Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 88: Persistent Kindness

The next morning.

Banner found that his exercise failed.

Looking at Natasha next to him, he suddenly felt guilty.

He actually betrayed Elizabeth.

Sorry, Elizabeth.

"What are you thinking about?"

At this time, Natasha woke up and put a hand on Banner's chest.

"It's nothing. I don't know if we can survive."

Speaking of this heavy topic, Natasha's hands suddenly stiffened.

The reason why she came to Banner was not only to stabilize the uncontrollable Hulk, but also to have one last crazy idea before her death.

She had never experienced the opponent's ability to partially transform into a Hulk.

No wonder even General Ross's daughter is crazy about it.

"Dong dong..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Banner, it's a meeting."

Soon, the two of them finished dressing and entered the conference room facing everyone's strange looks.

At this time, Nick was taking the lead. When he saw the people gathered, he said with a dark face: "According to the latest news from the front, Apocalypse summoned a large number of civilians to build the pyramid in Cairo. All those who disobeyed were killed. There are probably more than 30,000 people dead now.”

After hearing this, everyone was immediately filled with indignation.

"Damn Tianqi, you don't take human life seriously."

"We must attack Cairo immediately and rescue everyone!"

"Director, give the order, even if I die, I am willing to do so!"

Seeing everyone's emotions being aroused, Nick nodded with satisfaction.

It's not like I wasted my time holding this meeting.

“I know everyone wants to go over and save people, but now is not the time.

I have purchased a batch of vibranium metal and Adamantium alloy here. If you need it, you can apply to me.

In addition, I also got some super soldier serum and T-virus enhancement potions. Anyone who needs them can apply for them from Maria. "

Seeing that everyone was not very interested, he continued: "Tomorrow at noon, we will start taking action, codenamed, God Killing Plan."

The time came the next morning.

After a sleepless night, everyone came to the deck at dawn to wait for the action to begin.

At this time, everyone also discovered that transport planes and helicopters were constantly arriving on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

As sets of sci-fi equipment were removed, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

After the introduction, everyone learned that there were the latest electromagnetic rifles, sentry robots that were still in the experimental stage, as well as various missile launchers, sniper rifles, etc.

This also gave everyone more hope for victory.

At this time, Nick came out.

"Everyone, these equipment are for us SHIELD agents."

After hearing this, everyone was not disappointed and just nodded.

After all, even if they were given these high-tech weapons, they might not be able to use them.

"Okay, let's have a meeting now and let's deploy the plan."


In the city of Cairo.

It is no exaggeration to say that this place has become a hell on earth at this time.

A large number of civilians were shackled, and then driven by soldiers, they began to carry various stones to the center of the city.

A thousand-meter-long foundation was laid here, and everyone moved stones here to pile up a pyramid.

Tianqi was sitting on a seat made of gold, holding his head with one hand and looking coldly at the people working below.

Next to him, sat Charles with a desperate look on his face.

"Are you sure you don't want to obey me?"

Charles shook his head firmly.

"You just took a detour, and it's not too late to turn back now."

After hearing this, Tianqi was not disappointed, but continued to look ahead coldly.

For him, who has an infinite lifespan, there are few things in the world that can attract his interest.

Even for Blue Star's rule, it is only because of previous habits.

After all, he had been worshiped as a god for thousands of years, and now it was impossible for him to communicate with the ants in his eyes on an equal footing.

"When I finish building the pyramid, it will be the day when you will be reborn."

In his opinion, possessing another person and becoming his body is not a bad thing, but rather an honor for the other person.

At this time, someone below suddenly fainted and fell to the ground.

"Mom, what's wrong with you, mom..."

A child lay in front of his mother, crying in despair.

When the surrounding soldiers saw this, they immediately came over with whips.

"Hurry up and work! Don't lie down on the floor and be lazy."

When Charles, who was beside Tianqi, saw this, he immediately turned his head unbearably.

And Lorna volunteered to stand up.

"I'm going to see what's going on."

After saying that, without waiting for Apocalypse to react, he controlled the magnetic field and dragged himself to fly over.

After arriving at the scene of the incident, the soldiers immediately showed horrified eyes when they saw Lorna.

"We will take her away immediately and the project will not be delayed."

After finishing speaking, the soldiers kicked away the crying child and were about to drag the woman away.

Lorna saw this and said softly: "She's not dead yet. You can take her to the next house to rest."

After hearing this, several soldiers looked at Lorna with disbelief.

You must know that other mutants have never regarded them as human beings. They either beat or scold them, or torture them to death.

If anyone fell, he was killed and thrown into a mass grave.

The reason for this situation is that ordinary people have oppressed mutants for too long.

It was not easy for Apocalypse to appear, allowing them to turn over and become masters. Many people could not hold on to their inner kindness and began to become more evil than the evil people.

However, people like Lorna who stick to their original intentions became a minority under Apocalypse.

Except for a few bad embryos among humans, most people helped the evil just to survive.

So although the soldiers were puzzled by Lorna's easy talk, they did not slow down and pulled the woman away.

Looking at the child who was looking at his mother eagerly, Lorna continued: "You go too."

The child heard it, and did not say thank you or anything like that, but ran over directly.

For the child, all the disasters were brought by mutants, so how could he say thank you.

"If you do this, I'm afraid it will cause the displeasure of adults."

A beautiful woman wearing a black tight leather jacket and long black hair came behind Lorna.

After seeing the person coming, Lorna's expression suddenly became nervous.

"That... Psylocke, I just think... it's not necessary, right.

She just collapsed from exhaustion, there's no need to kill directly.

She can still work well for us when she's alive, yes, that's it."

Seeing that Lorna was a little nervous and incoherent, Psylocke suddenly smiled.

"You owe me a favor."

After speaking, she turned and left without continuing to pester.

This made Lorna slightly relieved.

Looking at Psylocke's back as she left, she suddenly felt that maybe she also had her own kindness, but she was forced to work for the Hellfire Club because of the environment.

Thank you very much for Zui Linglong's monthly ticket

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