Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Vol 2 Chapter 1210: Let's talk about the war!

Watson was stunned to see this all-rounder, and he really guessed right.

Just wondering why you are so popular now, everyone has to draw in.

But he said that he is the master of the universe, even if his energy is huge, he can still be stronger than him?

"You heard it right, I want to invite you to join my universe."

At this time, the versatile has been completely formed, and he has become a human man, and he is quite handsome to himself, that is, his beard is especially capable of moving tentacles and has a height of three meters, he looked at Watson and said.

"Don't rush to decline first, you can listen to my chips first. I remember that your world doesn't like a sentence, it's equivalent exchange, right."

Equivalent exchange, what a joke.

This word is almost a "fixed template discourse" proposed by characters such as demons and **** lords when they seduce humans.

It is equivalent exchange, but in fact, hehe.

However, Watson did not intend to directly refuse, because he has not yet grasped the direct retreat, he must wait for an opportunity, by the way, to explore some more clues.

As for the danger, Watson does not have any danger in Dragon's perception now, and looking at the appearance of the versatile player, Watson prefers this to be his only avatar.

Of course, everything is very careful.

"Equivalent exchange, since you say so, then you want me to join your universe, what can I get." Watson asked pretendingly.

"Very good, a good start ~ Let me think about it, I will make you satisfied ~"

Hearing Watson saying this, the versatile man suddenly smiled, and the tentacles on his chin doubled directly, twisting and twisting like insects, saying: "You know, in many universes, there are hundreds of millions of thoughts per minute per second. To join my universe and pray for immortal creatures to pray to me, but you are not a different being, so ...

Well, apart from immortality, I will give you powerful divine authority. You can run unimpeded in my universe, do whatever you want, no one can go against your will, and you can ask any one The universe launches an offensive. I will not question whether it is a success or failure, and all you get is yours. "



"No matter what I do, you will not bother."

"Of course, but, I think you shouldn't be rebellious or something ... oh ha ha ha ~" the generalist suddenly laughed and said: "I will give you a fair competitive condition, my authority, you can also Scramble, of course, this is after you fully integrate into my universe. "

When Watson saw him saying this, he suddenly asked a question: "Since the conditions you gave are so generous, what do you want me to do? I do n’t believe that I just need to grow in your universe."

"Of course, I said that it is equivalent exchange, fairness is the most important thing."

The all-rounder stopped his smile and approached Watson in two steps, saying: "I just need you to help me perfect the gift that the Dragon Clan once left. That creature hasn't fully mastered his power, and those Dragon Clan suddenly shut down. Channel, it's so irresponsible, and I didn't have time to thank them.

Ha ha ha, far away, how is it done? "

Watson opened the scarlet vertical pupil, and the pair of green eyes, invisible, was actually under tremendous pressure. This is not spiritual power, but a mysterious pressure.

The masters of a universe, especially the versatile and Domam who have 'certain fusion' and 'complete fusion' with the universe, have fully reached the level of a single universe, and they also have **** lords such as Murphy In the same way, it will double its strength in the homeland, so it is almost open.

The only thing in the movie universe that is restored or even stronger is Dormam. He only merges with the universe in the comics at the strongest opening time. In fact, he is only an energy individual who has the authority of the dark dimension, and this authority Anyone can snatch, even invading other dimensions is also on their own.

However, in the movie, he directly brought down the fusion state of the highest peak, and the invasion was indeed directly the invasion of the dark dimension, forcing a lot of grids.

The all-rounder should not be fully integrated with the universe, but it is also in a semi-integrated state. In this state, it naturally reaches the level of a single universe.

Fortunately, Watson is now at the junction of the two universes.

"Can I say sorry? After listening to your conditions, I feel that the Dragon Clan wants me to promise more realistically, and I have always been a realistic person.

And the dragon family will protect me from growing up safely. "

Just after Watson finished speaking, the versatile smiled.

"Ha ha ha ~ ha ha ha ~ focus on the interests in front of you, do not think about the future, this is not a good habit, nor does it fit your future."

The Dragon Clan protects you from growing up? Ha ha ha, don't make a joke, you have to know that he used to say the same to my subordinates, but he hasn't abandoned him yet.

Only me can help you become a true **** without wasting your talents and potential.

Moreover, they simply cannot get out of their high-level realm, and even my cancerous universe cannot come. Do you think they can come to this small pocket universe? "

The generalist said, his head suddenly stretched from his neck, leaned in front of Watson and grinned.

We are a fair trade, you also have the full power to refuse the transaction.

However, you have no power to refuse trading. "

Speaking of which, the generalist and Watson suddenly froze at the same time.

Because behind them came a powerful energy to repair the cracks and fight the cancerous universe.

Watson was stunned because she started suddenly at this time, and the versatile was stunned because he recognized what this power came from!

Every universe in the Marvel Almighty universe, but anyone who is not a single cosmic-level gangster in a ravine is impossible to be unfamiliar with infinite gems!

Because once they get a gem, they may become a multi-level super god!

(In fact, the original all-gems and stone sets are also multi-universal. Although the normal state after being weakened is more garbage than the monolithic universe, the highest power is still multi-universal. That ’s right, just take a snap and get the multi-universe power. )

"Infinite gems ... how can there be infinite gems in the Pocket Universe! Are you? You are not the one in this universe?"

"That's right ~ ~ Watson raised his eyes and his head close to him, said:" And, I think I have the power to refuse the transaction. "

A soaring golden light suddenly broke out, and the dragon-piercing stick in his hand fell directly on his face.

Just hit!

A flash!

"Fighting King-Long Qi Breakthrough!"


The giant beam of light instantly destroyed the versatile head and the body behind it, and even the tentacles with the back turned into fly ash!

"Hehehehe, naive."

"Grab him for me and bring me the infinite gem by the way!"

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