Knowledge of rebellion.”

When the words fell, thunder fell from the sky, reflecting Li Ke's face as if it were a demon in the darkness. Then a heavy rain poured down, and no matter whether it was any warlock or the person eavesdropping at the door, they could not hear anything. arrive.

Liu Xiu opened his eyes wide again, and then watched Li Ke slowly speak, and said the dragon-slaying technique.

For a moment, the glowing light suddenly shone in the sky, and the light of the Ziwei Star was even more obscured by the light of the Seven Killing Stars. All the fortune tellers felt that the sky was beginning to become chaotic, and the stars in the sky were also beginning to be chaotic, and countless The stars began to fall, and they began to rush to this world with their destiny.

Liu Xiu looked at Li Ke in shock and kept listening to Li Ke's explanation of dragon slaying skills.

Her worldview is also changing bit by bit, from a simple country girl who regards the law of the jungle as the truth, moving towards an unknown possibility.

She is still ruthless and ruthless, but she knows the right amount and can still sacrifice everyone for her own cause, but her vision is hundreds of thousands of feet higher than the originally destined trajectory.


"Okay, I've talked enough, let's go to bed."

After talking for a few hours, Li Ke also felt tired, and then pulled Liu Xiu to bed. Liu Xiu looked at the gorgeous big bed and Li Ke who had started to take off his coat, and was a little scared, but finally nodded.


Liu Xiu had a wonderful expectation in her heart. After all, it had been so long, and she was ready, so when Li Ke took off his clothes, Liu Xiu went over to help, and then saw that Li Ke had no intention of taking off her clothes, so she took off her own coat, leaving only one layer, so that Li Ke could see her full mountains and tight thighs.

Liu Xiu was looking forward to it.

But Li Ke, who was full of politics, instantly entered the black fog space when he lay on the bed. In Liu Xiu's opinion, he fell asleep.


Liu Xiu opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, and was embarrassed to push Li Ke up, so she pursed her lips and entered Li Ke's bed with a blushing cheek.

At this time, the maid at the door, who had not heard anything before, happened to see this scene.

So, she turned around quickly and went to report.

But Liu Xiu and Li Ke, who entered the black fog space, knew nothing.

Soon, Li Ke, who had finished his keyboard politics with others, returned to his body and began to sleep formally, but his sleeping posture was not very good, so...


Liu Xiu, who was hugged by Li Ke, made a low and delicate sound. Feeling the feeling of being kneaded, she felt dizzy, but she had no intention of resisting.

"Li Ke Taoist... What kind of pure cultivation is this... So... So... Unpleasant..."

She said the Taoist name that Li Ke had chosen, but the only response to her was Li Ke's breathing, so Liu Xiu sighed a little disappointed, letting Li Ke's sleepwalking continue, and buried his head in Li Ke's arms, fantasizing about having children with Li Ke in the future, and being a harmonious wife with Li Ke's eldest wife like the legendary Ehuang and Nvying, and fell into a sweet dream.

And in the daytime.

"Brother Yin, your pectoral muscles are really exaggerated."

Looking at the steamed bun in his hand, Li Ke expressed his feelings, and Liu Xiu just blushed and gave Li Ke a white look, but he did not bind his chest again, showing his towering mountains.

She almost showed her cards, and Li Ke was——

"Damn, these beasts are really, let's talk about this today."

He bit the steamed bun fiercely and decided to eat ten today!

Then, the two continued to read and understand the current situation in the world, and then Li Ke explained the dragon-slaying technique to Liu Xiu in the storm.

This kind of narration lasted for a full month, and the wind and rain in Chang'an City also lasted for a full month.

At the end of the story, Li Ke looked at the report of the close followers arranged by his uncles, and knew that the current emperor was just short of tying himself to the altar and praying for God's mercy, while Li Ke looked at the storm outside and couldn't help scratching his head.

"My uncles will think that this is a good opportunity."

In this era, it rained for a month, which must be interpreted as God's will. Although it was not big, it was enough for a lot of people to say something.

Because the Wang family worked hard to promote the Han Dynasty, which was the virtue of fire, and the heavy rain for a month would naturally make these conspirators ecstatic.

Liu Xiu, who had listened to Li Ke's rebellion for a month. She looked at Li Ke with a complicated look. She knew that Li Ke already knew her gender completely, but he still told her these things. She didn't quite understand why.

Where is there anyone who teaches women to rebel?

So after Li Ke stopped talking, Liu Xiu also knew that the lecture was about to end, but she had always been confused about one thing.

"Why do you want to teach me this?"

"Even criminals have the right to be taught what mistakes they have made. They should be killed. You are not a heinous person. Why can't you teach me?"

Li Ke said this as if it was a matter of course. As his experience became more and more different from that of Wang Mang in history, his resentment towards Liu Xiu became less and less.

Because Wang Mang in history was different from his puppet.

His uncle really died of illness, not like himself. His uncle could at least live for 30 years and then announced to the public that he was seriously ill and couldn't get out of bed.

And Wang Mang in history had more than 20 years of development time, while he didn't have even a year. He was completely pushed around.

Even his father was deceived by his uncle.

I shouldn't have come to Chang'an, but not coming to Chang'an would be disobeying the order, resisting the authority of the Wang family, and he would die anyway.

"This destiny is really... I don't know how to complain. It really doesn't give me a way to live."

Li Ke sighed.

Liu Xiu thought a lot, she pulled down her clothes, revealing her inner clothes.

During this month, Li Ke slept with her, and because of her status as a book boy, she washed Li Ke's clothes after his normal physiological reactions. Today, she even tried to put on makeup a little. If she hadn't lost her virginity, she would have planned to make her hair look like a woman.

So Liu Xiu already regarded herself as Li Ke's person, and therefore, during this period of study, Liu Xiu had been waiting for Li Ke to become a beast.

But Li Ke didn't! He hugged me every day! He even touched me when I was asleep at night!

When Liu Xiu thought of this, he gritted his teeth and couldn't help asking.

"But... why didn't you do that to me... don't you like me?"

Liu Xiu was really entangled in this matter.

"There are people outside. I'm afraid that if I do something to you, the outsiders will break in. After all..."

Li Ke didn't say anything more, because his uncle had already come, and there was also a piece of news.

He was getting married tomorrow.

Then, Li Ke, who was rumored to be terminally ill and needed Li Ke to carry his excrement and urine every day to barely survive, stood up by himself, looked at Li Ke and Liu Xiu, and then left quickly.

"I'll give you one night, Mang'er, don't let us down."

Li Ke and Liu Xiu looked at each other, and after his uncle's people left, Liu Xiu looked at Li Ke with a sigh on his face, and then silently closed the door.

She knew this was the result, but there were some things she planned to fight for herself.

"What are you going to do, Brother Yin?"


"No, look at my Imperial Shocking Fist!"

"Be quiet!"


When Li Ke was pressed to the ground, Liu Xiu's younger brother Deng Chen saw through the broken window paper that Liu Xiu punched Li Ke's stomach twice, and then pressed Li Ke, who had lost his ability to fight, on the bed.

"Wow, the boss beat him to his knees, he must have regarded him as the Star Fury Force!"

Then, another younger brother of Liu Xiu on the side slapped Deng Chen directly.

"Damn Deng Chen, what's the point of your imagination!"

Then, he grabbed the others and left to avoid being beaten by the angry boss.

Li Ke was naturally very satisfied with this, but his uncle didn't think so, so--

Looking at the sedan chair being carried into the palace, and the noble lady with ponytails, miniskirt, and golden and red eyes, Liu Xiu, who was driven out by Li Ke's uncle, had no waves in his heart.

Although she was scolded by Li Ke's uncle and even insulted by him with money, Liu Xiu didn't care.

Because although the eldest lady was not hers, her status was not enough, because for her, the most important thing had been obtained, and the relationship between her and Li Ke was not something that a young lady could shake.

The two of them had a common cause.

And the first time was hers, Liu Xiu's!

Not only that, she would come to Li Ke next year, and then announce her identity to give Li Ke a surprise. Moreover, Li Ke was such a smart person with such amazing wisdom, how could she not recognize that she was Liu Xiu?

So enduring the pain in his lower body and holding the expectation of Li Ke, Liu Xiu turned his horse's head, ignored the scolding of his younger brothers, stood up for justice, and headed towards Xinxiang.

"Let's go! Let's do things!"

Li Ke was also helpless. He naturally guessed what his uncle was going to do, but he had no choice, so he didn't want to do it so early against 'Yin Lihua', but there was nothing he could do about it.

Because he couldn't beat the other party...

So he gave 'Yin Lihua' a lot of his own money, and had secretly contacted his mother, asking her to give 'Yin Lihua' a letter of engagement in his name.

I think the other party will receive this surprise when she gets home.

And the woman who looks like Tokisaki Kurumi in front of him also moved Li Ke.

Because the other party really came to see him in a miniskirt and twin ponytails, and even wanted to marry him in this posture! This requires a lot of courage in this Han Dynasty!

"My husband!"

'Tokisaki Kurumi' showed Li Ke a gentle smile.

But for Liu Yan, it was a horror movie.

"What! Little sister, you gave your body! Oh, the other party gave a betrothal gift, and it was Wang Mang from the Wang"

Liu Yan looked at his sister, and finally, he didn't say anything. Although he was angry, looking at his sister's shy look, he was going to admit it.

Then, before Liu Xiu had time to explain to his brother, he heard an explosive news.

"He, gave a betrothal gift to Yin Lihua? Not to our family?!"

The two siblings were silent for a while, and then, Liu Yan, who didn't know the inside story, drew his sword and cut the table in front of him.

"Wang Mang, your mother's slave! I'm going to kill you, you beast!"

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