Telling Tony the truth about the death of Tony's parents will undoubtedly affect the relationship between Tony and Rogers, and even affect the establishment of the Avengers, but Suk still chose to do it!

He was willing to do it for no other reason, just because Suk didn't want to be like Rogers, saying that it was for your own good when Tony knew the truth in the end!

But is that really for Tony's good?

People often only know that Rogers is righteous and that there is an indelible bond between Rogers and Bucky, but who has considered Tony?

At the end of Captain America 3, Rogers and Bucky teamed up to beat Tony half to death. In the end, Tony could only watch his friend Rogers leave with the murderer who killed his parents. Who has considered his feelings?

That was the murderer who killed his parents!

Just because Rogers said that he was controlled by someone, can we not pursue anything?

Rogers will do this, but Suk won't, because Suk is not a saint bitch!

The Battle of New York will eventually come, and the Avengers will eventually be formed, but what will happen in the meantime is something that even Suk cannot predict, because unknowingly, Suk has completely affected the timeline of this world....

SHIELD took Rogers and Bucky away, and Tony followed them to find out what Suk said before, but Professor X encountered some trouble. Professor X sincerely invited Red Tank and Emma to go to the mutant school and join the X-Men, but without exception, they were rejected.

Red Tank's reason was still the same: he didn't like children.

Emma was much more tactful, saying that she had been controlled by others and did many bad things to mutants, so she just wanted to stay in the human world. Professor

X didn't say anything about Red Tank and Emma's decision. After all, it was their choice and they couldn't be forced. But in the end, Professor X still said that the door of the mutant school was open to them at any time, and they could go back at any time as long as they wanted! As for Suk, he was going back with Professor X, but of course, Suk didn't plan to continue living in the mutant school. He just wanted to go back to deal with the things there.

Before leaving, Suk came to Red Tank and Emma again

"Hong Tank, you should still live with Tony for the time being, but remember, Tony may have important things to deal with recently, so don't bother him!"

After instructing Hong Tank, Su Ke looked at Emma and said,"Emma, you have to take care of yourself while I'm away. Remember to call me if you have anything, and I'll be there right away!"

"Got it!"

Emma agreed sweetly.

Then, Suke got on the plane, and the plane began to fly to the mutant school.

On the plane, staring at Professor X~ sitting in a wheelchair, Suke suddenly remembered something about mutants.

According to what he knew, Professor X~'s later years were very miserable.

Because of human massacres and various destruction plans, after decades, there were only a few mutants left, and those who were still alive were trying to avoid being hunted down by the human army.

In his later years, Professor X~'s telepathic ability was no longer as strong as when he was young, and every time he used his ability, it would degenerate.

Coupled with Alzheimer's disease, he couldn't even take care of himself, and finally died miserably in a wheelchair....

But of course, with the arrival of Suk, this kind of thing will never happen....

""Su Ke, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing Su Ke staring at him in deep thought, Professor x~ asked softly, interrupting Su Ke's thoughts.

Coming back to his senses, Su Ke immediately took out the super healing serum he had won in the lottery, and handed it to Professor x~, saying:"Professor, this is something I got by chance, and I think you will need it!"

"What is this?"

Professor X asked curiously after taking the serum from Su Ke.

"Super healing serum is a super serum that can help organisms repair body damage. I think this should be able to get you back on your feet!"

Suke replied.


Hearing this, not only was Professor X shocked, but even Wolverine, Hank and Jean were also shocked and speechless.

Let Professor X stand up again?

Is this possible?

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