Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 146: Sneaking with Zulong ...

Odin was even more puzzled when he heard the words of Lord Jiao. Why did the dragon family choose an atrium?

What is so special about that child that makes the long-lost Dragon clan so concerned?

After thinking for a long time, Odin asked about one thing he cared about most.

"If the child wants to use your help to help him invade the earth or even the nine worlds."

He heard this sentence slightly stunned. He lowered his head as if thinking. After a moment, Jiao Ye raised his head and looked at Odin, saying: "Then he will do as usual!"

Odin narrowed his eyes when he heard this sentence, and the glory of divinity circulated in it, and the golden armor appeared on his body again. At this moment, Odin even had the idea of ​​killing Watson after going out.

It seems that Jiao Ye felt Odin's heart and stretched out his large wings without hesitation. Although Jiao Ye knew in his heart, this little dwarf in front of him was not comparable to himself, but it would still show himself without hesitation Corners and dragon wings!

In addition to the people they identify with and the strong people of the same family, no one else can make the proud dragon family shrink back! Militant (mang) is always one of the dragon's greatest characteristics!

"Watson Diarant is under the guard of the dragon family, and any of his enemies will tremble in the shadow of the dragon wings, whether it is the earth or Asgard!"

As Jiao Ye's words fell, the atmosphere on both sides instantly fell to freezing point, but the momentum on Odin's side was overwhelming!

At this moment, a bell-like voice broke the situation.

"Well Diablo, we are not here to fight other races."

With the advent of this sentence, the originally tilted balance was instantly lifted, and even began to tilt to the corner of the corner.

A huge silver-white head image appeared in the sky, and the big trident-like horn gleamed with a red thunder. It was n’t that Zulong did n’t want to cast the whole body, but it was already very energy-consuming to project a head. The essence of Zulong is still very rare. Can not be used randomly.

Zulong looked at Odin and said, "King of Asgard, I have a proposal."


"Yes." Milaruzka looked at Odin and said, "I can sign a peace and mutual assistance contract with the Asgard Guard on behalf of the Dragon Clan. When Asgard is in danger, I can get help from the Dragon Clan. The reverse is also true. And Watson has the right and position of the Dragon clan, according to you, it is the heir. "

Odin stood there thinking for a long time, the inheritance of the throne has not yet been carried out, and the dusk of the gods is coming, not to mention the dragons in front of him are a more powerful race than the frost giants with ice chests ...

If you become an enemy and fight against it, you will definitely image the future of Asgard, as well as the future of Thor and Loki. Moreover, this ancestor alone can not allow him to take risks, the dragon It's not the same as Lao Fei who relies on the Ice Box.

"Asgard, willing to sign a peace and mutual assistance contract with the dragon family."


Time returns to when Odin just entered monster space.

Norway, a sea cliff.

"Ahsi ... it's so boring ... the broken system has started to ask three questions ..."

Watson was lying bored on the grass waiting for Odin and Lord Jiao to come out.

"In other words, if Jiao Ye fights with Odin ... it is estimated that Odin beats him as casually as his son ..."

As Watson thought like this, a familiar voice appeared again in Watson's mind.

"Little guy, I have something to ask you. Do you know the race of Asgard? And this king."

Hearing this voice, Watson stood up at once: "Zulon Miraluz ?! You just said a word and ran away, you can take the initiative to say why you did not squeak before ... And you do n’t need energy Can the source pull people? "

"Your question will naturally come to you when you come to the link corridor next time. Now I can't maintain the spiritual link across the space for a long time. I need to ask you something about the Asgard who talked to Diablo."

"By the way, there is someone in the sky looking at me. Are you sure this is okay?"

"no problem."

After hearing this, Watson asked again: "Why don't you go talk to Odin yourself, but let Lord Jiao go?"

"At present, only the spiritual body can enter the link corridor, and the energy in his body is a bit large. I can't force it into the link corridor."

"It turns out this way, okay, what do you want to ask? I'll tell you when I know it."

"His weaknesses, and his strength, I can feel his time seems to be running out."

Watson twitched his mouth when he heard Miraruz ’s words: “Time is running out? Because Odin is dying, he has two disobedient bear sons who keep doing things, and then there is a man who wants to kill him. The girl Xiong made the goddess twilight, and his limit was approaching. Asgard was dying, um ... probably. "

"It sounds like he is more difficult than our situation ..."

"Almost, but now Odin is still more enlightened (cowardly), and has many years of experience (old), the most important thing is that now he has abandoned selfish desires and ambitions, and is only committed to peace in the nine worlds. With prosperity, I think we can form an alliance with him. Because of the strength, Asgard is still in the nine worlds. "


Watson heard Zu Long's slightly hesitant voice and suddenly smiled and said his real purpose: "Although I don't know how the system will be related to the dragon, then the higher the level, the better the better. Wrong? "

"Yes, this level will get more benefits than we expected, but now I don't have time to explain too much to you."

After hearing this sentence, Watson had a point in his heart and then said: "I can use their ally's identity to participate in their warfare! That is the real head of experience ~"

"Don't you say that the nine worlds are in peace? Do you want to start a new war?"

Watson smiled when he heard it: "I don't need me to provoke war ~ ~ Their two bear children are little experts who provoke war."

"Okay, since that's the case, then do it."

"and many more!"

Seeing that Zulong was about to disappear again, Watson quickly called it and quickly asked, "What if the old man of Odin wants to kill me? Can you still protect me from the dragon's energy as before?" "

"You are protected by the power of rules. As long as he can't ignore the rules or use the rules, he can't kill you."

After speaking, Zulong disappeared again.

Watson stood there thinking about Zulong's words for a while, stupefied: "There are rules to protect me? What rules? Is it a cat car?"


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