Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 73 First Generation Z Product

In the sky above Sakura Country, in an aircraft carrier.

At this time, Nick was sitting in a chair in the office. Although his face was calm, his eyes were full of anger.

He didn't expect that he only went to the Middle East, and Anbei Linshan was gone after he came back.

The other party died, but the key was that they didn't know if the other party had left anything behind when they cooperated with Anbei Linshan.

If he was found to have interfered in the election of the head of state, he would not have to work as the director at that time.

He didn't dare to let others do this kind of thing.

Although Maria was loyal, she was a management-type person and was not suitable for doing sneaky things.

"Knock knock..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

So Nick sat up straight immediately.

"Come in."

As the door opened, he found that Natasha and Barton had returned.

This immediately made his eyes light up.

"How is your mission going?"

"Director, we found Murakami and had a friendly exchange with him. We found that he didn't know about the zombie virus.

And he didn't care about the Hand of Sakura Country, so we came back."

"Well, I have a very important mission for you."

"What mission?"

"You go..."

After listening to the mission, Natasha and Barton looked at Nick with a strange look on their faces.

But they didn't say anything, just left the room silently.

Nick was relieved when he saw this.

With them, the mission is likely to be no problem.

"Knock knock..."

At this time, there was another knock on the door.

Then Maria pushed the door open without waiting for Nick to speak.

"Director, General Ross found Dr. Banner on the streets of Harlem, Manhattan, New York!"

"What's the situation?"

"I don't know yet."

Nick rubbed his brows.

Forget it, Sakura Country has completely failed, and no one can stop Mariko Yashida from becoming the head of state.

It's time to go back.

"Let's go back to New York, and let Tony move!"

"But Director, Tony seems to have some problems. He has been staying at home recently and hasn't appeared for a long time."

"What happened?"

"I don't know, but his personality has indeed changed a lot."

"It seems that Natasha should lurk around him to find out what's wrong."

After saying this, Nick felt even more tired.

He felt that the world was increasingly out of his control.


Because of the time difference, it was night in New York at this time.

Banner took Elizabeth and was walking towards Dr. Stone, that is, Mr. Lan's laboratory.

But at this moment, he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Elizabeth looked at her boyfriend with a puzzled look, and her eyes were full of tenderness.

You know, she spent the most unforgettable time in the past ten days.

After all, that thing will become several times larger, completely filling her whole body and mind.

Banner looked around in confusion, but after looking for a while, he found nothing, so he shook his head.

"Nothing, let's keep going."


After walking for a while, Elizabeth suddenly said with a tangled face: "Are you sure you want to suppress the gamma cells in your body?"

"Of course, didn't we agree on that?"


Elizabeth hesitated, but she didn't know what she was thinking, but she blushed and didn't continue.

"But what?"

"Forget it, I didn't expect it."

At this time, she was thinking in her heart that if Banner really couldn't become Hulk, then he would lose the biggest source of happiness, and she didn't know if this relationship could continue.

And Banner was still living in the beautiful enjoyment of the future, and didn't notice Elizabeth's abnormality.

At this moment, suddenly an anesthetic shot out and hit Banner's neck directly.


Banner immediately felt a burst of weakness all over his body.

"Ah! Banner!"

Elizabeth screamed and hugged Banner, looking anxious.

The next second, a large number of fully armed soldiers appeared around, led by General Ross who looked very proud.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be so simple. It seems that what he said is right."

When buying the strongest Umbrella product, Li Feng gave him a sentence.

That is, Banner is no different from ordinary people under normal circumstances.

So after he found Banner, he asked his men to shoot with a tranquilizer gun remotely.

Sure enough, Banner fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"How could you do this!"

At this time, Elizabeth rushed to her father and asked loudly.

"He didn't do anything, just wanted to live like an ordinary person, why do you have to force him!"

General Ross looked at his daughter in front of him and waved to the soldiers next to him.

"Keep an eye on her."

"Yes, General."

Hearing this, the soldier immediately stepped forward to hold Elizabeth.

When Elizabeth saw her father walking towards Banner, she struggled.

"No! You can't do this! Woo woo..."

Banner, who fell to the ground, was not completely unconscious at this time, but he felt very tired and exhausted.

But in a daze, he saw that Elizabeth seemed to be caught by someone and was crying heartbreakingly.

Because his eyes were blurry, he couldn't see who was arresting people.

The only thing he knew was that Elizabeth was in danger at this time.

An extremely angry emotion began to surge in his heart.

"Don't touch her..."

The next second, his eyes began to turn green, and his whole body began to swell.

Seeing this, General Ross retreated immediately.

"Oh, damn, how can it change after being anesthetized!"

And Elizabeth saw this, she stopped struggling, but showed a look of surprise.

"Banner, I'm glad you're okay, run."

After a while, Hulk appeared.


With a roar, pedestrians around ran away.

"The monster appeared!"


"There is a green monster!"

General Ross did not run, but retreated a distance with the soldiers, and then said to Emil beside him: "It's your turn!"

At this time, Emil had fully recovered, but his eyes were dim, as if he had lost hope in life.

At this time, Hulk jumped in front of Elizabeth, knocked the soldiers away, and then turned to look at General Ross.

General Ross was not afraid, but said with a relaxed look: "Hulk, I have a surprise for you this time."

As he finished speaking, Emil's whole body swelled and turned green.

However, unlike Hulk's emerald green, his was dark green with a little gray.


After the expansion, Emil turned into a giant beast more than three meters tall, even bigger than Hulk, and sharp bone spurs grew on the joints of his body, and there was also a row of bone spurs on his back.

That looked much more hideous and terrifying than Hulk.

This is Umbrella's latest product, the Z virus combined with Hulk's cells.

Thank you very much for the monthly tickets of Kanshu Passerby, Chizna Yastin, and Jin Guangzhu

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