Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 24 Discovering the Mass Burial Pit

From Tony's constant complaints, we can know that although he was knocked away, he was not seriously injured.

After all, Mark IV has double armor, and even the paint was not scratched at this time.

However, when he just stabilized his figure and prepared to fight back, the man with insects on his head rushed over like a rhinoceros.

Another "bang!" sound.

Tony was knocked away again.

And this time, he flew in the direction of the man with insect claws on his abdomen.

The insect claw man hugged Tony, and then the insect claws on his abdomen kept tightening.

"Crack... crack..."

The sound of armor being unable to bear the weight sounded, which immediately changed Tony's face slightly.

"Jarvis, report the situation."

"Mr. Stark, you are suffering from a huge crush, and the armor has been bent by one centimeter."

"Start all the weapons that can fight back for me!"

The next second, the magazine popped out from the shoulder of Mark IV, revealing the mini rocket inside.

"Boom boom..."

As these mini rockets were fired, the insect claw man in front of Tony was instantly knocked away.


After a roar, the insect claw man quickly climbed up.

Looking at the small wounds on the other side, which were only caused by the explosion and were still recovering quickly, Tony secretly thought it was not good.

It seems that these monsters have become very powerful even without the mutated parts.

You know, although these mini rockets cannot destroy heavy tanks, they are more than enough to deal with light tanks.

This shows that the skin of these insects is as hard as medium tanks.

After a while, Tony saw the other two insects rushing over again, so he quickly flew up and came to an altitude of more than 50 meters.

He planned to use the same trick again and bully the characteristics of these insects that they can't fly.

If the insects want to evolve wings, then he will just fire armor-piercing bullets.

But this time the reaction of the insects disappointed him.

After roaring for a while, the three insects found that the enemy would not come down, so they fled to a distance.

Tony saw this and followed them immediately.

He suspected that these insects were going back, so he planned to follow them to see if he could find the enemy's lair and see which force was studying these insects.

After chasing for more than ten minutes, he had to attack the insects.

Because there was a town not far ahead, and there were many civilians on the road, some of whom were children.

These insects seemed to have lost their minds and killed anyone they met. Even if this town was really related to the insects, they would kill the insects before investigating.


As two missiles were launched, three insects were immediately blown away by the strong air wave.

The attacked insects did not run towards the town, but kept roaring at Tony in the air.

Obviously, these insects did have some problems with their intelligence.

But how to deal with them?

At present, the only weapon that can kill insects is armor-piercing bullets, but armor-piercing bullets cannot be tracked.

"It seems that we have to limit the movement space of these insects first."

After looking for a while, Tony's eyes lit up.

Not far away, he saw a huge pit.

So he lowered his figure a little, and then flew towards the giant pit while attacking the Zerg with his palm cannon.

But after flying near the pit, Tony almost vomited, and his face became extremely ugly.

Although the giant pit was covered with mud, a large number of corpses and limbs and pieces of meat could still be seen.

The number was so large, at least several thousand corpses, which could be called a massacre.

Obviously, someone dug a pit and buried them hastily after slaughtering civilians.

But because the burial was not deep, it was dug out by animals.

"Oh my God! Are these all civilians slaughtered by the Ten Rings? They are simply demons!"

After asking Jarvis to take pictures and record videos, he immediately remembered his purpose.

Looking back, he found that three Zerg had actually jumped into the Ten Thousand Burial Pit, picked up the limbs of the corpses and started eating them.

"Sure enough, beasts are beasts!"

The next second, three armor-piercing bullets were fired and instantly hit the three Zerg who were eating.


After a burst of explosions, the three bug men that gave him a headache were turned into pieces.

After picking up some pieces of meat to study, he flew up again and went back.

He must make what happened here public, so that people all over the world know about the atrocities that happened here.


One hour later.

In a secret base of the Ten Rings Gang.

A man with a face scarf, revealing only two eyes, walked into the office.

And in the office, there was a Middle Eastern man in his sixties with a long beard.

He is the current leader of the Ten Rings Gang, the Son of God.

Since Mandarin abandoned the Ten Rings Gang and disappeared more than 20 years ago, the power of the Ten Rings Gang in the Middle East has been taken over by the Son of God.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, the Son of God raised his head and looked at the person coming.

"Muhada, what's the hurry?"

Muhada was still panting at this time, and said hurriedly: "Sir, our troops in Gumira were severely damaged, and three people who were given the divine gift also died."

Hearing such a great loss, the Holy Son also frowned.

"Who did it?"

"I don't know yet." Muhade shook his head and asked hesitantly, "Is it possible that the US military did it?"

The US military in 2008 could be called the world police because there was no force that could fight against it, so it could be called nosy everywhere.

Muhade was very clear about what they had done, so he was afraid that the US military had intervened.

But the Holy Son shook his head immediately after hearing this.

"It can't be the US military."

Seeing Muhade's puzzled face, he didn't continue to explain, but just said, "Maybe it was the iron man or the guy called Iron Man last time.

Send people to ask around the villages if there are any robots."


Muhade nodded and turned to leave.

Watching his men leave, the Holy Son rubbed his temples with a headache, then took out a mobile phone hidden in a secret compartment and made a mysterious call.

"An hour ago, our base in Gumira was attacked."


"We don't know who the enemy is, but they must be very powerful. I have lost four enhanced people so far."

"You know, we can't come out to help you."

"I want 300 million Mi Dao to buy 30 of the same enhanced potions as last time."


"How much can you give?"

There was silence on the phone for a while.

"How is your plan going?"

"At the critical moment of the plan, they have promised us that as long as we take over the Gumira area, they will cooperate with us to attack from the south."

"100 million Mi Dao, when you take over Gumira, I will call you."


Seeing the other party hang up the phone, the Son of God put down the phone expressionlessly, lowering his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

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