Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 137: Double Dragon Attack

Odin frowned when he heard this: "Dragon Slay? Why? Thor, when did you start to have these vain vanities? I remember I taught you that a real king cannot provoke war at will, a warrior Have absolute patience! "

Tor watched his father return directly: "But the soldiers who once slaughtered the dragon in the biography have received the supreme glory ..."

"The dragon is also a creature and there is no difference between the people of Asgard and your duty is to protect Asgard from being invaded by outsiders. If a dragon is invading Asgard ’s territory, I will never stop You, but no evil dragons appear now! And you, Thor. Now you must let go of your covetous vanity. You have to be a king, not a warrior. And you, Loki, you are the same. "

Finally, Odin turned and left.

Loki listened to Odin's words, lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, and after Odin left, he turned to look at the silent Thor and said, "Maybe you can listen to my opinion?"

"What opinion?"

"It's too late to go back today. We have time."


Earth New York, the battlefield of Harlem.


Xiaobao looked at the little dwarf who hadn't been pushed by himself, and made a roar of the sky dragon. He suddenly stepped on one foot and then flapped the dragon wing to exert force again, throwing his head back!

Bransky felt that he wanted to retreat at the first moment of the small explosion action, but after being hit by the dragon roar at close range, his head fainted slightly and the movement slowed down a little bit. A large toothy mouth from Bronsky Straight in front of him, biting on his left arm, the sharp dragon tooth was blocked by the skin for a moment and then broke through the defense and bit out a few small blood holes.

Watson frowned as he saw the small blood holes. The bite force after evolution seemed to be not as good as the pet giant wolf Fenrir, the goddess of death, Hella, but it ’s okay. .

"Ah, let go !!"

Bang ~!

Bransky, who hadn't finished his words, was suddenly released, and was instantly blown away by the scales on the small blast chin.

And Xiao Biao stared at the flying little dwarf, did not stop his movements, but flicked the dragon wing to step forward quickly and flicked back, and a red tail was drawn on Bronsky's face again.

Boom! !

"It's just crushing ... I don't need green fat guys to come out."

After saying that Watson gave Natasha a look and signaled that the dragon wing spread out into the air and rushed past.

Aoao! !

Seeing that Bronsky's small explosion exploded into the sky still did not stop the offensive, the huge dragon wing suddenly rushed into the sky to aim at Bronsky and turned back with another tail.

And Watson flew at this time to watch the action of the small explosion and summoned the corner horn at the location of Bronsky.

"The prince, it's him, hammer me!"

Ao Ao Ao Ao!

Bronsky just looked back at the scene of rapid backward flight. An oversized siege hammer instantly shouted on his face. The huge force almost hammered his face into a meatloaf, and several yellow teeth flew. Went out.

Looked at the little dwarf who was drawn back into the air again quickly, flew to the top of Bronsky's head, turned back and flicked it into the ruins of the house to complete a set of Ssangyong combination skills.

Watson watched Bronsky flying upside down and smashed into the ruins of the house and shook his head: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhvillows of the sky The sky and the sky, shook his head and shook his head. As a result, they were chased by two dragons for ten streets ... I do n’t know if I can summon the two beasts in the future. "

Dragons were originally the apex of powerful and proud creatures, except for the mating period, there were few times when they were together.

When the dragons that originally appeared to be together will pinch each other, it is definitely not as simple as 1 + 1 = 2, and I do n’t know what kind of scene it will be if two ancient dragons join forces. I really look forward to it. ···

"The hateful experience must be settled!"


General Ross, who had already left, heard Bronsky woke up again and appeared a second dragon, and immediately returned to the battlefield just to see this scene.

"My God ... There is even a bigger ..."

Nick Fury, who had been sitting steadily in the combat command room, saw that the picture of a small explosion twice as big as last time and Bronsky was beaten by two dragons could no longer control himself to stand up.

Bang ~

Brownsky ​​broke out of the ruins that buried him and stood out, watching the dragons in the sky and on the ground spit out sticky sputum and turned to rush to the corner prince!

"Only this level? No pain or itching!"

Watson looked at Bronsky who was rushing to the corner horn and said, "You close your leaky mouth first ..."

Although what I said, Watson watched Bransky jump around alive, except for the small hole that he had bitten on his left arm before, there were no other signs of injury.

Watson fanned the Dragon Wings and rushed towards Brownsky ​​~ ~ At the same time, he was also trying to find a way to kill the abhorrence. The degree is definitely adding several skill points.

Aoao! ! Seeing the little dwarf in front of him, Jiao Ye took the initiative to give himself a heavy breath, and a pair of dragon wings, a dragon claw and a pedal hit the past without hesitation!

Hated watching the prince who rushed over and grinned. When the prince lowered his head and pointed the corner at himself, he jumped up and jumped directly on the prince's head. His hands folded together is a gun hammer!

Bang ~!

Aoao! !

The horned man who was hit by a huge force suddenly became a bit unbalanced. After two steps, he still stood still, and then he put a pair of big horns on the ground and swung his head and swept. Buried in the soil, Bronsky slammed the fan bone above the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner, before he was stabilized. Just stabilized, the eyes of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner of the corner were suddenly kicked from the back by Watson. .

"Not everyone can ride a dragon, at least with my permission."

After talking about it, Watson took out a coin and lifted off the dragon sword, which was a rail gun. The thick crimson beam was instantly emitted, and when Bransky saw the light, he raised his hand and blocked his head.

Zizi ~ Beam left a light black mark on the abhorrent arm.

"It's a little interesting, but not enough!" Hate looked at Watson with a grin and a scornful smile. Just about to say something, a huge black shadow covered him, and countless critical crimson explosive scales were madly thrown out by the small explosion and began a bombardment.

After a moment.

Xiao Biao flicked the scales on his chin and looked at what a pair of dragon pupils were looking for in the street covered by the explosion smoke.

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