Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 624: Forgive indirectly

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

Yao Yiyi asked An An to play with Ou Qingheng, and she called Yao Ting to the bedroom.

Yao Xin'er casually said: "Sister, you called me up, wouldn't you want to tell my brother-in-law's unknown secret?"

Yao Yiyi looked at her with a serious expression and said, "Xin'er, I ask you, to what extent have you and James?"

Yao Xin'er was stunned and pretended to be stupid: "What's the matter?" She and James had never even started, and they just poured her bento for two hours into the trash can. kind.

"Xin'er, I have eyes."

"Sister, don't you see all your eyes? Then ask me what I'm doing? It's fun to see me ugly." Yao Xiner said with a bit of angrily.

"Xin'er, I saw your interaction today. I can see that James is a bit repulsive to you. I don't object to your pursuit of happiness, but I don't really agree with the way you like to bow the bow, girl, I think It's better to be reserved. "Yao Yiyi pondered, and put forward pertinent opinions.

"Sister, you just say that James can't look at me like this, it will be done." Yao Xin'er said in frustration.

"You can see why you still have trouble with him?"

"I fell in love with him at first sight, and I made up a lot of determination to dare to chase him. Don't look at me for being careless. In fact, I am also afraid that I will be disgusted by him in my eyes. Pretending to be fearless in front of him can make him feel that I am strong and not inferior. "Yao Xin'er finally showed her fragile side.

Yao Yiyi touched her head and said, "Xin'er, if you really want to chase him, I think you should change your appearance. James is very good, and the other half of him will be very high. Required, so you have to change your hair and dress, what do you think? "

Yao Xin'er looked down and didn't think there was anything wrong with her dress. As for her hair ...

"Sister, don't you think my hair is very cool?"

"It's pretty cool, but in my opinion, it's like 15 shampoos and blows in a shampoo shop. The hair quality is inferior. This is the case. "Yao Yiyi said sharply.

Yao Xin'er must not be hurt.

"Are you still my sister?"

"Because I am your sister, I will tell you this way." Yao Yiyi said in earnest: "I used to think that you were just a whim to James, so it was just a look, but now I think you are serious, you must I do n’t look at you seriously. If you can trust me, I will transform you from beginning to end. If you do n’t believe me, I wo n’t do much. ”

"Faith." Yao Xin'er said quickly.

"That line, I will take you to dye your hair back now."

"So fast?"

"It's better to move than to move, or do you like this yellow hair like a bird's nest?"

Yao Xin'er wanted to say yes, but when she thought of changing her image, she might win the favor of James, so she endured the pain.

Yao Yiyi took Yao Xin'er downstairs and kissed Ou Qingheng's lips, saying, "I'll take Xin'er to dye my hair back. Can you take An'an with you?"

Ou Qingheng disregarded the presence of Yao Xin'er and An An even more, directly holding Yao Yiyi's head deepened the kiss before.

Waiting for separation, Yao Yiyi's cheeks couldn't help but red.

Yao Xin'er was stunned beside him, he couldn't help blowing a whistle and said, "Brother-in-law is powerful."

An An also shouted, "Big villain, you bully your mother."

Yao Xin'er raised his hand and bounced gently on his head, saying: "An An, this is not called bullying, this is called a kiss of love, you will have a wife in the future, but you can kiss her so cherishly, she will be right You're dead. "

Yao Yiyi glanced at Yao Xin'er and said, "Xin'er, talking nonsense in front of An'an again."

Yao Xin'er dare not make it again.

The two went downstairs, and Yao Yiyi drove Yao Ting to a barber shop she often visited.

As soon as they entered, there was a tall, slender figure, very white, and very fashionable, but he walked over with a little girl in his manner.

He warmly gave Yao Yiyi a hug.

"Yiyi, you haven't been here for a long time. I thought you forgot to patronize my business." The man said.

Yao Yiyi smiled and said, "Jimmy, even if I forget anyone, I won't forget you. It's not that I brought my sister over. You help me change her hairstyle for her."

Jimmy glanced at Yao Xin'er from head to toe, showing disgust in his eyes.

"Oh my God, this is the first time I have seen such a bad haircut. I just ruined a beautiful face. It's really a pity, but fortunately you met me, you can rest assured, I will definitely put You become a beautiful woman. "Jimmy dismissed Yao Xin'er from head to toe, and then boasted of his craft with confidence.

Yao Xin'er is even more disdainful than him: "Sister, can he? It looks so girly, and at first glance it is a little white face, don't let my hair get dirty in his hands."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Jimmy, she's still young, don't see her like that."

"This kind of man-in-law, I don't think any man would like it. I don't think it's necessary to get this hairstyle."

"Your little white face, I haven't disliked you, but you attacked me personally, not convinced? Okay, let's go out and singled out." Yao Xiner said angrily.

Yao Yiyi's face sank.

"Xin'er, apologize," she said.

She feels that a woman can look beautiful, but there must be some tutor.

Yao Xin'er pouted, but under Yao Yiyi's seriousness, she chose to apologize.

Jimmy didn't let it go.

Under Jimmy's uncanny workmanship, after three hours, Yao Xin'er was just like changing someone.

The clean, neat black hair makes her face look smaller, which is much better than her matt-killing look.

Jimmy said: "Miss Yao, if you wash away the heavy makeup with ghost symbols on your face, and then put on the clothes that suit you, I promise you to walk out of this store, and the return rate will definitely be 80%. "

Yao Xin'er gave him a white look and said, "Looking at the beautiful hairstyle you gave me, I won't care about you."

Jimmy stretched out a hand, Yao Xin'er was puzzled, he said: "I will not let anyone ruin my work, come on, I will take you to wash the heavy makeup on your face, Then choose the right clothes for you to wear. "

"Does your shop have this service?"

"Because you are Yiyi's sister, you can enjoy the unique services of our diamond-level VIP members."

Yao Xin'er didn't bird his hand, he stood up from the chair and said: "Then go."

Yao Xin'er and Jimmy went in.

It took almost two more hours to wait for Yao Xin'er to come out of it, and she couldn't help but give people a stunning feeling. It was like two people who killed Matt before.

A black jumpsuit top, with a black diamond belt tied in the middle, protruding her figure forward and back.

At first glance, it was an ice beauty.

But the next second, Yao Xin'er's Bingmei temperament was completely forced to work.

"Sister, will it be weird if you show me?" Yao Xin'er screamed. For the first time, she wore such a serious dress, so uncomfortable, she still likes ripped jeans and tops with various small jewelry hanging, so the serious clothes are really not her style.

Yao Yiyi got up, looked at her from beginning to end, and then said to Jimmy: "Jimmy, your craft is still as perfect as ever. You have exposed all the advantages of Xin'er."

Jimmy also politely accepted all the orders: "That's natural. You don't have to look at who designed it. Whoever wins me when I'm Jimmy."

Yao Xin'er rolled her eyes and went to see the mirror herself. When she saw herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but stunned.

nice! More beautiful than she expected.

She was surprised: "Sister, is this really me in the mirror?" She didn't expect that she could be a big beauty one day.

"Xin'er, are you still satisfied with this style?" Yao Yiyi smiled.

Yao Xin'er nodded, then reluctantly said, "I didn't expect this girly girl to be of any use."

Yao Yiyi lowered her face and said: "Xin'er, Jimmy has a name, and he is not a mother. Everyone in the shop says he looks handsome. There are so many girls who want to chase him, you should have some upbringing. . "

"Got it." Yao Xin'er was beyond everyone's expectations, and he listened to Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yiyi then looked at Jimmy with satisfaction, and said, "Jimmy, I will hit the money in your account in a moment. It is a red envelope for you to make a facelift for Xin'er."

Jimmy smiled: "Yiyi, you're welcome, it's my reward for studying the mouse. It's not easy to make her like a human."

Yao Xin'er was so angry that if Yao Yiyi were to be present, she would definitely let him know what happened to the offending woman.

"Jimmy, I haven't seen you in a while. Your mouth is still as poisonous as ever, but you have to be careful. My sister is a black belt in Taekwondo. Chinese kung fu is also proficient. If you offend her, I can't protect you. Yao Yiyi joked.

Jimmy gave Yao Xin'er a disdainful look and said, "No wonder, such a man-in-law said she was so powerful, I also believe it."


Yao Yiyi couldn't help crying and laughing, and said, "Xin'er, leave."

Yao Xin'er followed Yao Yiyi out of the barber shop in distress.

"Okay, don't be angry, Jimmy has a poisonous mouth, but he is very good. He is a famous hairdresser. Many high-ranking ladies like to find him to get their hair. He has the magic of making a woman beautiful. You may still need him in the future, so do n’t offend people. ”Yao Yiyi laughed.

Yao Xin'er pouted.

"Xin'er, don't go to the hospital until I have created the perfect one for you." Yao Yiyi said suddenly and straightforwardly.

Yao Xiner's eyes widened and blurted out: "Sister, are you kidding me?"

"Do you want to leave James with a stunning feeling?"

"Think. Sister, have you thought of a way?"

"When you and Jimmy went in to make up and change clothes, I already contacted you a etiquette teacher. Every day, you will go to learn the etiquette with her for an hour. Within three months, I can guarantee that your temperament will happen. Earthshaking changes. "Yao Yiyi said.

"Sister, I am a coach who teaches a group of rough old men. Sometimes it's inevitable to be rude. If I am trained like a goddess, how can I teach people?" Yao Xiner said hesitantly.

"Beauty can still teach people. I think that will do more with less. After all, no man wants to be embarrassed in front of the beauty."

Yao Xin'er's face suddenly turned red.

"Sister, you are a beautiful woman, I can't help being shy." Yao Xin'er said.

Yao Yiyi smiled.

"Xin'er, you will be more outstanding in the future. As long as you want, I will train you very well, and even make men remember, but I am afraid that you will lose your original self. "Yao Yiyi looked at the traffic in the lane and suddenly said with a feeling.

Yao Xin'er shrugged and said: "Sister, I am me. Whether it is beautiful or like the previous killing Matt shape, my nature will not change."

"I hope so." Yao Yiyi patted her on the shoulder and said: "Xin'er, eating hard and suffering hard, being a man, James is very good. If you want to pursue him, you must make yourself excellent. Get up, and even if you get him, you will have to fight with a large group of women coveting him in the future. Are you ready? "

Yao Xin'er couldn't help laughing.

"Sister, I didn't think it was so complicated. I just chased him if I just liked him. You have been a lady for a long time and conspired many things." Yao Xiner said casually: "You also saw it. Even if I put on such beautiful clothes, I still ca n’t change the soil in my bones. Seriously, I do n’t like this kind of clothes. I feel particularly restrained and uncomfortable at all, but for James, I can change it. ”

Yao Yiyi was a little shocked by Yao Xin'er's determination.

"Okay, Xin'er, with such energy to pursue James, I think he will be in your pocket sooner or later." Yao Yiyi said: "I will ask another emotional expert to teach you how to seduce a man, rest assured, I will train you to be a stunner. "

Yao Xiner could not help but endure.

"Sister, don't, I can't be a stunner like this. One day I'm really going to become speechless and sleepless. Then I may have been emotionally stimulated. I think I am good for jumping. "

"Just like it."

Yao Yiyi drove Yao Xin'er back to where she lived.

"Sister, thank you for sending me back."

"Don't be polite with me. I will pick you up for the etiquette class tomorrow night, and you will go by yourself later. I will confirm your learning results with the teacher." Yao Yiyi said.

"So hurry?"

"Go home quickly, I have to take An Heng with Qing Heng to play, he has been busy playing for a few days."

"Well, I won't disturb your family of three."

When Yao Ting got off, Yao Yiyi drove away.

In the blink of an eye, Yao Yiyi passed the peaceful days.

On this day, it was the day of the operation of the older brother Yao. Yao Ting put down his job and Ou Qingheng went to the hospital.

Brother Yao was pushed into the operating room by a group of doctors and nurses, and James and his mentor soon arrived.

Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng chatted with the tutor before the tutor looked at James and said: "James, I'm going to make preparations first. You will come in later."

"it is good."

After the person entered, Yao Yi said: "James, my brother will please you, please be sure to keep him safe."

"Relax, I will try my best."

Mother Yao also said very nervously: "Dr. James, my son will please you. You must not let him have an accident, otherwise my old bone will not be alive."

"Auntie, don't worry, it's our doctor's duty to treat the sick and save people. I won't do everything I can to prevent him from having an accident."

James said a few words of reassurance before he entered the operating room.

"Qingheng." A soft female voice came.

Yao Yiyi listened, the body subconsciously froze, looking at the past, not who Madam Ou could be.

She didn't expect Mrs. Ou to come back here, and she wasn't who An An could be.

Ou Qingheng was also surprised, but he concealed the emotion in his eyes well.

"Dad, Mom, why are you here?" Ou Qingheng asked.

An An stretched out his hand and wanted Yao Yiyi to hug her. Mrs. Ou smiled and scolded: "You little rabbit, don't want grandma when you see your mother."

An An kissed a couple of words on Mrs. Ou's face and said, "An An likes mom and grandma the most."

These words thoroughly pleased Mrs. Ou.

Yao Yiyi embraced An An in the arms of Mrs. Ou, and said softly, "Mom, are you sick?"

"I heard that your brother had an operation today, so let your dad and I take a look." Mrs. Ou said indifferently.

But Yao Yiyi knew she was indirectly forgiving her impulse.

"Mom, thank you."

Mrs. Ou nodded slightly.

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