Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 115: I heard you have 1 way to help Banner

the next day,



Watson was bored watching Tony bullying the poor hidden gangster 'Hapi' in the ring.

As for why he is a big brother. Because "Hapi" is the director, hahaha, it's quite amazing ~

"So, that big guy was beaten up by you and then turned into Banner?"

"Yes, it's almost like this. Banner is very special. It should be said that they are two people and merge into one person."

Stark gave Hapy a set of combined punches, lying on the protective rope and watching Watson said: "I came back to check Bruce Banner, he received 7 doctorate degrees, and still nuclear physics 'S top character turned out to be a green fat man who can tie you ?! This is crazy. "

"Yes ... Hulk and Banner are like the devil and angel ~ the strangest combination, and the most suitable combination ~"

"Champagne?" Potts said with a tray on the table next to Watson.

"Thank you ~ I heard that you have been promoted recently? Congratulations ~"

Poze smiled embarrassedly: "Oh, thank you, in fact he scared me."

Hua Sheng took a sip of champagne and lazily leaned back on the sofa and looked at Tony: "Are you throwing the mess to others again?"

"I don't have it. This is called trust, and what does that sentence mean? Oh yeah, good steel is used on the blade. Well, don't say this, do you want to try it?"

"Me? Tony, do you want to fight me freehand?"

Tony shrugged and pointed at Hapy, saying: "It's not me, it's him who fights you ~"

"I? No no no ... I don't have that ability ..." Hapi saw her ruthlessly being betrayed by the boss.

Tap ~ tap ~ tap

At this moment, there was a sound of high heels in the corridor.

A tall and beautiful little girl appeared in front of her, and Potts smiled when she came over and took the pen in her hand. While writing the name, she said to Tony: "Tony, the notary is here, can you sign some File? "

Watson looked at the person who was suddenly stunned ... Although he guessed that SHIELD would be replaced, he did not expect it to be her? The woman who was going to approach Captain America-Sharon Carter! To be honest, although she is also good, it is a little worse than my little policewoman.

Jingle Bell ~

Huasheng took out his mobile phone and looked at an unfamiliar number, frowned, and anyone who knew his contact information and actively contacted him should know him.


"Hey ... I ... I'm Betty Ross, are you the Flame Knight?" The voice from the other side of the phone seemed a little nervous and hasty.

And Watson chewed the name, was n’t that Cannah celebrity girlfriend of Banner.

"It's me, hello Betty Rose · how could you give me ..."

"Banna told me your contact information, please ... Please help him ... The military is encircling here and hunting him down, please help him! Please!"

"OK, I'll go right away. Don't worry about him, Banner is not ..."

"Wow! God!" Potts stood up in shock as he watched Hapi, who was knocked down instantly.

"Banner is not annoying, I will be there soon."

Watson hung up the phone and shouted to Tony: "Tony, I have to go first."

Tony, who was pursuing her sister, heard Watson's voice and looked up and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find Banner, maybe you will be able to see the news in a moment."

"Wait ..." After hearing Watson's words, Tony just wanted to follow him. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the beautiful woman who asked her for a fingerprint. "


Virginia, Corvo University.

"Don't attack him, don't attack him!"

"General, we trapped him!"

"Throw two tear gas in!"

"General ~ It's not that I said you, you even used tear gas? It seems that you deliberately want to get that big guy out. In order to let your daughter see his horror?"

General looked back at the voice, and Watson was holding a super fierce cat lying on the front cover of his armored car and hitting Hache, his eyes narrowed.

"Fire Knight? How did you come in ?! Soldier, how are you warned! Watson, we don't need SHIELD's help here, we can do it ourselves, he is the possession of the military."

"I called him, and, Banner, he is not anyone's possession!" Betty Ross came over and greeted her father bluntly ...

"Hear? I didn't come on behalf of SHIELD ... but to be honest, I think the two of you are quite similar."

General Rose looked at Hulk who jumped down and said, "Since that is the case, you can leave, everyone! Start the attack !!!"

"No !!! Dad, you will kill him!"

Betty took a deep breath and crossed General Ross to stand in front of Watson and said: "Please, please help him ~ ~ Banner told me that you can help him become himself ... · "

When General Rose heard this, he turned his head slightly to look at Watson, his eyes full of disdain: "He has a way to make Hulk back to Banner? I want to hear what he has to do with our military. Not mastered ?! "

Betty glanced back at her father, but when she turned back, she also said to Watson in a somewhat uncertain tone: "···· I listened to Banner to say that you have a method of · proofreading consciousness?"

"Uh ... yes (T_T). However, Banner told you how this method is implemented?"

"No, but no matter what method, please!"



Recalibration awareness? General Rose turned his head and thought about it, but didn't figure out what it was. So he looked up at Betty and said: "No matter what he does, this is the battlefield of the military! He doesn't have the power to do anything here, if he is unauthorized It is listed as the target of attack! "

Betty with red eyes is like a furious lioness: "Go to the military!"

Poo ...

"Soldier? Is it funny ?!"

The soldiers on the side saw General Rose's sharp gaze and quickly stood up straight: "There is no sir, sorry sir."

"Do what I said! Look at her and that flame knight! If he ..."

Unfinished words, General Rose suddenly felt a palpitating spirit overwhelming himself!

"In addition to the difference in strength, Tony and I also have different tempers. He should speak better than me, general."

Then, Watson looked to the side and took the gun and pointed at his soldier: "Give you three seconds to put the gun down."

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