It has to be said that Tony's attack almost stunned SHIELD. In fact, Nick Fury did not expect that Tony would directly launch an attack after being rejected by him.

Although it did not seem to be serious, it had already made him a little flustered.

Picking up the intercom on the table, Nick Fury shouted loudly:"Tony, are you crazy? Do you know what the consequences will be? We are not your enemy!"

On the other end, Tony quickly replied

"I don't want to do this, but Bucky killed my parents and I have to avenge them! Nick, my father is also one of the founders of SHIELD, shouldn't you seek justice for him? I won't stop until you hand Bucky over to me! And my patience is very limited!"

As he spoke, Tony shot down two drones of SHIELD.

Nick's face turned ugly.

Bucky was kept because he wanted to obtain intelligence, this was just a statement to the outside world. The real situation was that Nick Fury also wanted to hand Bucky over to Tony, because compared to a Hydra soldier, Tony was more important to SHIELD!


Looking back at the Captain America behind him, Nick Fury had another headache.

Rogers' obsession with Bucky was too deep. He would not allow himself to hand Bucky over no matter what, and even caused a war between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Tony!

Throwing the walkie-talkie on the table, Nick Fury looked at Rogers behind him and said,"Captain, are you sure you really want to protect Bucky all the time? Tony's father Howard Stark should also be your friend, right? As far as I know, your shield was given by Howard Stark. Why do you want to protect the murderer who killed him?"

Rogers' face changed, and he couldn't help but touch his shield, and then slowly said,"This is not Bucky's fault. He was just brainwashed by Hydra. Hydra is the real murderer!"

"I understand what you said, but have you ever thought that the current Bucky is no longer the Bucky you knew before, he is now just the Winter Soldier of Hydra, a complete killing machine, countless people have died at his hands, can you wash away these facts just by saying it's not his fault, he was just controlled?"

Nick Fury said angrily, he understood Rogers' friendship with Bucky, but he couldn't understand Rogers' attitude on this matter.

Just like what Wolverine said before.

Are you the captain of the United States or the captain of Hydra?

Nick Fury really wants to ask this question now!

Rogers was silent for a while, and then suddenly turned and left, making Nick Fury so angry that he almost wanted to curse.

"Report to the Director, our three drones were destroyed by Iron Man again! His firepower is getting stronger and stronger, please use heavy weapons!"

Then, another agent began to report the battle situation outside

"No, absolutely no heavy weapons are allowed. That guy's armor is equipped with small missiles. It will be troublesome if a fight breaks out. Besides, this is over New York City. If the firepower is too strong, it will hurt ordinary citizens!"

Nick Fury refused without hesitation.

In his opinion, things have not come to that point yet.

"Report, Iron Man is about to break in!"

"Alert! Alert! Alert! He's coming in!"

""Everyone, pay attention!"

The next second, another tense voice rang out; before Nick Fury could react, he saw Tony in armor rushing directly to the command room. This sudden attack made him fall to the ground.


With a loud bang, the glass of the command room burst instantly, and then Tony appeared in front of everyone.

"Damn it!"

Nick Fury cursed angrily in his heart, then he got up and looked at Tony and said,"Tony, have you had enough fun? Enough is enough!"

"Play? Nick, when will you understand that this is the most serious time in my life, now I give you two choices, either hand over Bucky, or I destroy the helical carrier!"

Tony said, and the small missile library on both sides of his shoulders suddenly opened, revealing the ten missiles inside!

"you...You are absolutely crazy..."

Nick Fury was completely helpless against Tony.

But suddenly at this moment, the intercom on his desk rang again.

"Report, report! Captain Rogers took Bucky away from the aerospace carrier. Repeat, Captain Rogers took Bucky away from the aerospace carrier!"

Hearing this, Tony and Nick Fury's faces turned ugly.

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