Everyone looked back and saw that the person who was talking was not Su Ke.

And Su Ke was holding a man dressed like them, who was the sniper who had ambushed on the rooftop before!

What was going on?

For a moment, everyone was a little confused. You know, Su Ke was clearly in the car just now. How could he get out of the car in an instant and then go to the rooftop thousands of meters away to catch their people?

This is not right!

Or, this man is not right!

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the captain gave the order to shoot, and then a burst of gunfire rang out.

Bang , bang, bang...


The sniper in Suke's hand was about to shout something, but was suddenly thrown out by Suke, and was instantly shot into a sieve, dead as hell! The next second, countless bullets shot at Suke, penetrated Suke's clothes, and then bounced off....

"I could have been more merciful to you, because I still have something to ask you, but now, you better die!"

Amidst the hail of bullets, Su Ke suddenly revealed a fierce smile on his face, with murderous intent rising in his heart. The bullet shot into his eyes, but it did not affect his vision at all, but only made him more angry.

It was an indisputable fact that the other party wanted to kill him. Although they could not do it, their intentions had already made Su Ke sentence them to death!

"You, all of you will die!"

After saying this, Su Ke instantly moved behind the two soldiers, and then suddenly grabbed their necks. With just a slight pull, their heads and cervical vertebrae were instantly pulled out.

The bodies fell to the ground weakly, and the internal organs inside flowed out.... this...

Seeing this scene, everyone else present gasped. Even though they had killed countless people, this cruel method was simply unprecedented. It was something that only the devil would do!

"Damn it, another mutant?"

Seeing that the bullets had no effect on Suk, a soldier cursed angrily, then pulled a grenade from his waist, pulled the fuse, and threw it directly at Suk.


He calculated the time very accurately. The grenade exploded as soon as it touched Suk, and there was a burst of bangs in an instant.

""Yeah! I killed this guy!"

Seeing this, the soldier who threw the grenade just now shouted excitedly.

But then, he found something wrong, because the sound of the explosion should be continuous, but the sound just now was just a short muffled sound. This is a bit wrong, and at this time, the other people around him were all surprised, and even forgot to attack!

What's going on?

Startled, he looked over, and when he looked over, he was instantly stunned. Not far away, the grenade just now remained in the air in an exploded state. He could even see that the airflow of the explosion was frozen in the air.

Su Ke can absorb any form of energy, of course, including the energy of the bomb explosion, and at this moment, he was absorbing the energy of the bomb explosion.

Next, in the astonished eyes of everyone, all the energy of the bomb was absorbed into Su Ke's body.

He flashed in front of the soldier who had thrown the grenade at him before, and Su Ke smiled evilly and said,"This is your thing, I'll give it back to you!"

Then, he suddenly reached out and covered the soldier's mouth, and then injected all the bomb energy he had absorbed into the soldier's body.


Before he could react, the soldier felt his stomach suddenly swell up. He couldn't help but scream in pain, but the scream didn't last long and disappeared in an explosion!


The energy of the bomb exploded in the soldier's body, instantly shattering his body. Within a radius of 20 meters, there was blood plasma with internal organs everywhere. The whole place was like purgatory!

Then, Su Ke suddenly appeared next to a soldier and broke his neck.

Not far away, a space channel suddenly appeared behind a soldier, and then a group of hungry wolves pounced out....

A soldier was retreating, but he missed a step. When he came to his senses, he found himself suddenly hundreds of meters in the air, crashing down to the ground....

Two soldiers were attacking Suk, when suddenly they felt empty and were submerged by the sea. They had actually reached the deepest bottom of the Atlantic Ocean....

For a while, space channels kept flashing throughout the venue, and along with the appearance of space channels, all kinds of strange deaths of those soldiers were happening!

Some suddenly fell from a high altitude and died, some suddenly fell into the sea and drowned, and some suddenly appeared on the grassland and were killed by lions.......

All this makes everyone feel terrified!

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