Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 157 Sister and brother join forces

When Cassandra was stunned, a voice sounded in her ears.

"Is it fun?"

Turning her head, she found a black-haired Asian man next to her.

"Who are you?"

The Asian man just raised his head and looked at the missile in the sky, revealing a look of compassion.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What you should worry about now is how you survive this mushroom bomb."

"Mushroom bomb!?"

Cassandra was startled at first, then looked up at the missile in the sky.

After this reminder, she immediately covered the missile with her mental power, and indeed found the mushroom device inside, which made her face change drastically.

Although she could hide underground, she would have to come out sooner or later and then bear the impact of nuclear radiation.

"They dared to use mushroom bombs first! Do you really think I dare not destroy the world!"

Seeing her crazy look, Li Feng shook his head slightly.

"You are really stubborn."

Hearing this, Cassandra immediately lowered her head, looked at the situation around her, and then looked at Li Feng with a vicious look.

"You brought me into the spiritual world, definitely not to tell me this.

Tell me! Who are you!"

"Does it matter who I am? What matters is that your behavior in this world has gone past."

"Got past? Haha..."

Cassandra showed a mocking smile.

"This is a world where the strong prey on the weak. Everything I do follows this rule!"

"Are you sure you think so?"

After saying this, Li Feng waved his hand slightly, and the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

When Cassandra came to her senses again, she had appeared in a secret room, and in front of her was a bald man sitting in a wheelchair.

The bald man frowned when he saw Li Feng appear.

"Why are you here? When will you let me out?"

Li Feng did not speak, but just glanced at Charles and then at Cassandra.

"You two, one ate your sister in the embryo, and the other ate your brother in the embryo, but you took completely different paths."

Hearing this, Charles and Cassandra immediately looked at each other.

"Are you my sister?"

"Are you my brother?"

As mutants with extraordinary strength and talent, they have had a vague feeling since childhood.

That is, they originally had a relative, but they swallowed him.

But facing this cruel reality, the two did not dare to face it at all, so they kept it hidden in their hearts.

Cassandra immediately shook her head.

"No, how could you be my brother, you are a non-human sitting in a wheelchair. If I really have a brother, he is also a mutant with unimaginable strength."

Charles was embarrassed when he heard it.

Indeed, he has been too cowardly in these years.

First of all, it was the Brotherhood's affairs that made him have to establish the X-Men, be a good guy, and appease the emotions of mankind.

Then because of the Mutant Registration Act, he began to wander between various congressmen every day, trying to overturn the bill.

But in the end, because of the appearance of Apocalypse, the Mutant Registration Act was still started, and even implemented worldwide.

He was killed by Jean.

After resurrection, he has been hiding at home, waiting for the opportunity. In the end, he didn't expect that the opportunity didn't wait, but waited for Li Feng, the killer.

It can be said that he lived a very aggrieved life.

Li Feng continued beside him: "Our world is different from your world.

In your world, you finally watched Sean defeat Magneto, and then the United States and the North Bear launched nuclear bombs, leading to the end of the world.

In this world, Charles prevented the end of the world, but he was also paralyzed because of the explosion."

In fact, the end of the world in the last world was not led by her at the beginning, so she could only sit back and watch.

However, some of the remaining nuclear bombs were launched by her controllers, otherwise the end of the world would not be so serious.

After listening, Cassandra laughed immediately.

"Hahaha, I knew I shouldn't save people. You see, good people don't get good rewards."

Li Feng nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, good people don't necessarily have good results, and bad people don't necessarily have bad results.

But does Charles regret it?"

Charles lowered his head again, but there was no regret in his eyes.

Li Feng smiled slightly.

"Of course he won't regret it. After all, although he is half paralyzed, his students and friends are still alive.

He has gained more friends and students later, and what about you?

In your world, you should rule your world, right?

But are you happy?"

Hearing the word happy, Cassandra forced a smile.

"Of course I'm happy, I'm the king, I rule everything..."

"Oh? What about your friends? Your relatives? Your family?"

Every word made Cassandra look a little ugly.

"I rule the world, what friends and relatives do I need!"

"Are you really happy?"

Looking at the other person's words that seemed to look directly into people's hearts, Cassandra opened her mouth, and the word happy could no longer be said.



At the beginning, it did feel quite fresh.

After all, as a king, the only people left in the world must obey her orders.

But after a long time, when the novelty faded, there was only endless loneliness and emptiness.

So she could only seek more exciting programs to keep herself interested.

For example, killing, abuse, etc.

But later, these gradually became numb.

There was no delicious food and wine, no music and movies, and the same few people woke up every day.

As for friends, it was even more impossible.

Those who survived were full of fear and fear of her.

"Life is not to become a hegemon, nor to become a king.

There are so many emperors and emperors recorded in history, but who said that they lived happily?

So, what is the purpose of life?"

Yes, for what?

Cassandra fell into thinking.

She thought of her family.

Her parents didn't treat her well after she was born.

Even her mother had blamed her, saying that if it weren't for her, her younger brother would be born.

Naturally, her childhood was not good.

Her parents didn't love her, she had no friends, and she just sat alone in the corner every day, with only some dolls to keep her company.

Later, the doll was destroyed by some mischievous children.

When she thought of this, she immediately looked at Li Feng fiercely.

"Why I am alive is none of your business!"

The next second, the stones from the surrounding beds and walls suddenly flew out and hit the other party.

Facing this change, Li Feng just waved his hand lightly, and everything returned to its original position.

"Your mental power and telekinesis are indeed good, but you are not my opponent."

"What if mine is added!"

At this time, Charles pushed the wheelchair and came to Cassandra.

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