Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 40: Journey to the Land of Cherry Blossoms

Ten minutes later.

Tony sat on the sofa, looking at the bald head in front of him, feeling speechless.

"So, you want me to work with you to deal with the Umbrella Group?"

Charles nodded.


He woke up yesterday.

After waking up, he knew what happened next through Qin.

Eric is captured and the Brotherhood is disbanded.

This represents the destruction of the radical wing of mutantkind.

Although he was worried about his friend, he also knew that prison might be the best destination for him, so he didn't say anything.

But Ororo, he must save her.

So he came to New York City early in the morning and found Tony.

"Why should I help you?"

Although he didn't like Umbrella either, why would he want to cooperate with a strange disabled person?

“It was with Umbrella’s help that Obadiah kicked you off the board of directors and deprived you of your rights.

I think Umbrella is our common enemy. "

"Then you're wrong."

Tony shook his head.

"Umbrella's help to Obadiah is just a business act. Capitalists seek profit. Even if Umbrella doesn't exist, other companies will appear."

Upon hearing this, Charles was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Although he has extraordinary wisdom and rich life experience, he is not Tony after all, and he has no idea of ​​the other person's pride.

And at this time, the first priority in Tony's mind is to go to Sakura Country and find out what happened to the Insect Man.

As for Umbrella and Obadiah, just leave it to Pepper.

At this time, Qin behind Charles suddenly said: "Mr. Stark, don't you want to know what Umbrella is researching?"

"If you don't want to, please go ahead. I still have things to do."

Seeing that Tony was about to drive people away, Qin suddenly became a little anxious.

Just when she was about to say something else, Charles raised his hand and interrupted her.

"Since Mr. Stark doesn't want to help, let's go."

At this moment, a burst of footsteps suddenly sounded from upstairs.

"Tony, are there any guests at home?"

Soon, Pepper walked downstairs wearing light blue pajamas.

When she saw Charles, she was stunned for a moment.

"Professor Charles, why are you here? Are you here to see me?"

"Pepper? Long time no see."

After some exchanges, Tony learned that Charles had been Pepper's mentor at Columbia University.

And with this friendship, Tony can no longer chase people away.

But looking at the time passing by, I'm afraid if I delay any longer, the plane may not be able to catch up.

So he could only say goodbye and left.

at the same time.

In Sakura Land, Tokyo.

Because of the time difference, it is night here at this time.


Suddenly a burst of lightning appeared, lighting up the city, and it also meant that a thunderstorm was coming.

So the pedestrians on the road quickened their pace and hurried home.

On a remote street, a man was holding an official document and trotting along.

At this moment, a dark purple tentacle suddenly stretched out from the alley next to it, grabbed the man, and then dragged him in.

"Nakamura Yuya-kun, where are you going?"

Nakamura Yuya, who was thrown to the ground, raised his head in pain and saw the tentacle slowly shrinking and turning into a man's arm.

Next to the man stood a bald middle-aged man in his forties.

This immediately startled him.

"Tani...Tanigawa Masanobu-kun, I...I'm going home from get off work..."

Tanichuan Masa took a step forward and showed a ferocious smile.

"Really? Then what is that in your hand?"

As he spoke, he snatched the briefcase from the other party's hand and opened it.

Looking at the information in the briefcase, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"These are our Umbrella's confidential documents, how dare you steal them!"

Seeing that the matter was revealed, Nakamura Yuya suddenly broke down.

"Tanigawa Masanobu, you dare to experiment on living people, you will be punished by God!

You must die a good death! You will be beaten by God..."

Before he finished speaking, Masanobu Tanikawa's left hand suddenly turned into a dark purple tentacle and strangled the other person's throat.

“If we don’t conduct experiments on living people, how can we obtain data from experiments? How can we improve products?

I do this all for the rise of the Great Sakura Empire! "

With a "click..." sound, Nakamura Yuya's neck was strangled, his eyes protruded, his tongue stuck out, and he looked like he was still dead.


At this time, there was a thunder in the sky, followed by heavy rain.

"Tidy up."

After finishing speaking, Tanichuan Masanobu's arm returned to normal, and then he left the alley in the rain as if nothing had happened.

At this time, a subordinate who was on guard outside ran over.

"President, Mr. Shingen Yashida, please come over."

Tanichuan Masashin nodded and wiped the rain from his face.

"I'll pack up and go right away."

The next morning.

In Ota Ward, Tokyo, a plane slowly landed at Tokyo International Airport.

More than half an hour later, Tony walked out of customs with a metal suitcase in his hand.

Breathing the fresh air after the rain, he felt refreshed.

"Mr. Stark, here."

At this time, a beautiful woman in a small suit and a ponytail walked over quickly.

The other party was about 20 years old, 1.6 meters tall. Although she was from Sakura Country, she had fair skin and a cute face.

It can be said that if Tony had not confirmed his relationship with Pepper, he would definitely find a way to get her to climb into his bed.

"Welcome Mr. Stark, I have arranged the car and hotel, please follow me."

Stark Enterprises also has a branch in Sakura Country, so Tony had Pepper book everything for him before coming.

Although he was kicked out of the board of directors, he still had the shares in his hands.

"What's your name?"

"Ando Miyun, Mr. Stark, my name is Ando Miyun."

Because of excitement, Ando Miyun repeated her name twice in a row.

"Well, Ms. Ando Miyun, let's go."

Two hours later.

Tony saw what real congestion was.

It is estimated that New York's peak time is not half of this.

After two hours, the car only drove about ten kilometers out of the airport, which made him feel irritated.

Ando Miyun, who was next to him, seemed to see Tony's impatience, so she leaned over unnoticeably.

"Mr. Stark, that is the famous Mount Fuji in our Sakura Country, very beautiful."

After saying that, she used her not very big but thick chest to rub the other's arm.

Tony frowned and retracted his arm.

"Ms. Ando Miyun, I came here this time because I have something to do and I don't have time to see Mount Fuji."

Seeing Tony's actions, Ando Miyun was confused.

Didn't he say that the other party was a famous playboy?

Why didn't he react to her at all?

Didn't the other party dislike her type?

Just when she wanted to continue to test, an explosion suddenly sounded in the distance.


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