The criminals in Gotham City are all vicious villains without exception, and the worst of them are imprisoned in Blackgate Prison and Arkham Asylum. It can be said that the prisoners in Blackgate Prison and Arkham Asylum are the best among the bad guys in Gotham City!

For example, the Joker, the Penguin, Bane, etc....

Any one of these guys could turn Gotham City upside down....

When Suk and Emma officially entered Gotham City, they saw only chaos.

Gunshots, cries, roars, and begging for mercy kept ringing in their ears. Prisoners wearing prison uniforms with weapons could be seen everywhere on the streets. The prisoners rushed into other people's homes, robbed them wantonly, and threw the owners out like wild dogs....

No one dared to resist, because anyone who dared to resist would face the risk of being shot.

"It is indeed a Gotham City with simple folk customs!"

Walking on this street, Su Ke couldn't help but sigh.

This is not a city at all! It's basically a hell! Probably only dark heroes like Batman can adapt to such a place. If it were Superman or Iron Man, they would be driven crazy in minutes!

The people of Gotham are famous for their tough folk customs throughout the DC. The bad guys here do almost all kinds of bad things. Even when Darkseid, the biggest villain of DC, led his army of demons to invade the earth, and the humans in other cities completely gave up resistance, these bad guys in Gotham City directly fought with the army of demons!

This is unique in the entire DC, and even in the Marvel Universe.... but...

This is the real Gotham City!

Looking at the chaos in front of her, Emma felt very uncomfortable. She whispered in Su Ke's ear:"Do you want to help them?"

"No need!"

Su Ke waved his hand and said,"This kind of thing happens almost every day in Gotham City. It's impossible to control it, and Gotham City has always been protected by someone, so let's not interfere!" It

's not that Su Ke is cruel, but along the way, such things can be seen basically everywhere. If it is really controlled, who knows when it will end?

Besides, these things should be the work of the Gotham City Police Department and Batman, and he doesn't need to interfere!

You know, as the Dark Knight of Gotham City, Batman has always been very concerned about others interfering in the affairs of Gotham City. He doesn't need to do such a thankless thing. The most important thing for him right now is to find Batman and get back the Space Gem!

As for other things, who cares about him?

""Hey, hey, hey, I didn't expect that there is such a beautiful girl here. Beautiful girl, it's very dangerous here. Do you want me to protect you? I promise I will be gentle!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a fat middle-aged fat man in prison uniform suddenly stopped in front of Su Ke and Emma, drooling at Emma.

"Bastard! I saw this woman first, go to hell!"


Before Su Ke and Emma could say anything, an angry voice suddenly rang out from the side, followed by a burst of gunfire. The fat man was instantly shot in the head and fell to the ground helplessly.

""Damn fat man, you dare to steal my woman, you must be tired of living!"

A thin man rushed forward, yelling and kicking the fat man a few times.

Then, he looked at Emma with ill intention and said:"Don't be afraid, beauty, this fat man has been killed by me. How can a beauty like you be with such a fat man? You should be with me!"

The thin man who spoke was very thin, but his eyes were very prominent, just like a human-shaped toad. Emma almost vomited after just one look.

Su Ke was speechless. He patted Emma on the back and said:"There is no way. Gotham City is such a chaotic city. There are scum like this everywhere in this city!"

"Bastards? You bastard, how dare you call me a bastard!"

When the Toad heard this, he became very angry. Then he raised his gun and pointed it at Su Ke.

"Boy, you look like a rich man from the way you dress, so this woman should be yours, right? But I always hate rich people like you the most, I'm going to kill you and then take your woman away!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the Toad Skinny pulled the trigger.

Su Ke was a little helpless, why do these guys like to be cheap? He obviously didn't want to kill anyone....


In an instant, Su Ke stretched out two fingers and gently clamped the bullet.

In the astonished eyes of the Toad Skinny, Su Ke turned the direction of the bullet and flicked it towards the Toad Skinny's head.


A sound of breaking through the air was heard, and the bullet instantly penetrated the Toad Skinny's head....

"You shouldn't have offended me!"

These were the last words Toad Skinny heard before he died.

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