Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 143 Middle East Alliance

Just when Lorna was about to lose her strength, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared outside the window and struck Cassandra.


The thunder came belatedly, and Cassandra was instantly paralyzed by the electricity.

Then, Ororo's expressionless figure slowly appeared from the stairs.

And her eyes were now completely white, without pupils.

Looking at this, Lorna suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go to hell!"

The next second, all the metal instantly blasted towards Cassandra's position.


Even the floor was smashed and people were beaten downstairs.

But just when Lorna was about to check the results of the battle, Cassandra suddenly emerged from the ground behind her, then reached out and entered her mind.

"With these things, you want to kill me..."

Lorna just wanted to continue controlling the metal when she felt a sharp pain.


Cassandra saw this and immediately smiled.

"You are hard-boned, aren't you? Look how hard you are!"

After saying that, she took off Lorna's helmet and then took mind control.

Lorna's expression suddenly struggled, but under the strong mental suppression, she finally lowered her head.


Seeing this, Cassandra burst into laughter.


New York.

The next morning.

As the sun slowly rises, the battle here ends.

Tony took off his mask and saw the destroyed second villa. He immediately looked at Nick and Maria with a look of resentment.

Ever since I met them, I haven't had a day to settle down.

Since the beginning of Tianqi, he has been constantly getting into trouble.

Now it's fine, my villa has suffered.

As if he was uncomfortable being looked at by Tony, Nick coughed a few times.

"Ahem, let's dig out Pepper first."

Tony glanced at Maria, who was bandaging the wounds of Natasha and Barton, and could only nod helplessly.

Although Maria is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., her administrative skills and strategy are more important, and her combat effectiveness is really a bit weak, so she hid after being injured in the battle last night.

It wasn't until the battle was over that he appeared again to bandage everyone's wounds.

While the two were moving things among the ruins of the villa, an arm stretched out from the edge of the cliff and climbed up.

"Guys, haven't you ever thought about going down to rescue me?"

It turned out to be Hulk, who was thrown into the sea by a helicopter last night, and now he became Banner and climbed back up.

Seeing Banner appear, Natasha immediately went over and pulled him up.

"Oh, Banner, are you okay? Why don't you come back as the Hulk?"


After Banner spit out a few mouthfuls of sea water, he shook his head.

"I don't know either. It seems that Hulk likes the sea water very much and doesn't want to come up."

After a while, everyone rescued Pepper from the ruins in the basement, but looking at the ruins around him, he didn't know where he was going.

If the enemy can find it here, it means it can also find it elsewhere.

How should they deal with the enemy's pursuit at that time?

“How about we go to Washington, D.C.?

There is my secret base there, and the enemy will definitely not find it. "

"No, we can't hide forever, we must fight back."

"But with such a counterattack, now we don't even know who the enemy is."

"I have a clue."


"Alexander Pierce."

"Pierce? Is that him?"

"Yes, only he can understand SHIELD so well and quietly."

"But what are their plans?"

"I don't know, we can ask other people."

Just then, Jarvis's voice suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Stark, maybe you need to pay attention to this news."

Soon, a projection appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

I saw a bald woman standing in front of the camera with a high-spirited look, her eyes full of contempt.

“My name is Cassandra, I am the new leader of the mutants in Baghdad City, and I am announcing here that all countries in the Middle East will form the Middle East Alliance.

And I will be the first head of the alliance, and everyone will obey my orders! "

Next, the heads of state from various countries in the Middle East appeared to express their support for this mutant named Cassandra.

If you look carefully, you can find that the heads of state of these countries all have dull expressions and slow movements.

Apparently, these people are controlled by Cassandra.

After watching the video, everyone present was silent for a while.

Because they all saw that there was something wrong with this Cassandra, and at the same time, there was something very wrong with the so-called Middle East Alliance.

At this time, Maria said: "This mutant is not a good person at first glance. We must solve the SHIELD crisis quickly."

Nick stood up from the stone, nodded, and said, "Yes, let's go find Pierce now, catch him, and know the conspiracy behind this!"

Tony suddenly said: "Let's go find Umbrella."

These words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

But Nick immediately shook his head.

"No, what if Umbrella is the mastermind behind this? Wouldn't we have fallen into a trap ourselves?"

Pepper, who had always had no sense of presence next to him, said: "No, although I haven't been in contact with Umbrella's boss Li for a long time, I feel that he is not that bad.

After all, whether it was Obadiah's incident or what happened later, it all showed that the other party was just a simple businessman.

He even took the initiative to help Tony during Ivan's rebellion, although it cost him some money. "

Tony heard this and nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, although Boss Li's position is unclear, I can feel that he is a pure businessman and will help anyone who gives money."

Seeing both Pepper and Tony say this, Nick also had a moment of reflection in his heart.

Could it be that I looked at it through colored glasses, so I always felt that something was wrong with Umbrella?

No, something was definitely wrong with Umbrella. Although there was no clear evidence, his sixth sense told him that Umbrella had a bigger conspiracy.

But before he could object, Maria nodded.

"Okay, let's go find Umbrella."

Next to them, Natasha, Banner and Barton also nodded.

"Perhaps it's time for us to contact this person."

"Yes, if the other party is really the mastermind behind it, that would be easier. We just kill him!"

Seeing that everyone agreed, Nick couldn't say anything more.

Just like Banner said, if Li Feng is really the mastermind behind the scenes, then they will kill each other directly, and it will be settled once and for all.

Moreover, the so-called Middle East Alliance must be dealt with as soon as possible.

So an hour later, several people drove to the door of Umbrella Building.

But here, everyone was immediately stopped by the security personnel at the door.

When Nick saw this, he picked up his cell phone and called Sharon who was working inside.

After a while, Sharon, dressed in professional attire, hurriedly appeared at the gate.

Just when Nick was about to say something, the other party pulled him and walked to a corner.

"Why are you looking for me? I still have a lot of documents to process, so don't look for me if you have nothing to do."

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