Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 164: Shame to the dragon clan

Watson nodded slightly and said, "That's it ... but I always felt that he would spend a few hours every day trying to peep at me, although I knew he couldn't see me."

After Watson finished speaking, he stared at Schiff and released a little bit of power. Just when Schiff wanted to say something to explain, Watson suddenly turned his head: "But ... I still choose to believe Your words. After all, he did n’t see it, did he? "

After listening, Xifu quietly sighed and looked at Watson and said, "Thank you for your trust, then we will see you tomorrow."

As Shiv's voice just fell, a colorful beam of light shot down in the sky, shrouded it and disappeared.

"They used this ability to come to earth?"

Watson turned his head to look at Natasha and nodded: "Yes, this is called Rainbow Bridge, which can carry ultra-long distance transmission between the universe."

Natasha nodded and walked to the middle of the road when Shiv left, looking at the remnants of the rainbow bridge still on the ground, taking a photo and sending it to Coulson and sending a voice message: "It is over. Now, there are new items 0-8-4 at the crossroads, and I will give them to you. "

Then Natasha took up the communication and walked into the house.

Watson shrugged and followed, just closing the door and suddenly being pushed against the door with a force, a beautiful hand slapped beside his head.

"Wow ~ baby, your strength is not small now, but don't hurt your hands ..."

Natasha leaned in front of Watson's face and said with a smile: "Will it be? But ... my dear Watson just now is very majestic."

"Really? Did you scare you ~"

"Well ~ It's almost a bit ~" Natasha raised her head and looked at the man in front of her. "But now, our majestic dragon prince, the future dragon lord Watson, don't have anything to say What? "

"Well ... the woman just had a dime relationship with me, in fact it was the first time I met ~"

"Uh huh, and what is it, Your Highness?"

Natasha slowly slapped her body against Watson's body, her fingers running on his neck, and a hot, humid breath poured into his ears.

"Your Highness? I thought ... wait, I seem to feel that two bunnies have come to me, and I think they should be put back in place ~"

"It depends on whether you can catch them."

Natasha felt the movement of Watson's arm, slipped out of Watson's arms when her hind legs slipped back, and then raised her index finger against Watson to make a provocative gesture.

"It seems that the little rabbit is disobedient ~"

After Watson finished speaking, there was a slight current flashing in his body, and he rushed to Natasha in an instant, but was once again avoided by Natasha who had already prepared.

Natasha looked at Watson and said with a smile: "Do you think I have been idle recently, I wasn't the one I was ~"

After talking, Natasha rushed forward to Watson, a pair of powerful thighs caught Watson's neck and fell on the sofa, and then the whole person just sat on Watson's waist.

Watson raised his hands to Natasha who was sitting on his body: "The power is indeed much stronger than it started. I surrendered ~ By the way, baby, do you think you had that Sif weapon before?"

Natasha leaned over and looked at Watson and said, "Yes."

"do you like it?"

Natasha shook her head and said, "Okay, there is no special feeling. The weapon is just a tool for me. Of course, one weapon is not ~"

Watson smiled after listening: "If you like, I can help you prepare a weapon that suits you, but before that ... there are more important things ~"


Nine Worlds-Asgard Rainbow Bridge.

With the disappearance of lightning, the huge round shell slowly stopped spinning, and a woman full of heroism came out from inside.

The three warriors finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this figure.


"Hahahave, you are back!"

"Oh the gods are on, you are finally back safely!"

Schiff looked at the three warriors who rushed to himself excitedly and hugged them happily.

"What are you doing?"

Fandal looked at Schiff and shook his head and said, "What are you doing? You are dying us!"

Hogan glanced at Vandal and continued, "Yes, Heimdall said that he can't see you anymore. If your call rang, we would all go down to save you."

"Yes, fortunately you are back safely."

Seef looked at the three of them and smiled, "You guys come down to save me? Oh roar, you don't know what I saw ~ It's really shocking ..."

"What did you see?" Heimdall put away the sword of protection and asked before Schiff.

Seef Heimdall remembered Watson and what he said and suddenly wanted to laugh, but she still held back ...

Schiff thought about it and said to Heimdall: "Um ... a lot, I think you may have seen what you always wanted to see but could not see? Oh yes ... he said to me ... · "

"I know what he said to you later."

Heimdall returned to his post as he spoke, staring blankly at the stars outside Asgard.

"He later removed the energy shield between you and him. At that time, I could see you and hear what you said ~ ~ Vostag looked back and forth and saw Shiv and Heimdall saying," You two What puzzles are you playing? Heimdall, did n’t you say you could n’t see Schiff? "

"Vostag!" Schiff turned his head and glared at him, then looked at Heimdall and said, "Ok ... if he is coming tomorrow ..."

Heimdall turned his head and looked at Schiff with an open mouth: "I will explain to him that those you see remember to report to His Majesty Odin, we have too little information about them, although we are allies now who I dare not guarantee forever. "

After hearing this, Schiff nodded seriously: "You can rest assured that I will tell your majesty without any details."

"And ..." Heimdall suddenly stopped Shiv who wanted to leave.

"?" Schiff turned back suspiciously.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome ~"

Shiv laughed and walked out of the big garden shell.

The three warriors glanced at each other, shrugged, and followed Hiff out.

Heimdall saw a few people leaving and looked back at the starry sky. After a long time, he suddenly sighed: "This is a shameful thrown to the Dragon Race ..."

The three warriors outside caught up with Schiff immediately and became three curious babies, and then asked the first and most concerned question.

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