When Nick Fury left the mutant school, he took away the thirty national leaders who had become mutants, as well as their security personnel and flight attendants.

Although he didn't know how Nick Fury arranged them, Suk didn't find similar reports when he checked the news the next morning.

Suk knew that it seemed that SHIELD and the United States were preparing to conceal this matter.

But of course, for him, this would not affect his plan, because paper cannot cover fire.

Nick Fury was very efficient. At noon the next day, Suk received a call from Nick Fury, saying that he was ready and the president had arrived, just waiting for Suk!

Without the slightest hesitation, Suk opened a space channel and appeared in SHIELD!

At this time, the faces of the SHIELD agents were a little weird. Obviously, they already knew about the thirty mutants.

Then, in an office, Suk finally met the president of the United States, and of course the other thirty national leaders who had been transformed into mutants by Magneto.

Although he knew that the mutants around him were once humans, the President of the United States still felt very uncomfortable sitting among them, especially the guy with a toad face. He wanted to vomit at the first sight of him.

But at this moment, he could only hold it in.

Seeing Suke coming in, Nick Fury hurriedly introduced everyone:"Everyone, please look, this is the person who can help you turn back into humans and save your lives. His name is Suke."

When they heard this, everyone present stood up all of a sudden, even the President of the United States was no exception, because the President of the United States already knew Suke's true identity from the previous New York report!

He knew that Suke must not be offended!

As for the others, they knew that their lives and deaths were in Suke's hands at the moment, so naturally they did not dare to neglect him in the slightest.

Faced with such a situation, Suke only felt amused in his heart, but then he waved his hand for everyone to sit down, and then sat down in the most conspicuous seat.

Then, the meeting began

"Mr. Suk, as you wish, I have invited the President of the United States and leaders of thirty countries here. Please discuss any deal you want to discuss!"

Nick Fury said to Suk respectfully.

This matter is serious, he had to be cautious.

And he was really a little worried. What if someone among these people said something unpleasant and was killed by Suk? Based on his understanding of Suk, this kind of thing is still very likely to happen....

After nodding slightly, Su Ke slowly said,"I don't like nonsense, so I'll get straight to the point. To put it simply, I can indeed save you, but this is conditional!"

"No problem, no matter what conditions you have, I will agree to them. I just ask you to save me!"

As soon as Su Ke finished speaking, the guy with a toad face stood up all of a sudden, and then hurriedly vowed.

Among these people, he became the ugliest. If he hadn't heard Nick Fury say that someone could turn them back into humans, he would have committed suicide long ago. So in his opinion, no matter what requirements or conditions Su Ke had, he would definitely meet them!

Very good!

Nodding slightly, Su Ke continued:"The content of the transaction is very simple. I will save you, but you must agree to let mutants establish their own country, and humans must not interfere in anything in the mutant country! Mutants have the right to decide all matters in their own country! At the same time, all mutants who are detained and used as experimental subjects in the country must be released! And give them equal treatment!"


When hearing this, not to mention that the other people present were a little confused, even Nick Fury was the same!

He never thought that Su Ke would actually propose such a deal!

"I object!"

Then, the US President was the first to object.

"I can agree to everything else, but I won’t agree to this one thing! The damage that mutants have caused to the United States is incalculable. Let them establish their own country? And give them equal treatment? No, I can’t do it!"

Although mutants are distributed all over the world, most of them are concentrated in the United States. Similarly, the damage to the United States is the greatest. So when the President of the United States heard this, he refused without hesitation!

In his opinion, even if he refused, he would not be the one to die. Anyway, he would never let mutants establish a country!

With the refusal of the President of the United States, other people began to talk about it, and most of them were against Suke's deal.

"no...Mutants have always been a threat, and if they were allowed to gather together and form a nation, they might destroy us!"

"Yes, mutants are too powerful to be allowed to establish a country...."

"But if we don't agree, we will die........"....................................

Hearing that everyone else seemed to be on his side, the US President was really very proud at the moment. In his opinion, since so many people disagreed with this matter, Su Ke would definitely change to another deal!

But it was obvious that he was overthinking....

Su Ke, on the other hand, sat in his seat, watching the group of clowns discussing and communicating with each other. They probably didn't expect that Su Ke didn't give them a chance to refuse at the very beginning!

They only had two choices, one was to agree, and the other was to die!

As for the President of the United States, in Su Ke's opinion, this guy was just courting death!

"Boom boom boom..."

He tapped the table lightly with his hand, signaling everyone to be quiet, and then Su Ke slowly said:"Okay, now I need an answer!"

The President of the United States stood up first, and said with a righteous look on his face:"I will not agree to this matter, I..."

The US President had just finished speaking when he suddenly felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then he flew backwards. Then, he began to have difficulty breathing, and the temperature around him suddenly became extremely cold.

At the same time, the other people present were also completely stunned.

What did they see?

They saw that where the US President had been sitting before, a space channel suddenly appeared, and at the other end of the space channel, there was space!

And the US President was floating in space at this moment.....

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