Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 94 Acquisition of Starship

Everyone was a little overwhelmed by this sudden change.

So Jean fell straight into a huge pit more than 50 meters deep.

And soon, several people wearing black armor appeared.

They jumped directly into the huge pit, grabbed Jean's body and prepared to leave.

Nick finally reacted and ran over.

"Who are you?"

These people ignored Nick and walked directly to the bottom of the helicopter.

The helicopter left immediately after picking up the people.

Its action was so fast that people had no time to react.

But Nick saw Psylocke among these black-armored people.

Could these people be from the Hellfire Club?

No, Psylocke has betrayed the Hellfire Club and is even wanted. How could they cooperate again so quickly?

At this time, Natasha and Barton came to Nick.

"Director, what should we do?"

"They killed Jean and took away the body."

Nick's eyes were uncertain for a while, but looking at the SHIELD agents who were killed and injured around him, he finally shook his head.

"Don't worry about it for now, go back and rest."

So many people died, he didn't know how to explain to their families.

And now that Apocalypse is dead, the goal has been achieved, there is no need to make trouble.

Eric, who was next to the pit, used his superpowers to control several bullets to fly slowly over.

Looking at these bullets, his face changed slightly.

"It's adamantium bullets."

Lorna came over with a pale face at this time.

"Father, let's go."

The previous battle had exhausted most of her energy. If there was another such battle, I'm afraid she would have difficulty controlling metal.

Looking at his daughter's tired cheeks, Eric nodded.

"Let's go."

Nick, who was not far away, saw Eric and Lorna were about to leave, and immediately stopped them.

"Wait, you can't leave yet."

Eric and Lorna's faces suddenly darkened.

Seeing that they seemed to have misunderstood his meaning, Nick quickly explained: "Don't worry, we are not arresting you, but lifting the wanted order for you.

You don't want to be wanted by the Security Council anymore, do you?"

Hearing this, Eric glanced at Lorna and nodded.

It doesn't matter if he is wanted, after all, he is used to it, but Lorna is still young, so let her live a normal life as much as possible.

After the incident of Apocalypse, the idea of ​​mutant supremacy in his heart has been reduced a little.

After all, the water in this world is too deep.

Tony came to Hulk and patted him on the shoulder.

"Let's go, we should go back too."


Hulk, who originally wanted to jump away from here, looked at the iron man in front of him and suddenly felt inexplicably fond of him, so he nodded.


The death of Apocalypse was immediately reported to all countries and the world.

So the riots and disturbances in various places began to gradually calm down.

Except for a few people, people still prefer a peaceful life.

But those who made trouble during this period will naturally be liquidated one by one.

But these are all trivial matters.

Life began to slowly calm down.

And the reputations of Iron Man, Hulk, Magneto, Polaris, Wolverine, Sabretooth and others began to be known to the world, and they were even called heroes.

In contrast, the Mutant Registration Act was quickly passed by various countries.

Because everyone was afraid of another Apocalypse.

So mutants began to officially appear in front of the public.

A week later.

In New York, at the headquarters of Starfleet Corporation, a press conference was being held here.

Luna, who was wearing a black suit and was heroic, stepped on high heels and walked quickly to the podium with a "click..." sound of footsteps.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Starfleet press conference."

As these words fell, many reporters below immediately took pictures.

For a while, the sound of "click, click..." rang continuously.

"Our investment in Starship Corporation will bring unprecedented cooperation and support to Starship.

The first project is reusable rockets.

The second project is communications. We will usher in the 4G era!

The third project is communication satellites. In the future, people will no longer need long network cables and routers, and can directly connect to the satellite."

"Pa pa pa..."

After a speech, the reporters and the crowd applauded.

A few minutes later, as the introduction ended, the question-and-answer session began.

"Ms. Luna, this time Umbrella acquired 51% of Starship's shares. Do you plan to make it a private enterprise?"

"Of course not. We Umbrella hold an open and cooperative attitude. Everyone can buy shares from us."

"Excuse me, Miss Luna, the reusable rocket you mentioned has been in Starship Corporation for three years and has failed ten times. Do you have any breakthrough technological progress now?"

"This question is currently confidential and cannot be told to you for the time being, but next month, we will start the first rocket launch."

"Ms. Luna..."

Faced with many reporters' questions, Luna answered them very appropriately.

In the corner of the press conference, Maslu, the former chairman of Starship Company, looked at Luna on the podium, with a very complicated look in his eyes.

A week ago, the other party came to him with 46% of the equity and wanted to purchase 5% of his equity.

At that time, because of Tianqi's incident, he didn't think much about it and sold it at a very low price.

Unexpectedly, Tianqi was eventually killed and the stock market began to return to normal.

He regretted this one.

Billions of dollars were just lost.

But looking at the representatives of the Life Foundation not far away, his uncomfortable mood became slightly better.

Because he heard that the Life Foundation sold almost all its shares this time, and part of it was acquired by Umbrella.

After half an hour, the press conference ended.

Starship Corporation also represents the entry into the Umbrella era.

The time comes at night.

Exhausted, Luna finally returned to Umbrella Tower.

After arriving at the top-floor office, she immediately threw down the documents and backpack in her hands, then took off her high heels and rubbed her limp little feet.

"I'm exhausted. I must find my boss to reward myself."

Thinking of this, she turned her eyes and looked at the door of the chairman's office.

Li Feng usually comes home late, and he might still be in there now.

"Dong dong..."

I knocked on the door several times, but there was no reply.

"By the way, my boss goes to the laboratory every day these days. He doesn't know what he is studying."

So disappointed, she could only return to her seat and prepare to pack her things and go home.

She has a large flat near her company, so she doesn't have to pack too many things.


But at this moment, the sound of the elevator sounded.

Is the boss back?

As the elevator door opened, she was frightened and backed away.

Because at this time, Li Feng was covered in blood.

Thank you very much to book friend 20220805014537539, a monthly pass for a math guy

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