Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 409: Never blame you

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In the Oujia hall, Ou Tingting took Mrs. Ou's arm and said, "Mom, why did that woman come back?"

Mrs. Ou glanced at her and said, "Your brother has always been very affectionate towards her, and if you find someone, you will not bring them back immediately and take them to the United States for a few days of vacation. After a short honeymoon, you will come back. Don't worry about her, you just have to fall in love with Shu Jun and wait for the marriage, and you don't care about the rest. "

A flash of displeasure flashed in Ou Tingting's eyes.

"Mom, I am good with Zhang Shujun. He is gentle with me. I said that he will never go west. He wants to marry me very much. Now, see if I want to marry him. Do n’t worry about me. "I can't marry." Ou Tingting said proudly. "But mom, when Yao Yiyi comes back, he will dare to talk back to you. Do you really have that breath?"

Mrs. Ou has calmed down. She clapped Ou Tingting's hand and said, "Tingting, you can just treat Shujun well. You don't need to mix up with others. Yao Yiyi has some way to deal with it. She gave up Ou first. Family, our European family will never let her enter. "

"Then Ann, does Mom also plan to give up?"

Mrs. Ou gave her a glance and said, "Tingting, you just talk about it, I just listen to it. An An is your nephew and the grandson of the Ou family. In the future, everything in the Ou family will be hers. If the Ou family wants to give up his words, otherwise Mom will really be angry. "

Ou Tingting pouted, innocently said: "Mom, I don't mean that, I want you to quickly bring An An back, otherwise An An has been taught by the woman without education, you have not seen it, An An just connected me It's all scolded. He was young, not taught by the woman, how could he say that? "

Mrs. Ou's eyes changed and changed.

"Tingting, you must not interfere with your brother's feelings. You will be married to someone else's daughter-in-law in the future. What you need to learn now is how to please your mother-in-law, not so big and small." Father Road.

Ou Tingting pouted, a little bit wronged.

"Dad, I'm your daughter. Ou's family is there. Whoever I marry is also the one who pleases me. Where do I go to please them?" Ou Tingting said of course.

Mrs. Ou and Father Ou frowned at the same time.

"Tingting, it's wrong if you think this way. The Ou family is rich, but it can't be your domineering capital in your wife's house. You are now in love with Shu Jun. People love you and are willing to spoil you, but you Married to the Zhang family ca n’t talk to your mother-in-law like this. The Zhang family is also a wealthy family. Although the assets are slightly inferior to the Ou family, they are also regular people. "" Mrs. Ou clapped Ou Tingting's hand and said with a serious heart.

After a pause, she said again: "When your grandmother is still alive, I have great respect for your grandmother. I give her hot water every day to cover her feet. Since I married into the European family, I didn't follow you. Grandma blushed, and I treated her as a mother to hurt. The hearts of the people were all flesh, and over time, she naturally saw me as a daughter. This point, Yao Yiyi also did very well. She took An'an away years ago. I really wanted her to be my daughter-in-law. I talked to her very much, but she broke my heart. "

"Mom, why did you say that woman again?"

"I'm not talking about her, I just want you to learn her attitude towards her mother-in-law. It's not right for her to take An'an away, but she has been really good to my mother-in-law for five years since she married the Ou family."

"Mom, she is good, then why do you want to break up her and her brother? You might as well let them remarry directly, so that you have a daughter-in-law who listens to you." Ou Tingting gambled.

Mrs. Ou sighed and said, "I really want them to remarry, but the hardship of Si Sun in the past two years has made me feel resentful to her. Now look at your brother who is protecting her wholeheartedly. The love has disappeared, and there is no longer the pity of seeing her as a daughter. She is destined to have no fate with our European family. "

Ou Tingting pouted again, and said, "Mom, I thought you were modified. You still don't like Yao Yiyi anymore, and compared her with me. I'm a bit arrogant, but I'm still respectful to my elders. Yes, she did n’t dare to hold her child without saying goodbye. This is not the style I can make. At this point, she is more rebellious than me. "

Mrs. Ou just glanced at her and said nothing.

On the other side of the car, Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi, the atmosphere between the two is not so harmonious.

Yao Yiyi just held An'an and quietly turned to look at the scenery passing by the window.

Ou Qingheng drove the car while looking at the mother and son from the rearview mirror. After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth: "Yiyi, I'm sorry, let you be wronged."

Yao Yiyi recovered, smiled and said, "I'm fine, I just didn't expect that your life has been much more exciting than I thought in the past two years, but we have divorced, and it was me Give up first, it seems that my ex-wife really is not qualified to criticize. "

It ’s okay, is it okay?

Ou Qingheng looked at her from the rearview mirror and felt a bit of a pain in his heart. Zhang Zhiling was so troubled that he knew that the distance between him and Yao Yiyi was a little further away.

"Yiyi, things are really not what you think. I really have nothing to do with Zhang Zhiling." Ou Qingheng explained.

Yao Yiyi changed her position by holding An An and said, "Qing Heng, I really don't blame you. I also believe you have nothing to do with her. I just feel jealous. When I think of her being there I ’ve been with you for two years, but I was determined not to say goodbye, and I ca n’t blame others. I ’m just mad at myself. "

Ou Qingheng really wanted to stop by all means, and then walked around the back seat of the car to hold people in his arms and loved it. But when he looked at the car outside the window, he lost his mind, and the back seat An An on the ground is still staring at him, the existence of this small light bulb, and his ardent thoughts have also been eliminated.

Yao Yiyi went on to say: "I really didn't blame your capital. Xu Chen has been with me for the past two years. Although he and I are just good friends, we can't stand the fear of others. We are really half a cat, To blame, you blame me a little more, and I really do n’t have that capital. "

"Yiyi, I do n’t allow you to discredit yourself so much. I admit that I am jealous. Xu Chen can stay with you for two years, but I never doubted what you and he had. I wo n’t be entangled with me anymore. This is actually quite similar to the two of us. ”Ou Qingheng said firmly.

Yao Yiyi couldn't help laughing.

An An whispered out of place: "Big scoundrel will bully my mother and me."


Ou Qingheng embarrassed.

Yao Yiyi could not help but say, "An An, don't allow your father to say that."

An An pursed his lips, nestled in Yao Yiyi's arms, and came to see nothing.

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