Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 80: Diverting Attention

A week later.

The shareholders' meeting of Stark Enterprises was held again.

However, this time, because Umbrella did not participate, Tony received a large number of votes in the first round of voting, returned to Stark Enterprises, and became the CEO.

In response, Obadiah looked at the empty seat next to him in disbelief.

Neither the representatives of Umbrella nor the Sherlock Foundation came.

Is it because he won over Ivan that Umbrella wants to retaliate against him?

When he thought of Ivan who was still in the police station, waiting for him to rescue him, he felt a headache.

In fact, he thought about getting out of Umbrella's control step by step, starting with winning over Ivan and obtaining the other party's Ark reactor technology.

Unexpectedly, this guy would be so impulsive and think about killing people.

In the next shareholders' meeting, Tony announced his resignation from Obadiah's position, and also reported to the police about Obadiah's selling of arms to the dark elements in the Middle East some time ago.

Then it was to win over other small shareholders and senior executives.

Yes, it was to win over.

Tony did not choose to suppress.

Because he still holds on to his goodwill.

That is, these small shareholders and senior executives were just used by Obadiah, and they did not really have any ill will towards him.

And the senior executives and small shareholders who followed him before and were fired naturally came back, and their positions were even higher.

"Today, Tony Stark returned to Stark Enterprises again, which brought a small increase in the stock price of Stark Enterprises."

On the top floor of the Umbrella Building.

Li Feng held a red wine glass, stood in front of the French window, looked at the beautiful night view outside, and heard the news on TV.

Sure enough, his choice was right.

Let Tony return and successfully brought an increase in the stock price.

"Red Queen, how many shares of Stark Enterprises do we have left?"

"Master, Umbrella still has 1.4% equity.

Sherlock Foundation still has 3.4% equity.

A total of 4.8% equity,

So far, a total profit of 27.3 billion yuan.

Currently, most of the funds have begun to purchase shares of Starship Corporation, but because the Life Foundation is also purchasing shares, the stock price of Starship Corporation is too high, which has exceeded the original price."

"How many shares of Starship do I have?"


"How many shares does the Life Foundation have?"

"According to public information, it is about 27%."

"Chairman of Starship Corporation, how many shares do you have?"

"According to public information, there are still 11.2%."

After thinking for a while, Li Feng withdrew his gaze from outside.

"How is the construction of the base in the North Bear Country going?"

"Currently digging the foundation. After dealing with the gangs, no major problems have arisen."

"Transfer Luna back and let other responsible persons take care of it.

Then find a time to meet with the chairman of Starship Corporation."

"Yes, master."

After arranging a series of things, Li Feng suddenly remembered the cows and horses outside the door.

"Let Sharon get in touch with some information about the Osborn Group.

It's time to let SHIELD work for us and divert our attention."


The next morning.

In New York, on the top floor of the Osborn Building.

Norman Osborn was sitting in the back of the office, looking at the third quarter financial statements in his hand, and had a headache.

At this time, he was only about 40 years old, not so old, and his body was in a strong and healthy age, and his family genetic diseases did not show up.

But the financial statements in his hand made him feel several years older, and his whole body was weak.

In the first half of the year, he vowed to develop a wound healing spray and wanted to compete with Umbrella.

But unexpectedly, due to the lack of sufficient experiments and data, the wound healing spray was revealed to be not as effective as Umbrella's, and it was revealed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, so the product began to be withdrawn from the production line in most countries.

The reason why it was in most countries was that some poor countries were impressed by his low price.

After all, the price of Umbrella's medicines is not low.

But even so, it is estimated that it will be difficult to recover the R\u0026D costs.

The people on the board of directors often attacked him for this recently, and some even wanted to kick him out of the board of directors.

Perhaps it was the good example set by Obadiah of Stark Enterprises that made some people start to move.

But didn't they see the final result of Obadiah?

Like a dog, he was abandoned by Umbrella.

"Knock knock..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then Norman pushed the door open without waiting for a response.

I saw a cute little boy about ten years old, jumping all the way in.

"Father, today is Sunday, you promised me to go out and play."

Seeing his son appear, Norman put down the financial report in his hand and forced a smile.

"I'll take you to Disneyland later, okay, Harry."

Harry nodded happily, showing an innocent smile.

"Thank you, father. By the way, can I invite my good friends to go with us?"

Norman touched his son's head lovingly.

"Are you talking about Peter Parker? Of course."

"Mua, father is the best. I'll go find Peter and tell him the good news."

Seeing his son walking out of the office, Norman picked up the financial statements on his desk and his expression became ugly again.

"I will never allow anyone to ruin my happy family!"

"Dong dong..."

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Soon, a long-haired beauty wearing a black suit and a hip skirt walked in.

"Mr. Osborne, the military has refused cooperation with our human enhancement technology.

He also said that Umbrella already has mature technology, and unless we come up with better products, there will be no further cooperation in the future. "

After hearing this, Norman's face was expressionless, but his heart was extremely angry, but he felt powerless.

Umbrella's rise was only ten years old, and he didn't even pay attention to it at the beginning. It was just a small workshop-like company.

Later, Umbrella grew a bit and applied to them for a company merger, but he rejected it without mercy.

Unexpectedly, it has grown to the point where it has squeezed Osborne's living space.


Looking at the charming secretary in front of him, Norman felt a burst of fire in his heart.

"come over."

The beautiful secretary understood immediately, put down the documents in her hands and walked over.

"Mr. Osborne, what's wrong?

Wait, don't do this, you can't... I have a husband... Ah! "

Ten minutes later.

Norman pushed away the beautiful secretary with a satisfied look on his face.

"I'll ask your husband to join me later and become my driver."


The beautiful secretary who was getting dressed was immediately dumbfounded.

"But I don't have a husband..."

"Just find someone, I won't really ask you to get married."


With an eyebrow raised, the beautiful secretary stepped on high heels and left.

Norman was furious again when he saw this.

But after all, he is over forty years old, and at this time he is still full of ambition but not strong enough.

Thank you very much, Mr. Ye, for Kisame's monthly ticket.

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