"Suke, I'm going to kill Bucky!"

Seeing Tony gritting his teeth and saying this with an angry face, Suke was not surprised at all, because in his opinion, this was Tony's most normal reaction!

Watching the video of Bucky killing his parents again and again, Tony's hatred has reached its peak. When he thinks of how his father always regarded Bucky as a hero and a role model for him when he was a child, the hatred in his heart becomes stronger and stronger! The hero he admires is actually the real murderer of his parents. How ironic is this?

He even regretted why he didn't kill Bucky during the day?

Although Suke understood Tony very well in his heart, he still said,"I think it is necessary to tell you one thing. Bucky became like this after being transformed by Hydra. He no longer has his own consciousness and previous memories. The assassination of your parents should be instigated by Hydra. Killing Bucky can not really avenge your parents!"

"So what? Can you erase the fact that Bucky killed my parents by saying this?"

Tony's eyes became colder and colder.

"Bucky must die, and so must Hydra!"

At this point, Suk knew that he could no longer persuade Tony, and then he asked again:"In this case, I won't say anything, but I want to know why you called me here? You don't want me to help you kill Bucky, do you?"

"Of course not! Bucky is mine, and only I can kill him! I need your help not for this, but for another thing!"

Speaking of this, Tony stood up again, and handed a note to Su Ke.

When he opened it, it turned out to be the equation that Su Ke had written before.

"You want me to help you make weapons?"

Su Ke shook the note and said

"It's not a weapon, it's this!"

As he spoke, Tony suddenly tore open his short-sleeved shirt, revealing the Ark reactor inside.

"I need a stronger energy source! But with my ability and wisdom as well as the technology of the Earth, it will take at least half a year to complete this experiment, but I can't wait any longer, I need to get new energy as soon as possible!"

Tony wants to kill Bucky, but SHIELD will definitely stop him, and SHIELD has never believed in him. In addition, SHIELD also has various high-tech weapons made with the Space Stone before, so Tony needs stronger equipment!

For a moment, Suke also thought of this, but then he had a headache again.

Seeing that the Battle of New York was only a few days away, Tony had to go to SHIELD to kill people. SHIELD would definitely not hand over Bucky directly, and a battle was inevitable!

Can't you guys be quiet?


If I think about it carefully, it seems that this incident happened because of me.......

Thinking of this, Su Ke was speechless again.

But he finally decided to help Tony. Anyway, the world was already in chaos, and he wanted to see how chaotic it could get!

"I promise you, you go and rest tonight, and I will start to help you tomorrow!"

After Su Ke said this, he was ready to leave.


Seeing Su Ke was about to leave, Tony hurriedly spoke out to stop him

"What else?"

Su Ke was a little curious.

"No need to wait until tomorrow, let's start tonight! I can't wait!"

Tony said excitedly, and with his unstable body, Suke was speechless again.

"You drank too much and can't get started tonight. This is a very delicate matter and can't be sloppy!"

Su Ke said

"No...I'm not drunk, I must be sober at all times, tonight! Jarvis, get ready!"

As Tony's voice sounded, in a laboratory not far away, a set of machines began to operate.

"This guy..."

Sook shook his head slightly and followed.

To build a new Ark reactor, new elements are needed, and the synthesis of such elements is extremely difficult. The materials on Earth cannot withstand it. Only an alien like Sook can withstand it!

When Sook learned that Tony actually wanted to use him as a ring battery, he almost crushed him to death....

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