Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 160: SHIELD = Guards?

"Hey, Aunt Liya, it's me, is there someone at home?"

"Oh, Xiao Na, are you coming back? There is indeed someone, a girl, and I said to let old Polk go down and see."

"Oh no need, you can sleep, I'll be here soon, just let me come."

"Well, then we'll go to bed first."


嗤嗤嗤 ~

A Corvette quickly drew a perfect drift around a corner.

Natasha hung up the phone, looked at the intersection in front, and then suddenly swiped the steering wheel to change the other direction. Now she has to take a short cut.


Tapping tapping ~

"No one? What can I do, then I raise my hand and go back and forth?"

When Shiv was thinking about what to do with a headache, he suddenly felt as if something was moving, above his head!

Shiv raised his head in an instant, but saw a shadow jump towards his back, and then felt a cold pillar against his waist.


"Huh? Is this ... a cat?"


Schiff turned his head and found that it was a big cat walking upright and reaching his waist. Was this a pet owned by the prince of the dragon family? The dragon has a cat?

Hmm ... I should be wrong, unless I am crazy.

But it actually took a bone stick as a weapon? The weapons in the atrium should not be so backward ...

Despite the fact that Shef was thinking about it, she still had a slight alert in her heart. After all, she hadn't been to the atrium for hundreds of years. The feeling is definitely not a normal cat.

Shiv glanced down at the braised egg's weapon and said tentatively, "Uh huh ... hi?"


Schiff: This cat turned me on! ! I hope that Heimdall will not say more ... If this matter lets Vandals know that they will definitely laugh at me.

"Sorry, I don't understand animal language, but I have no malicious intentions."

Halo looked at the woman in front of her. This woman was different from other women she saw after birth. This woman gave it a dangerous feeling, but she was not afraid of her at all!

At this moment, the big eyes of the braised egg saw a flash of black shadow on the eaves above Shiv's head, and then snarled his fangs at Shiv.


When Schiff wanted to say something, the big cat in front of him suddenly waved his bone stick and hit him.


Shef ’s early warning of battle intensities accumulated over the centuries was a sudden masterpiece. She quickly lowered her body and controlled the lateral movement of her feet. When she turned her head, she saw an oversized pine cone shining with red orange light. In the past, a simple action avoided the pinch of Braised Egg and Lord Ban.

After avoiding the attack, Schiff lifted the skirt and held a guarded posture with one hand while holding the long sword hilt on the shield.

What Hive did not expect was that a cat attacked on the other side was actually a cat? !

However, the new one appeared to be more fierce, and its red glowing hammer gave him the feeling that it was obviously not at the level of bone stick!


At the same time, the Rainbow Bridge ends.

Vandal, who had been staring at Heimdall, suddenly noticed a slight change in Heimdall's expression, so he stepped forward and said, "Heimdall, is there something wrong with Shiv?"

Hogan and Vostag, who stood aside, also looked at Heimdall when they heard Vandal.

"... It should be a little problem."

Hogan asked suspiciously after listening: "Small question? Has she received an attack?"

"Well, it was just attacked by two cats."

"Two cats ?!"

"Wait, this is not the point. The point is why Schiff is attacked?"

"The heirs of the dragon family don't seem to be at home, Schiff ... seems to be treated as a thief by those two cats."


Fandral and Hogan glanced at each other, and they suddenly smiled unconsciously.

They do n’t worry about the goddess Sif in the fairy palace being hurt by two cats, but this is really interesting ~


Seef looked at the two cats who attacked her and shook her head. It was not the character of the goddess Shef that she was attacked, but she gave up the idea of ​​fighting back when she thought of the task Odin had given her. A major event related to the alliance ... and in her view, these two cats who only cooperate will not threaten her.

Schiff put down the weapon in his hand, looked at the two cats in front of him, and shook his hand and said, "I think there is a misunderstanding, I am here to find the heir to the dragon."

When Halo and Ban Ye heard the word "Dragon", they stopped and looked at each other.


Lord Ban went forward and pointed to the roaring house and called out.

"Yes, I'm here to find someone ..."

As Schiff was talking, a perfect streamlined black Chevrolet Corvette c7 appeared on the street in the distance. As the body threw a beautiful arc, it just stopped beside the two cats and Schiff.

Natasha, who opened the car door in a combat suit, came out from inside.

Natasha looked at the woman in a medieval court dress in front of her: Who is this? Could it be that the old lover of Watson Dragon World came over? I want to wear something, but the toughness of a soldier can't hide myself.

And Schiff is also looking at Natasha: Who is this? Is the female bodyguard selected by the dragon prince among the atrium humans? It still looks somewhat combative, but it's still worse than the Xian Gong warriors.

"Meow ~!"

Ban Ye and Braised Egg ran to Natasha and pointed at Sif with a meow.

"They say you are a thief"

"Wt ?! No, I'm not the kind of criminal!" Heve now knows why two cats want to attack themselves ~ ~ But is my goddess Heve like a thief? !

Natasha looked at Schiff's denial and said, "I am Natasha Romanov of SHIELD, so who are you? What's the purpose of coming here?"

SHIELD Bureau? Is it the name of the guard team established by the dragon family?

"Are you sent by His Royal Highness Prince of the Dragon Family?"

His Royal Highness Prince? Natasha frowned. Was he talking about Watson? !

"I am, so what are you doing here?"

Schiff finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Natasha's words, and finally came a man who could carry out the mission. The important task entrusted by His Majesty the King was the most important. However, it seemed that the SHIELD was the name of the Dragon Guard.


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