Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 174 Loki's Conspiracy

On Blue Star.

At this time, Saul carried Eric, who was already drunk, back to their RV.

As astronomers, they often have to travel to various places around the world to take the clearest photos and strange lights.

So the RV is their real home, and the previous one was just a temporary research base.

"Dong dong dong..."

When she heard the knock on the door, Jane, who was reading a book in the RV, immediately stood up and opened the door.

"What happened to him?"

"It's okay, I just drank too much."

After finishing speaking, Sol put Eric on the bed.

Eric was also half-awakened by the movement at this time.

After seeing Sol, his drunken red face suddenly showed a smile.

"I still don't believe you are the God of Thunder...but you should be the God of Wine..."

After saying that, he could no longer hold back his sleepiness, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After a while, Sol and Jian Jian came outside and started chatting.

While chatting, Thor began to talk about Asgard, Jotunheim, and the situation in the Nine Realms.

Seeing Jane's confused look, he took a notebook and began to draw the situation of the Nine Realms and the World Tree.

After the introduction for a while, Sol saw that Jane seemed to be absent-minded, just looking at him dreamily.

This made his unrestrained heart unable to hold back anymore.

When he was in Asgard, he was never a god who could control his lower body.

After arriving at the atrium, because he had been thinking about returning to Asgard, even though he thought Jane was beautiful, he didn't think about it.

After all, he would have to go back sooner or later, so why bother with such a woman.

But now because of Loki's words, he felt that he could not go back, so naturally he no longer had any worries.

So soon, the two kissed each other.

Once the kiss reached the deepest point of affection, they couldn't help but start to explore each other's forbidden areas.

In Asgard's Bifrost.

At this time, Heimdall was standing in the center of the portal, looking at the distant Jotunheim.

He has a pair of eyes that can see through the nine realms, but at this time he feels that he can't see through Jotunheim.

After a long time, the Rainbow Bridge flashed.

Loki appears.

Heimdall didn't like Loki very much.

Because he felt that the other party was too scheming, and there were many things that he couldn't see through.

“I tried to see you while you were in Jotunheim.

But I couldn't see or hear it.

Just like when the Frost Giants invaded here. "

Hearing this, Loki, who originally wanted to leave, stopped and looked at the other party.

Heimdall is about two meters tall, wearing a golden armor and holding a long two-handed sword in both hands.

The most irresistible thing was the other person's golden eyes, which seemed to be able to see through everything.

"Maybe you've been here too long and your senses have deteriorated."

"It's also possible that someone has found a way to hide and not want to be seen by me."

Hearing this, Loki smiled slightly, then started walking around the other party.

"You have great power, Heimdall.

Was Odin ever afraid of you? "



"Because he is my god-king, and I swear allegiance to him."

“He used to be the God King, but now I am the God King.

So you're going to be loyal to me now, right? "

Heimdall looked at Loki deeply, and after a while, he finally nodded.


After hearing the answer he wanted, Loki immediately breathed a sigh of relief and walked out.

"From now on, no one can open the Rainbow Bridge without my permission.

Until I clean up the mess my brother left me. "

Until Loki left, Heimdall still didn't say anything, just sighed deeply.

After more than an hour.

Sif suddenly walked in with the Three Warriors of Asgard.

"elder brother…"

Hearing this, Heimdall gave his sister a meaningful look.

Although his eyes couldn't see what Loki was doing, he could clearly hear his sister's discussion.

So without saying a word, he put down his two-handed sword and walked off the Rainbow Bridge.

“After guarding the Rainbow Bridge for so many years, I suddenly want to relax in a bar.

Put this artifact that can open the Rainbow Bridge here. No one will secretly open the Rainbow Bridge while I'm away. "

After muttering to himself in a loud voice, he ignored his sister and the other four people.

"I swear to be loyal to the King of God and never betray, not now and never in the future..."

Seeing her brother walking out of the Rainbow Bridge like this, Sif and the other four people immediately looked at each other.

"What does he mean?"

"I don't understand. It seems like nothing was said, and it seems like everything was said."

At this time, Sif turned to look at the two-handed sword on the Rainbow Bridge.

"It seems that this sword can open the Rainbow Bridge."

Hearing this, the three warriors of Immortal Palace suddenly became enlightened.

After a while, Loki in the palace saw the Rainbow Bridge being activated.

His face suddenly changed with anger.

So he turned back to the palace with a cold face.

A few minutes later, he arrived at Odin's treasury with the Spear of Eternity.


As the Eternal Spear struck the ground, the most powerful guardian in the treasury, the Destroyer, stepped out.

The Destroyer is about three meters tall, and his whole body is made of Uru metal. He looks very burly.

Uru metal is a special metal given to Asgard by the dwarves. It has a strong enchanting ability and is often used to make various war puppets.

Looking at the destroyer in front of him, Loki just said coldly: "Make sure my brother doesn't come back and destroy everything!"


At the same time.

On Blue Star, New Mexico.

It was daytime here.

A rainbow suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

When the rainbow bridge disappeared, the figures of Fandral, Hogan, Vostak and Sif appeared.

Looking at the barren ground around them, they even looked around in confusion.

They were not familiar with the atrium, and they didn't know how to find Thor.

Finally, at Sif's suggestion, the four of them prepared to go to the nearest city to inquire.

And dozens of kilometers away, in Umbrella's temporary camp.

When the rainbow bridge appeared, various instruments in the camp began to sound immediately.

Luna immediately took people to the scientific research department.

"What happened?"

"Ms. Luna, I don't know, something strange happened suddenly."

"It seems like something fell from the sky."

"But we checked the nearest satellites and rocket launch plans, and none of them passed by."

Seeing the panic of a group of scientific researchers around her, Luna nodded calmly.

"Red Queen, turn on the Sky Eye satellite and check the situation."


Soon, the projection of the Sky Eye satellite appeared on the scene.

But the picture was very blurry, and many places were not clear.

"Red Queen, what's going on?"

"Due to unknown influences, there is a large amount of electromagnetic infection in the air."

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