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Yao Yiyi looked at Xiao Ran with her head down and smiled: "Brother Lin, don't blame Xiao Ran too much. It really can't blame her head."

Ringer patted Xiao Ran's back like an elder brother and said, "Xiao Ran, Yiyi didn't blame you, didn't you say anything?"

Xiao Ran raised his head, looked at Ringer deeply, then stood up and bent very seriously at ninety degrees, saying, "Miss Yao, thank you very much for your understanding."

Yao Yiyi was crying and laughing.

She looked at Ou Qingheng with some dependence. Ou Qingheng understood the message conveyed in her eyes and said: "Xiao Ran, don't do such a big gift, Yiyi will not blame you, Then she really won't blame you. With your wisdom, the atmosphere becomes awkward. "

Xiao Ran froze for a moment, and looked at Linger subconsciously.

Ringer waved his hand and said, "Okay, Xiao Ran, it doesn't matter if you say Yiyi doesn't blame you, but it won't be allowed in the future."

Xiao Ran's mood was a little blocked, and her voice became dull.

Yao Yiyi smiled lightly: "Brother Lin, don't say Xiao Ran anymore. I think she did very well. This time, I was not careful. Besides, no one expected that there would be vehicles rushing at the green light. Come out, Xiao Ran is flesh and blood, even if she was by my side at that time, I can't agree that she would block the impact of the car on my behalf. "

Xiao Ran looked at Yao Yiyi subconsciously.

It is necessary to know that they protect the company. During the contract with the employer, it is necessary for the bodyguard to protect the safety of the employer at no cost. After all, the price drawn by their company is not cheap, so the employer is too big, as long as the employer is in the contract period. In case of any accident, it is to compensate five times the price. Employers also have the right to take their company to court, and their company ’s reputation will be damaged by then.

So every time they take a contract order, no matter how tricky the employer is, they should be careful and careful, fearing that the employer will have any accidents.

"Miss Yao, I am very grateful that you don't blame me. This is really my negligence. I will pay you all the compensation." Xiao Ran said very sincerely.

Yao Yiyi was crying and laughing.

"Xiao Ran, don't need it." Yao Yiyi didn't care about the money, and the people who came and went had some points.

Yao Yiyi looked at Ringer again: "Brother Lin, you're about to let Xiao Ran don't do this. It's not easy for a little girl to work hard outside, and don't be too harsh on her. In the end, it seems to be me. It ’s just bullying. "

Linge looked at Xiao Ran and said happily: "She has been guilty of your car accident, so you should let her apologize, otherwise he will be very disappointed in his heart."

Yao Yiyi had to accept Xiao Ran's apology.

After a while, Ringer looked at Yao Yiyi, and saw that her face was still very pale, and there was a trace of tiredness in her eyes.

His heart hurt for no reason and said, "Yiyi, are you tired?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head and said, "I just woke up and said that I'm not tired, but it's easy to fall asleep, maybe the body's resistance is still very poor."

"Then you have a good rest, Xiao Ran and I will leave first. The province will disturb you to rest. I will take the time to see you tomorrow. Do you have anything you want to eat? I'll bring it to you." Ringer stood up, his eyes hard to hide.

"Brother Lin, you can come to see me. I am very grateful. I don't need to bring what I eat. My mother-in-law will let the servant prepare it." Yao Yiyi said.

Ringer nodded and looked at Ou Qingheng without a trace, before saying: "That line, you have a good rest, Xiao Ran and I will leave first."

Yao Yiyi looked at Ou Qingheng and said, "Qingheng, you give them away."

Ou Qingheng got up, and Ringer waved his hand hurriedly: "Just go the way, don't need it."

Ou Qingheng said undoubtedly: "Let's go."

Ou Qingheng took the person to the gate, and Ringer looked at him and couldn't help saying, "Ou Qingheng, take good care of Yiyi, she is a good woman."

"I will, she is my wife, and of course I will take good care of her." Ou Qingheng said very confidently: "Mr. Lin, I am very grateful to my wife for taking the time to see her when she is seriously injured. Say thanks to you on her behalf. "

Ou Qingheng's thank you, in the face of thanks, is actually declaring his sovereignty. He is the man who owns Yao Yiyi. Compared to him, Ringer is an outsider.

Ringer was not a fool, and naturally understood what Ou Qingheng meant.

His eyes dimmed and said, "Then let's go first, go in."

Ou Qingheng nodded and said, "Go slowly. After Yiyi is ready, our husband and wife will hold a banquet to treat you well."

Ringer didn't respond, but just walked away, and Xiao Ran quickly followed.

Ou Qingheng took a deep look at Ringer's back, and then closed the door.

He walked back to the bed and looked at Yao Yiyi from the top.

Yao Yiyi saw that he just looked at her but didn't speak. Her face was a little stinky. She was puzzled and said, "What's wrong?"

Ou Qingheng put his hands around his chest and said, "Don't you have anything to tell me?"

Yao Yiyi blinked, his expression looked very innocent.

"What does President Zou want to hear?"

"Don't give me sloppy eyes."

"What exactly does President Zou want to hear?"

Ou Qingheng just looked at her quietly.

In Ou Qingheng's compelling eyes, Yao Yiyi took the lead in defeating, saying: "Brother Lin met me and Tingting when I went to eat supper. He is the owner of a security company, and Tingting is happy. When I came, I said I would ask for a bodyguard. At that time, she went to Lin Ge's security company with her. She chose Xiao Ran to be my bodyguard. But Xiao Ran didn't come in handy and I got into a car accident. You also know the matter. "Yao Yiyi made a very honest move.

Ou Qingheng's complexion is a little better.

He sat in a soft chair, grabbed Yao Yiyi's hand and put it in the palm of his hand, said: "Silly woman, I am not asking you, nor is I deliberately investigating your dating situation, but want you to be a little guarded, You are Mrs. Ou Jiashao, and many people with ulterior motives will deliberately use you to get close to Ou Jia. "

Yao Yiyi felt funny.

"President Ou, I'm not a fool. I can tell who should pay and who can only nod."

Ou Qingheng raised her hand and tapped gently on her forehead.

Yao Yiyi looked at him even more innocently, a little weakly: "Zhou Ou, I am still a patient."

"Because you are still a patient, I started to be so light, otherwise I would just grab it and hit the buttocks." Ou Qingheng raised his face and said very seriously.

Yao Yiyi couldn't help but couldn't help but thought that this smile touched the wound and made a hissing sound in pain.

Ou Qingheng got up from the chair anxiously, wanting to touch Yao Yiyi's body, but was afraid that her hand would hurt her.

"What's wrong? Where does it hurt? I'll call you a doctor to see it." Ou Qingheng will go out anxiously. The next second, his hand is caught, he turns his head to look, and his face looks a little painful The pale Yao Yiyi shook his head at him.

Ou Qingheng turned around, bent, and said softly: "What's wrong? Does it hurt?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head and gasped slightly. He said: "Zhou Ou, I'm okay, but my chest is just a little painful. Slowly, just fine, don't worry."

The distress in Ou Qingheng's eyes almost overflowed.

"You silly woman, make me worry about what you are willing to do." Ou Qingheng grabbed her hand and placed it on his cheek, saying that she could not control her emotions.

Yao Yiyi froze for a moment, staring dumbly at Ou Qingheng who was clearly outgoing.

She suddenly said in a puzzling manner: "Mr. Ou, are you worried about me? It looks a bit silly."

Ou Qingheng gave her a dissatisfied glance.

Yao Yiyi laughed silly, and as a result accidentally pulled his wound.

She screamed in pain, Ou Qingheng felt very distressed again, and said with domineering power, "You can't laugh anymore."

Yao Yiyi slowly stopped laughing.

She raised her right hand a little bit hard, touched Ou Qingheng's cheek, and looked at him almost obsessively, saying: "Zou Ou, I am very happy now, and I can see you worrying about me, this is my dream I ca n’t imagine the extravagant hope, but I saw it in a car accident. I feel happy like a dream, and sometimes I go foolishly and hope that this dream will grow longer. "

Ou Qingheng couldn't help but correct it.

This silly woman always provoked the guilt in his heart easily.

"It is said that a woman has been pregnant for three years. You have had a car accident and gave birth to a child. Under the double thrust, I think you have been stupid for six years."

Yao Yiyi wanted to laugh, but unexpectedly, Ou Qingheng covered her mouth lightly and said, "Silly woman, you are not allowed to laugh, or you should get your own wounds again. Coquettish. "

Yao Yiyi blinked innocently.

Ou Qingheng felt that all his heart would be melted.

The two chatted for a while, and the time passed unconsciously.

During the period, Dr. Zhang and three other doctors came over twice. Dr. Zhang carefully checked the body of Yao Yiyi, and all of them recovered better than expected.

Ou Qingheng was relieved.

Just when everyone thought that Yao Yiyi would recover as expected, Yao Yiyi had a high fever at eleven o'clock at night, and the whole body was hot like he was in a stove.

Yao Yiyi was immediately pushed into the operating room, Ou Qingheng leaned against the wall with a sullen face, Mrs. Ou leaned on Ou's father's arms, almost crying like a tearful man, and Yao Ting was a There is no reaction.

James walked quickly in a doctor's costume. Mrs. Ou ran directly to him, grabbed his hand, and said, "James, save Yiyi, don't let her have an accident."

James said: "Auntie, don't worry, with me, I'm going in first, and my sister-in-law will be fine."

Reassure Mrs. Ou, James came to Ou Jingheng, raised his hand and hammered twice on his chest, said: "Hang, don't worry, the sister-in-law will be fine."

Ou Qingheng returned his two punches and said, "James, everything comes to you, don't let her have an accident, I can't live without her."

James nodded and hurried into the operating room.

Ou Qingheng watched as the door of the operating room was closed.

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