Chapter 26: God's Guidance

What's going on? Who is he?

Looking at Su Ke flying out with the White Queen in his arms, the gangsters looked at each other in bewilderment. No one knew what was going on.

But it didn't matter to them, because they had already seen that all this seemed to be the work of this man!

"Kill him!"

Then, no one knew who shouted first, the gangsters immediately pointed their pistols at Suke!

Suke's eyes were stern, and the domineering aura in his body instantly spread out from him to the surroundings, like a volcanic eruption!

The next second, the gangsters suddenly fell to the ground with their necks tilted, without any resistance.

And the White Queen Emma, who was held in Suke's arms, was naturally affected by the domineering aura. Although Suke had deliberately avoided her, she was still affected mentally, and even the diamond form could not be maintained. She instantly transformed into a human form! Logically speaking, Suke should not have saved Emma. After all, through what Emma did to other mutants just now, it was enough to show that she was indeed not a good person!

But then again, in the original universe of the X-Men, although Emma was a bad person at first, it seemed It’s not that bad, right?

Moreover, in the comics and movies, Emma has always been an arrogant person. She even fought against humans with Magneto. How could she be willing to work for an ordinary human gang?

This is really a bit wrong!

Just when Suke was confused, Emma was deeply shocked!

As a mutant, she naturally knew mutants very well, but the various powers that Suke had shown before were too powerful and too incredible. These powers were not powers that mutants could possess at all!

Although mutants will gain power after awakening, it is generally just a simple ability. Of course, there are also more than two. For example, she herself has both telepathy and diamond abilities. For example, Wolverine has super self-healing abilities and the ability to extend steel claws from the back of his hand.

But what about the man in front of him?...

Possessing a strong mental power that is strong enough to resist any telepathy.

Possessing the ability to fly.

Possessing a super strength that can even knock Red Tank away with one punch.

Possessing a super strong mental attack that even she can't describe.

This is only the ability he has shown so far. As for what he hasn't shown, who knows how much more there is?

Is this really an ability that mutants can have?

Thinking of this, Emma murmured,"No, it's not right....This is not right...Your Power...It's not a power that mutants can possess, so who are you?"

With a slight smile, Su Ke looked at Emma in his arms and said,"Obviously, I'm an alien!"

Although this was the truth, Su Ke said it with some sarcasm. However, when Emma heard this, her eyes became a little confused.

After falling to the ground, Su Ke put Emma down in his arms, and then asked slowly,"Tell me, what is going on? Why do you want to help human gangs hurt mutants? Why do you want to make trouble in New York City?"

Seeing that all her abilities were useless in front of Su Ke, Emma didn't plan to escape, because it was obvious that she couldn't escape at all!

Shaking her head gently, Emma said,"You won't understand even if I tell you. Most people won't believe this kind of thing."

"Tell me what you think. I am not just an ordinary person!"

Su Ke said with a smile.

After a short silence, Emma finally spoke again.

"The reason why Red Tank and I did this was not because of our own will, but because...God's guidance..."


The moment he heard this, Su Ke thought he had heard it wrong, but when he saw Emma's serious face, he realized that he had not heard it wrong....

"You just said that God guided you to do these things, so who is this God?"

Su Ke became more interested and asked again.

Emma was nervous at first, but finally said slowly


Evil God Loki!......

When Su Ke heard this, it was as if a thousand horses were galloping through his heart. Although he had expected that the White Queen might be forced to do these bad things, he never expected that the mastermind behind this matter would be Loki....

Yes, he is Thor's younger brother, the famous god of mischief in the Marvel Universe....

This script seems a bit wrong! Isn't the mutant god Apocalypse? When did he become Loki?

This is getting more and more interesting....

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