Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 167: Odin faints

Sif couldn't help but stood up from her seat and walked to Loki.

"Loki, you must persuade your father to take back the order."

"So what if I go and persuade him, I love Thor more than you do.

But you know what kind of person he is, arrogant, arrogant, and reckless.

You saw what he did today. Is this what a prince of Asgard should look like? "

Having said this, Loki looked at the eyes of everyone who still had not changed at all, and immediately walked out in disappointment.

He desperately wants to win over the Three Warriors of Asgard and Sif.

After all, the former is Asgard's strong fighting force, and the latter is Heimdall's sister. If he can win over the four of them, it will be of great help to his plan.

But now it seems that there is no chance.

Seeing Loki leave, Sif couldn't help but said: "Loki said he was doing it for Thor, but he has been jealous of Thor."

She and Sol were childhood sweethearts, and she even liked Sol very much, so she said this.

Vostak next to him looked at his injured palm and said mockingly: "But he was right, he did save our lives."

Hogg couldn't help but said: "Lauffy said that there was a traitor in Odin's family.

The traitor had the power to bring three Frost Giants to Asgard. "

When the other three heard this, they immediately knew who the other party wanted to talk about.

But these words made the three of them feel a little unbelievable.

"Although Loki usually likes to joke around, he never makes mistakes in big matters."

"Yes, I don't think he would do such an act of collaborating with the enemy."

"Yeah, after all he had no reason to do it."

While the Three Warriors of Asgard and Sif were still discussing.

Loki, who walked out of the room, used invisibility to sneak into Odin's treasure house and came to a treasure.

This treasure is about thirty centimeters long and twenty centimeters high, with a faint blue light emitting from the middle.

This is the most precious treasure of the Frost Giant clan, the Box of Ice.

When he encountered a crisis in Jotunheim in the morning, he felt a strange power, like the power of a frost giant.

So he came here just to test whether the legend was true.

After thinking about it, he reached out his hand, grasped the Ice Box, and raised it.

A very strange, yet extremely familiar force appeared.

This suddenly made him feel a sense of despair, and he shook his head repeatedly, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

He is actually connected to the Frost Giant's most precious treasure, the Box of Ice. He really has the blood of the Frost Giant!

"lay down!"

At this time, Odin's voice suddenly sounded from behind Loki.

He was originally discussing with Frigga when he suddenly felt that the treasures in the treasure house were moved, so he immediately teleported over.

After hearing his father's words, the heartbroken Loki did not obey as usual, but asked with the last glimmer of hope: "Am I cursed?"


Odin's words completely shattered the last bit of luck in Loki's heart, so he slowly put down the Ice Box.

"Who am I?"

Odin showed a trace of sadness, but his eyes were full of fatherly love.

"Of course it's my son."

But this scene was not seen by Loki, who had his back turned to him.

After Loki slowly put down the Ice Box, his skin began to slowly turn blue, and the same red eyes and pointed ears as the Frost Giant appeared.

As he left the Ice Box, his skin color and appearance slowly returned to their original state.

Then, after turning around, he asked in a questioning tone: "What about other than that?"

As he spoke, he walked towards Odin.

"The Ice Box isn't the only thing you brought back from Jotunheim."

Seeing Loki's cold eyes, Odin felt a dull pain in his heart.

"That's right.

After the war, I walked into the temple and found an abandoned baby.

The descendant of the Frost Giants, abandoned and left to fend for themselves, is Laufey's son. "

Having said this, he couldn't help but recall the original scene.

More than a thousand years ago, he conquered the nine realms and killed countless enemies.

The final battle was against the Frost Giants in Jotunheim.

After defeating Laufey and entering the temple, he discovered the abandoned Loki, so he used his divine power to turn the opponent into an Asgardian appearance, then brought him back to Asgard, and claimed that he was own children.

The reason why he did this was just to use Loki to make Laufey surrender.

Because he found that violence alone could not maintain his rule, he wanted to use gentler means.

But while taking care of Loki, he gradually came to regard him as his own son.

After listening to the explanation, Loki's expression was full of disbelief, confusion, and inability to accept it.

"Why? You killed countless Frost Giants, why did you take me away?"

"You're just an innocent baby."

"No, there must be a reason why you took me away. Why exactly?"

Seeing Loki who seemed to be going crazy in front of him, Odin's eyes were filled with disbelief.

He couldn't believe that the child he raised by himself would become like this.

Is it because of the Frost Giant bloodline?

When Loki saw Odin's delay in answering, he suddenly burst into rage.

"Answer me!"

At this point, he felt he had been deceived.

Thousands of years of family ties are like a joke, an illusion displayed by Odin for some benefit.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but shed tears.

Odin was silent for a while, and then said affectionately: "I hope that one day, our two races can live in peace.

Through you, bring us alliances and eternal peace. "

After hearing this expected answer, Loki asked feebly: "Why!"

"But none of that matters anymore."

“So I’m just a stolen souvenir?

Are you stuck here, waiting for something to come in handy one day? "

"Why are you misinterpreting my meaning?"

"You could have told me my identity from the beginning, why didn't you?"

"Because you are my son, I just want to protect you from the truth."

"Because I know I'm afraid, am I the monster you use to scare your children in their bedtime stories?"

Seeing that Loki didn't understand his painstaking efforts, Odin suddenly felt distressed and uncomfortable.

In addition, he was supposed to enter the sleep period, but because of the matter of the Frost Giant, he had not yet entered, so he suddenly collapsed on the steps in discomfort.

But at this time, Loki, who was talking more and more, felt that he had finally discovered the truth and ignored Odin's situation.

"No wonder you have always preferred Thor for so many years, because no matter how you say you love me, you will never let a frost giant become the king of Asgard!"

After finishing speaking, he came to Odin and found that the other person was unconscious. He squatted down in a panic and started to check.

It is impossible to say that he does not love Odin. After all, how could he give up the love between father and son for so many years all at once.

But looking at the fainted Odin, an idea came to his mind crazily.

That is to take this opportunity to become the God King.


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