The underground mutant fighting arena was full of people in a frenzy, and with the shining lights, no one noticed Suk's arrival.

In the center of the venue, there was a huge arena, which was completely covered by a thick electric net, leaving no gaps. There was only a small door on one side for mutants to enter. The electric net was covered with bloodstains, and some places even had burnt flesh hanging on it, which showed the cruelty of the mutant fighting arena!

"Kill him! Kill him!"

"Get rid of him, you bastard!"

"Damn it, I bet on your winnings, get up now!"........

As the shouts rang out, Su Ke looked towards the ring.

At this moment, two mutants were fighting in the ring. One of them was covered with spikes all over his body, just like a hedgehog man, and the other had a long scorpion tail and moved like a scorpion.

Although the hedgehog man was covered with long spikes all over his body, the scorpion man was not a vegetarian. He swung his long tail and pulled out a spike from the hedgehog man from time to time, making him grimace in pain.

Su Ke had no interest in such a fight, but he couldn't help but feel some sympathy for these two guys in his heart. After all, everyone could see that these two guys were completely forced to fight.

Sure enough, in this world, if you are not strong enough, you will be enslaved by others!

Sighing slightly in his heart, Su Ke found a place not far away to sit down, and then began to look around.

Spider-Man was right. The security measures here were indeed very good. Even inside the fighting arena, there were armed security guards everywhere, watching everything at all times. In addition, there were many cameras around.

It was obvious that the criminals who ran this place were very concerned about safety!

"Yeah! I knew this guy would win!"

"Damn, that scorpion-looking guy made me lose fifty thousand dollars!"

"Hahahaha, I won one hundred thousand dollars!".......

Soon, the battle in the fighting field was decided. The Hedgehog Man finally defeated the Scorpion Man, but he was also seriously injured. As for the Scorpion Man, the Hedgehog Man's spikes pierced his body with blood holes of all sizes, but this guy was also tenacious and did not die. It seemed that the Hedgehog Man should have deliberately avoided the vital points. No one died in this battle, which should be considered relatively good.

At this time, Su Ke finally understood the layout of this place.


With a thought, Su Ke used super speed and instantly entered behind an iron door without anyone noticing. Behind the iron door was a long corridor. At the end of the corridor was a huge open space. On the open space were rooms similar to cells, where various mutants were imprisoned. A rough count showed that there were more than 30 people!

At the same time, in a cell, two tall black men were dragging a blindfolded man of about 17 or 18 years old from the ground to a chair, and then took a rope, seemingly to tie him up.

The blindfolded man did not resist at all and seemed to have fainted.

I don't know if it was because of the force, but the unconscious blindfolded man suddenly shook his body, which instantly scared the black man.

"Damn it, can you be gentler? This guy is a very powerful mutant who can emit red shock waves from his eyes. If he looks at us, we will be dead!" said a black man in shock.

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you see the suppressor on his neck? With this thing, there's nothing to worry about!"

Another black man said impatiently, tying the rope tighter.

"That's true, but isn't it true that suppressors are sometimes useless? And this guy is too dangerous...."

"Danger is not a fart, we..."Hmm? Boy, who are you?"

The other black man was about to answer, but suddenly saw a strange figure appear at the door, and he was stunned.

Su Ke was too lazy to pay attention to the two black men at this moment, but looked at the man who was tied to the chair and blindfolded and unconscious.

He really didn't expect to meet Cyclops here!

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