Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 33 Beyond the Plot

A motorhome was driving on a snowy, deserted road.

After a while, the girl touched her stomach.

"Do you have anything to eat?"

Logan did not answer, but took out a loaf of bread from the locker next to him.

The girl took off her gloves immediately after seeing the bread, and then put it in her mouth without hesitation and started eating, showing an expression of enjoyment, as if she had not eaten for a long time.

This immediately made Logan, who was driving next to her, look pitying.

This little girl, how long has she not eaten?

After a while, the girl took off her hat, revealing a delicate face.

"My name is Little Naughty."

Obviously, Little Naughty wanted to communicate more deeply with Logan.

But Logan just took a puff of cigar and did not speak.

And the familiar Little Naughty saw the tag on the other's neck.

It said Wolverine.

"Have you ever been a soldier?"

Seeing that Logan still didn't answer, Little Naughty continued: "Doesn't that badge prove that you've been a soldier?"

The lonely Wolverine put away the badge on his neck and still said nothing.

At this time, Logan was a little impatient with this nagging Little Naughty.

But Little Naughty still kept talking.

After a while, Logan found that the other party was not so annoying, so he started chatting and even exchanged names.

Logan also knew Little Naughty's real name, Anna Marie.

Just when the two were chatting happily, suddenly a big tree fell in front of them.

While chatting, Logan didn't pay attention to the front, and didn't have time to react at all, and instantly broke through the window and flew out.

It rolled out about ten meters away.

The Little Naughty, who was wearing a seat belt, was still in the car, but he was also uncomfortable.

After a while, Little Naughty finally came to his senses and looked around.

She saw the windshield with a big hole in it, and Logan lying on the ground in front of her, his life or death unknown.

So she hurriedly tried to unfasten the seat belt and wanted to go over to check on Logan.

But after trying a few times, she found that the seat belt was stuck tightly and she couldn't shake it at all.

At this time, Logan in front slowly climbed up, and the huge wound on his forehead recovered quickly.

In just a few seconds, the wound was completely healed.

This is Logan's superpower, the self-healing factor.

This scene stunned Xiao Taoqi.

Originally, she thought that the other party's superpower was steel claws, but she didn't expect that he had super recovery ability.

"Are you okay? Are you okay?"

Hearing Logan's question, Xiao Taoqi came back to his senses slightly.

"I'm stuck."

At this time, she suddenly smelled a burnt smell, and then she found that the gasoline in the RV was leaking and on fire.

Logan was about to go over to help Xiao Taoqi, but suddenly found that the broken tree was abnormal.

It didn't fall down dead at all, but was inferred by brute force.

Thinking of this, he immediately ejected the steel claws and looked around with a vigilant expression.

At the same time, the sensitive nose began to smell the source of the dangerous breath.

The saber-toothed tiger hiding in the bushes saw that Logan was already alert and knew that his ambush idea had failed.

He originally wanted to wait for Logan to open the door and then sneak attack from behind.

In the next second, he saw Logan turn around and look at him, and immediately knew that the other party had discovered him, so he immediately rushed over from the bushes.



Logan was immediately knocked away, and even broke a tree with a diameter of more than 20 centimeters.

The saber-toothed tiger picked up the broken tree trunk, and then smashed it before Logan came to his senses.


There was another loud noise, and Logan was immediately knocked away and fell on the hood of the RV.

The huge force even knocked him unconscious, and the steel claws in his fist were retracted.

The little naughty in the car saw Logan fainted, and his heart was immediately anxious. He turned his head to look at the growing flames behind him, and pulled the seat belt hard.

But with her strength, she couldn't shake the stuck seat belt at all.

Looking at the saber-tooth tiger getting closer and closer, she was so anxious that tears were about to flow out.

At this moment, a blizzard hit, and the saber-tooth tiger couldn't move forward.

At this time, two people wearing leather jackets and leather pants appeared behind the saber-tooth tiger.

It was Scott with red sunglasses and Ororo with long silver hair.

At this time, Ororo's eyes turned white, and a breeze swirled around her body.

This is one of her superpowers, controlling the storm.

After a while, Scott saw that the saber-tooth tiger was still holding on, so he put his hand to his ear and controlled the switch in the red sunglasses.


A red light shot out.

This is his superpower, which can emit red shock waves from the eyes.

Sensing the danger, the saber-tooth tiger immediately jumped and avoided the red shock wave.

"Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, a series of low gunshots rang out.

The saber-tooth tiger instantly felt a huge impact and severe pain.

Soon, he lay on the ground.


He roared in pain, and soon he found that his left arm had disappeared, leaving only a bloody shoulder.

The shot just now directly broke his arm.

No, not only his arm, but also his leg, so he couldn't even stand up.

But soon, the broken part of his wound began to grow granulation tissue slowly, trying to restore the missing arms and thighs.

Sabretooth has the same self-healing ability and immortality as Wolverine, and is superior to Wolverine in strength, speed, and perception.

Compared with Sabretooth's self-healing ability, Scott and Ororo are much more unlucky.

They also broke an arm and a leg, but they lay on the ground and screamed.


The next second, a group of people suddenly appeared around. They were wearing white snow camouflage uniforms, holding a unique rifle in their hands, and slowly walked over.

As they walked, they looked at the three people warily, as if they were afraid that the disabled people could still stand up and resist.

"No. 7, No. 9, use tranquilizer guns."


These people are very well-trained. Soon two of them put down the rifles hanging around their necks, and then took out pistols filled with anesthetics from their waists and aimed at Sabretooth.

"Swish, swish..."

After two injections, the special anesthetic made the saber-tooth tiger feel dizzy and then lost consciousness.

But even if he lost consciousness, his body's self-healing factor was still repairing his body.

Just as everyone approached Scott, Scott used his good left hand to directly pull off his glasses, and an extremely strong red shock wave shot out.


The nearby trees were instantly cut in half, and even the nearby snow-capped mountains were swept away. A violent explosion occurred immediately, followed by an avalanche.

And several nearby warriors were also blown away by the shock wave.

However, this red shock wave that seemed to be able to destroy the world did not tear them apart.

I saw them quickly get up from the ground with severe pain, and quickly rolled to the side to avoid secondary injuries.

Obviously, none of these people are ordinary people.

Thank you very much to the book friends 20201128014135258, Youmuyou, and Lu Xueyan for their monthly tickets

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