Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 34 The Tragedy of Mutants

The captain saw that Scott still had the ability to resist, so he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Da Da Da..."

The special gun flashed a blue light in an instant, and then a low gunshot sounded.

Dozens of bullets were fired at ten times the speed of sound, instantly hitting Scott's head.

The next moment, Scott's head was like a watermelon, with red and white splashing everywhere.

At the same time, the red impact was gone.

Then, the other two team members immediately gave Ororo an anesthetic, and then carefully tied him up.

At this time, a soldier came to the RV, opened the door, and rescued the trapped little rascal.

Until he was taken to the helicopter, the little rascal still had a dull face and did not react to this sudden change.

Seeing that the mission was going well, the captain sent a message.

"Boss, Alpha Team's mission is completed."


In Tony's villa in New York.

The USB drive with the copied files was thrown aside by Tony.

At this time, he was constantly checking the code in front of the computer, with anxiety and uneasiness in his expression.

"Jarvis, what happened to you? Don't be in trouble."

Since entering the Umbrella Building last night, Jarvis said that he was hacked and there was no news.

He checked the server where Jarvis was stored, but except for the sudden massive data access last night, he did not find anything abnormal.

This is the biggest problem.

There is no problem but there is a problem, which means that he has not found the problem.

And this problem may be beyond his understanding.

"Da Da Da..."

At this time, a sound of high heels sounded behind him.

"Tony, did you see the news just now?"

Tony asked without turning his head: "What news?"

"Sakura Country announced that Umbrella may have violated the regulations in selling drugs and will launch a joint investigation."

After saying this, Pepper showed a hint of excitement and excitement.

"It's a pity that Umbrella is not listed, otherwise I will definitely take out all my private money to buy it out."

At this point, she also showed a trace of regret.

After a while, she didn't hear Tony's answer, so she came to him.

"What are you doing?"

Tony, who was concentrating, was startled.

"Nothing, I'm checking Jarvis."

"Jarvis? By the way, I don't seem to hear his voice this morning. What happened?"

"It was hacked... If it doesn't work, we can only restore Jarvis to its original settings, but the data during this period will be lost.

By the way, what did you say just now?"

After listening to Pepper repeat it, Tony made up his mind immediately.

"I'm going to Tokyo! It seems that Jarvis must be restarted.

And the Mark V project is about to start."


At night.

On an unnamed island in Lake Ontario.

Eric at the Brotherhood headquarters sat in a chair in the office, playing with a dozen small iron balls in his hand boredly.

These thumb-sized iron balls were suspended in his palm, constantly rotating, changing the order, and even the shape.

And his brows were tightly knitted together, and it was obvious that his heart was not as calm as it seemed.

"Strange, why is there no news about Raven?

I also want Congressman Kelly to transform him and make him one of our own."

"Knock knock..."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

As the door opened, a white man who was almost a ball walked in.

The other party was nearly two meters tall and had a fat belly. His limbs were in front of his belly, just like a ball without four branches.


Eric seemed to feel the ground shaking even when the other party walked.

"Mr. Magneto, the Toad Man sent a message that there was no Raven around Congressman Kelly, and even no news could be found. It seemed that she was missing."

"Can't find it? How could it be? Did something happen?"

As for betrayal, he never thought about it.

After all, Raven was the elder who founded the Brotherhood with him, and it was impossible for her to betray him.

After thinking about it, he said, "Meatball, let the Toad Man come back."


After receiving the order, Meatball stepped on the "bang...bang..." step and left again.

In the suburbs of Westchester, New York, in the principal's office of Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

Charles sat in a wheelchair, looking at the night outside the window, his brows also furrowed.

"Why haven't Ororo and Scott come back yet?"

The red-haired beauty who was pushing the wheelchair behind the wheelchair shook her head when she heard this.

"I don't know, maybe they were delayed by something."

"Have they not replied to the message?"


"No, something unexpected happened!

Qin, push me to the search room."

Qin immediately pushed the wheelchair and walked towards the basement base after hearing this.

Ten minutes later.

The two came to a round iron door.

Charles aimed his pupils at the scanner, and after a scan, the door opened.

When they arrived here, Qin waited outside, and Charles pushed the wheelchair in by himself.

The space inside the room is very large, and the overall shape is round, with only one road leading directly to the center of the room.

The walls of the room are made of metal plates.

After a while, Charles pushed his wheelchair to the middle of the room, then picked up something like a helmet and put it on his head.

As the brain wave amplifier started, his mental power instantly expanded hundreds of times, even thousands of times.

He sensed Qin outside the room and the children on campus.

In his mental power perception, the mental power of mutants is red, while the mental power of ordinary people is white.

So this is very simple, he just needs to find those red mental powers.

As his mental power continued to spread, he soon arrived in North Dakota.

Because the number of mutants is small, he quickly checked everyone, but still did not find Ororo and Scott.

Even the mutants they were looking for were gone.

"Can't find it? What's going on?

Did something really happen!"

So he immediately turned his attention to the entire United States.

Just as he was about to search one state at a time, he suddenly found that he felt a familiar mental power near New York.

It was Ororo's mental power!

Why did she go to New York?

And, where is Scott?

Why is she not with Scott?

With great doubts, he focused all his mental power.


Underground base?

What the hell are those black mental powers?

Why do they feel full of destruction and disorder?

Just when Charles wanted to continue observing, he suddenly saw a pair of eyes.

These eyes emitted a strange blue light, and they were getting bigger and bigger, and soon occupied his entire field of vision.


A sharp pain came, so he took off his helmet without hesitation and quit the mental search.

But the severe pain still accompanied him, and he soon fainted.

Thank you very much for the monthly ticket of Youmingyou

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