Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 132: I did not do it on purpose···

Sitwell heard Tony's words subconsciously: "It's still under our control, uh ... I mean, the Cavaliers and his pets are really amazing. To be honest, I admire him a little ... ·· "Sitwell said that he took out a tablet and opened the live broadcast of the situation inside SHIELD.

After listening, Tony turned his head and looked at him, and then pouted his lips ... Then came and watched the Hulk in the video and was nodded after being flicked by the corner of the horn, "Maybe I don't have to go?"

"Just in case, after all, there is no clear result yet."

Tony put away and asked, "You said this plane can reach Mach 2.5?"

"Yes. It is a Kun-type fighter plane, which belongs to SHIELD. The previous Kun-type fighter plane can reach Mach 2.1, and this one is faster after improvement, of course, the cost is the loss of a part of the weapon system."

"Not fast, I will be faster than you .... Your director must give you a lot of things."

"Yeah, Director Nick is a very powerful person and has taught us a lot."

"Also include hairstyle?"

"····· Not included."


A section of cutting edge!


See cut ... and step forward!

Hook looked at the Flying Dragon Sword that was hacking from the head, backhanded his arm to protect his head, and allowed the Flying Dragon Sword to cut on his arm, while his right hand punched Watson!

Relying on the powerful dynamic vision of the vertical pupil, Watson reacted quickly, fanning the dragon wing slightly while swiftly closing the knife, just crossing the flying dragon knife in front of himself.

boom! The huge force instantly knocked Watson off. Just as Watson flew out, the corner hammer of Hakka also hit Hulk!

Hulk, who flew out quickly, rolled several times on the ground, looking for a chance to turn over and buckle his hands on the ground. The cracked concrete pavement was dug out by Hulk's big hands. Stopped, Hulk shook the gravel in his hand and looked up at Hua Sheng's teeth.

Because the paralyzed trap set by the halogen egg is like a mine, it will be damaged by the shock or ground damage caused by the range attack or released in advance, so Watson has a headache how to make Hulk smash and destroy him.


Watson watched Hulk, who once again rushed to himself, quickly flew to the corner horn behind him: "Lord horn help me!"

Ao ~

Watson stomped on Jiao Ye ’s tail hammer, bent his knees slightly, and then jumped out and flapped the dragon wings at the moment when Jiao Ye flung his tail with all his strength, and a circle of sound barriers was instantly broken, and Watson was jumping. At the same time, he took back the corner prince.



The Hulk that was sprinting was instantly hit by a red blue 'Meteor'. The huge impact force pushed Hulk outward all the way and ran straight into the paralyzed trap behind!

The current Hulk is much stronger than the average Hulk, and if you use that method, you can only allow yourself to contain it, because Watson does n’t know what happens if Jiao Ye accidentally encounters a paralysis trap ... Now, I only hope that the paralyzed trap of the braised egg is strong enough to let myself run out ...

"Hulk! Smash!" Hulk woke up from the sudden surprise of the stunned **** and watched Watson, who hugged his waist and pushed himself backward, put his hands together and hammered it down, bang ~!

Watson was smashed on the cement road in an instant, and Hulk was pushed out by Watson for the last time, but it was so few meters away from the trap.

Life is 93%.

"Cough cough ... This is enough energy."

Hua Sheng raised his head and looked at Hulk's position, quickly got up, and took out three coins from his pocket.



Just as Hulk roared at Watson, the braised egg ran to the back of Hulk, and jumped up with a stick.He immediately came to Hulk's head and made a crisp sound ...


Hook felt like he was knocked by something, scratched his head and looked back.

no one?

Just turned his head and was knocked again ...

Hook turned around and saw the braised egg falling down on the ground.

Braised eggs raised their heads and glanced at Hulk: "Meow ..."


"Meow! Σ (っ ° Д °;) っ"

Broken egg instantly got up and ran to the direction of the trap, but ran halfway to find Hulk roared and rushed to Watson.

"Huh? Meow !!!" Halted egg squinted angrily and ran to say something to Bian Ye who was adding BUFF to Watson, and then Bian Ye took out the blasting meow hammer from his backpack and handed it to him spiced corned egg.

Broken egg turned the meow hammer in his hand and looked at Hulk's back, grinning and showing a row of fangs.



See you! Thunderbite Fire-Great Slalom!

After a knife, he turned over and kicked on Hulk's ribs, pulling back the distance with the help of reverse thrust, and a coin was bounced.

Crazy Thunder-Super Magnetic Rail Gun!

The crimson energy beam directly hits Hulk's heart and knocks it back, and a shallow circular black mark appears on the heart.

"Roar !!!" A pain spread throughout Hulk's brain, making him unable to yell, turning the pain into angry Hulk and staring at Huasheng to charge again!

Crazy Thunder-Super Magnetic Rail Gun!

"Roar!" Hulk had already prepared this time ~ ~ Raised his hand to block the red beam, but did not find that a small figure ran to his back again and jumped high, lifting his claws. Blow the Meow Hammer.


Boom! !

A violent explosion covered Huoke's head, a few strands of flames ignited Huoke's hair ...


Huck quickly pressed the fire above his head with his hands, turned to stare at the halogen egg, and gave a terrifying roar.

"Meow !!!" Braised egg turned and ran away, this time Hulk directly dropped Watson and chased the braised egg.

Two-stage cutting edge!

Huasheng looked at Huo Miaoqingyan, who was above Hulk's head, smoked a corner of his mouth, and then bounced the third coin.

The halogen egg flexed into the window of the wreckage of the roadside, and came out of another window one second before Hulk arrived, brushing with Hulk ’s big hand several times, and Hulk blocked everything. Obstacles all smashed.

"Roar !! Smash!" Hulk watched the halo eggs leaping around left and right suddenly jumped, smashing a big pit in the middle of the road. The huge shock made the halo eggs lose their balance and fell a few steps, Huo Hu caught The punctual moment rushed out, just when Hulk's hand was about to catch the braised egg, a melted coin suddenly hit with a manic red energy and directly hit the chrysanthemum!

"Roar ... Ao ~" Hulk felt like he was being eroded by a mysterious force and fell to the ground with his **** covered.

Watson looked at the black hole in the crotch of Hulk's exclusive artifact ‘Indestructible Shorts’ and could n’t help laughing.

Then came an affectionate look at Hulk who turned to stare at himself ~


"I did not do it on purpose·····"

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