Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 1189: 2 stages of transformed Super Saiyan

"Aoao Aoao-roar roar !!!"

Even in the second stage of the super game enhancement, Watson didn't try it himself, but the already entangled Golden Lion Lagarne first opened the "Road to the Sky".

The thundering roar that rushed to the sky covered the entire battlefield. The tens of meters of the ground under the feet was pressed hard by half a meter under the pressure of rapid growth. The lines pressed on the surface were exactly the same as the trajectory of the flame explosion.

The golden lion Lagarne only felt that his blood was constantly boiling, and the force of skyrocketing appeared in every corner of the body, as if another more powerful self was breaking through the shackles.

The scarlet cyclone swirling around ‘King King Boxing’ almost condensed into a moment at this moment, as if a layer of external boxing armor was generally put on the hand.

The explosive muscles bulged high, and the hair on the body showed a golden spiral pattern, and it also meant a little red.

This feeling not only brought him a surge of power and pleasure, but also made him feel that none of the cells in the body was cracking and regenerating. This unparalleled pain made him subconsciously clenched his fists, roared up in the sky, and suffered a sudden change of the body. Everything that comes.

The transformation lasted for about 20 seconds, and the cancerous monster who was shocked by the weather around him had recovered, and the fear in his eyes was covered by desire.

A total of six monsters, two of which were injured and the biggest monster rushed towards the golden lion at the same time, the thick and long tentacles of his body lifted the sky and flicked violently, and the sound of "嗖 嗖 ~" broke in the air, The golden lion rolled in all directions, and even the biggest creepy monster also escaped by the golden lion, weaving a large net with tentacles over the top of his head.

Almost no one can get out of this situation, not to mention that the monster is obviously still unable to resist during the 'transformation', just like the breathing effort, there are already two tentacles wrapped around the arms of the golden lion and he Pulled into the word "big", so in addition to the dragon and Morgan Leffey seniors, in the eyes of everyone else, the golden lion has become a monster's dish.

However, this idea had just formed in their mind for a second, and was forcibly bent by the golden lion's next move.

I saw that the roar in the mouth of the golden lion came to an abrupt halt, and my eyes opened, and the crimson pupil turned out to have a golden light, and the muscles of his arms suddenly exerted force, and he could even see an angry look under the short hair. Big tendons.

Feeling that a cancerous monster pulled by a powerful force subconsciously stopped his body, he tried to resist the Golden Lion backwards and tried to pull him back.

You should know that the Golden Lion was originally a condensed player among the Dragon races. Now it is smaller than these monsters with a height of tens of meters. From the outside, it feels like a superman pulling a plane. Moreover, the two monsters found that even though they used their full strength, they even threw out a few tentacles for multiple winding and reinforcement, but they could not be stronger than the golden lion's power.

Although they can ensure that they are not pulled by the golden lion, they cannot stop the golden lion from lengthening their tentacles until they cross their arms and hold the tentacles on the opposite side.

"Ao roar !!!"

When the golden lion suddenly burst into countless golden thunders, the strength of his arms suddenly increased to the extreme, and the tentacle of the tentacle that had reached the limit was "crack!" The steel whip flicked around, just pulling the other two monsters to the ground.

The other two beast-shaped monsters swiftly avoided the tentacles and rushed towards the Golden Lion one after the other. But the Golden Lion, who is in the process of second reinforcement, seems to have attacked them as if he had opened the "God Vision".

It's just = a high jump to avoid the first monster's fight, and then the Golden Lion took advantage of the height difference between the two sides, and hit it with a heavy punch from the top down.

"Bang—Boom!" The monster's head was directly reached into a 'U' shape and deeply embedded in the earth, but the golden lion's movement did not pause, and the heavy punch was directly changed in direction, turning with the body. Jump up.

A blow of the rising dragon, surrounded by golden light, plunged into the monster's chin, and a bright golden light penetrated the body and directly penetrated the neck through a hole.

Hard steel four monsters as soon as they fought. Although the monsters in the cancerous universe all have cores in them, they will not die completely if the cores are not destroyed, but such a powerful force also makes the remaining monsters feel terrified.

Seeing this, the biggest creepy monster of the 100-meter level directly extinguished the thoughts of the golden lion, opened his big mouth and sprayed a colorful beam of light to try to kill the golden lion directly. The golden lion felt danger, but he did not dodge it at all. Meaning, but turned to face the beam of light, opened his mouth to condense a golden energy ball exuding a terrifying atmosphere.

The next second, a bright beam of light was ejected from the energy ball, facing the colorful beam of light, and performing a pair of waves.

However, because of the difference in size, the colorful beam of light had to be more than doubled in size. In a blink of an eye, the Thunder Roar was flooded and engulfed the whole body of the Golden Lion. Even the cancerous monster behind the Golden Lion could not escape.

The funny thing is that the golden lion hasn't yelled yet, but the monster is crying and howling.

But Watson didn't expect them to kill the Golden Lion even with the clan.

But ... Before the golden lion was submerged, Watson saw a layer of golden light energy appearing throughout the golden lion's body through the dragon pupil.

It should be similar to the thunder lion of the border thunder lion engraved in his body with the evolution, but Lagarne is not yet skilled, can only rely on instinct to create a simple protective shield, I don't know how effective the defense is.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lagarne may have been sentenced to death at the moment, but in the eyes of Watson and Morgan Leffey, they are completely different.

The colorful light column energy burst table comes from a huge monster of 100 meters level. Needless to say, the power is natural. Even if Lagarne has entered the second evolution, the hard top may not be able to withstand it, and it will be a tie.

But this beam is not similar to the high-energy dense cluster energy such as laser cannon and thunder cannon, but is similar to the form of 'fog' (see the Guardian of the Galaxy Guard 2 opening monster, he comes from the cancerous universe, of course, the appearance is beautified A little).

This kind of energy is strong but has a weakness or a little bit scattered.

Because of the dispersion, it is impossible to form a potter effect. Now you can clearly see that the Thunder Howell cannon penetrates a part of the colorful light and becomes a peculiar 'wave in wave'. The benefits are also obvious. Look at the gold that is drowned in the colorful energy The lion will know.

For this special case, naturally, we can also treat ~ ~ Lagarne, now compress your Thunder Cannon to a finer size and increase the energy output! ’

As soon as Lagarne heard it, he didn't want to do it immediately. The scarlet double fists hit the ground, and his two legs pushed back hard, as if the body of the gun was fixed.

Then thunder suddenly exploded in his mouth, and at that moment actually withstood the colorful light.

Immediately afterwards, the Super Thunder Cannon quickly shrank, and its energy became more concentrated, turning into a tiny golden laser.

After the compression, the energy destructive force drops linearly, the penetrating force rises linearly, and the colorful fog directly penetrates all the way into the mouth of the cancerous monster, destroying everything that resists.

The next second, the colorful spray in the mouth of the cancerous monster came to an abrupt halt, and a translucent golden light instantly pierced out from behind his butt, and the core hidden in the body was still extinct.

The strongest cancerous creature in this field is killed!

"Aw-roar roar !!"

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