Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 23 Justice Iron Man

In the Middle Valley Mira region.

Because of the time difference, it was still morning when Tony came here.

After searching around, he soon discovered a burning village.

Then he saw a group of men in turbans escorting a group of children to a car with rifles.

"Hurry up! Get up!"

"Don't run! If you run, I'll beat you to death!"

"Get up there and we'll set off immediately!"

A group of children, escorted by members of the Ten Rings Gang, shivered into a convertible transporting goods.

They were very obedient and kept very quiet.

Children who are not quiet have been shot.

At this time, a member of the Ten Rings Gang who was next to the car saw that the children had already gotten into the car, so he took off his turban, revealing a Western face.

I saw him lighting up a cigarette and taking a puff.

"After finishing this job, we can take a good rest."

After closing the car door, the man next to him took the cigarette from the other person's mouth and took a deep drag.

"Yes, after finishing this job, I have to go back."

"Go back? What happened?"

"I'm tired of killing people every day."


The man took the cigarette back from his companion's mouth and took a drag.

"Just now a little girl about the same age as my daughter asked me not to kill her mother, but I did it anyway."

Although they joined the Ten Rings Gang and committed evil, they are still human beings and have emotions and desires.

Although there is not much conscience, there is still a little bit of it.

While the two were talking, a ray of light suddenly fell from the sky and hit the starting truck.

With a "Bang!" sound, the truck's engine was immediately destroyed.

Then a gold and red robot fell to the ground.

When the people from the surrounding Shihuan Gang saw this, they immediately pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Da da da..."

The bullet hit the robot, just like scratching an itch, just scratching off the paint on the surface.

Tony, who was inside the Mark IV, found that there was not even a slight vibration, and he suddenly felt full of security.

The previous Mark III armor was still too thin. Sometimes he was really afraid of encountering armor-piercing bullets and being penetrated all at once.

And even if the Mark IV encounters armor-piercing bullets, it is estimated that it can withstand two hits.

After feeling the Mark IV's armor, Tony raised his palm, and the palm cannon fired instantly.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two members of the Ten Rings Gang were instantly knocked away, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

Then Tony continued to play, using his palm cannon to knock away the surrounding enemies one by one.

When the children in the truck saw this, they immediately showed shocked expressions.

"Whoa, Superman is here to save us."

"This is not Superman, this is a robot!"

"That's a super robot!"

Contrary to the children, the two members of the Ten Rings Gang who had been smoking before saw such a powerful enemy appearing, immediately dropped their weapons and pretended to be dead.

For them, it's just a matter of getting money to work, and there is no need to pay for their lives.

"Bang bang bang..."

After a while, all the members of the Ten Rings Gang who were still standing fell down.

Tony looked around and found that there was no enemy standing, and he felt disappointed.

It seems that not all members of the Ten Rings Gang will turn into that kind of mantis-like monster.

So he flew up and looked for new enemies.

When the children in the truck saw that the bad guys were all dead, they immediately jumped out of the truck.

"Super robot defeats the bad guys!"


"Mom and Dad!"

At this time, the relatives of the children who were still alive in the distance came running over.

"Woo...child, it's great that you're okay!"

"I thought I'd never see you again."

"Mom, it's okay. Where is dad?"


Tony was very moved when he saw this scene in mid-air.

He felt the meaning of his existence at this time.

To make the world a better place, for world peace, without pain and sorrow.

He felt like he had evolved.

If we talk about before, although he had the idea of ​​fighting criminals, he mostly wanted to take revenge on the Ten Rings Gang.

But at this time, he felt that he was no longer for revenge, but really for world peace.

After confirming that these civilians were safe, he left with confidence.

After a while, he seemed to have found the enemy's lair and saw the missile vehicle produced by Stark Enterprises.

This suddenly made him furious.

But in the next second.

Suddenly there was a loud "Bang!"

Tony felt as if he had hit a truck, and his whole body was violently knocked away and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Mark 4 had the ability to absorb shock waves beyond common sense. Otherwise, even if Mark 4 was unscathed at this time, he inside would have been shocked to death.

After getting up from the ground, he saw a tank not far away, and it was still aiming at him.

So he immediately raised his right hand, and a mysterious armor-piercing bullet popped out of his arm.

The next second, while the tank was still reloading, he fired an armor-piercing round and turned his head without hesitation.


The armor-piercing projectile seemed to have hit the tank's ammunition and caused a fatal explosion.

Then he flew towards the missile vehicle.

Just when he was about to launch an attack, a group of people from the Shihuan Gang ran out and attacked him.

"Da da da..."


Unlucky Tony was hit by a portable missile hidden in the dark by the enemy and was knocked away again.

After getting up again, he immediately stretched out his hands and continuously fired palm cannons to attack.

However, because he was worried that the enemy still had portable missiles, he kept moving while attacking.

For a while, the people of the Ten Rings Gang were killed without any chance to fight back.


A few minutes later, with the last explosion, the missile vehicle produced by Stark Enterprises was also destroyed.

This immediately made Tony feel relieved.

Just as he was about to take off again, he suddenly found that the three people who were lying on the ground had climbed up.


A strange roar sounded.

The three people had different mutations all over their bodies.

Among them, the man with darker skin had black scales on his chest, which was a bit like the shell of a beetle.

There was also a man who was the oldest and had white hair, and he had six tiny claws growing on his lower abdomen.

The last man was the youngest, and his skin color was white. The other man had changed the most. From the neck up, his entire head had turned into an insect head, with dense teeth and compound eyes.

"It appeared again. It was indeed some kind of enhancement technology.

But now it seems that the direction of this enhancement is unknown.

It may turn into any kind of insect."


Before Tony could think about it, the armored man rushed over.

He immediately raised his hand and attacked with a palm cannon.


A beam of light hit the armored man, but the other man resisted it, and even his skin was not broken.

"Oh, this is unexpected..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was knocked away by the armored man.

"It seems that I have to increase the armor next time, otherwise I will have a concussion from flying around every day."

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