When the two came home hand in hand, it was already late, and her sister Chen Wen had already slept. Chen Yu's parents are also ready to go to bed.

I was a little surprised to see Chen Yu and Hannah come back together, but I didn't say anything. It's just that his mother Wang Yang told Chen Yu not to bully Hannah, and his father Chen Xiang also showed Chen Yu an expression that all men know how to go to sleep after they all went to sleep.

The two returned to Chen Yu's room, and until this time Hannah's face was still red. By now, Hannah couldn't believe how bold she was. But Hannah doesn't regret it, she can't do without Chen Yu anymore.

Chen Yu went to take a shower first, leaving Hannah alone sitting on the edge of the bed and playing with the corner of her clothes with a red face. Seeing that Chen Yu came back from the shower, he felt a little funny. Then Hannah went to take a shower, and Chen Yu was thinking about today's events in bed.

There is no doubt that today's battle has made Chen Yu more confident.

Hulk, this is a famous existence in the Marvel Universe. And such an existence is being played with by Chen Yu in applause today. It also made Chen Yu more aware of his meat ball ability.

To put it simply, there is no upper limit to the rally. In the past, Chen Yu had always had a faint worry about his meat ball's ability, fearing that if the enemy's attack exceeded the upper limit of the meat ball's rebound, he would be injured.

But after today, Chen Yu didn't have this worry. Hulk and the abomination attack Chen Yu barely felt it, and he didn't feel any powerful power at all. And the people in the Marvel world who exceed the power of the Hulk do not say no, but they are also limited.

'Now it's all that's left to do with Thor's hammer blocking Thor. I used to watch movies and said that Thor's hammer was made from materials extracted from the core of a star that was about to be annihilated. Listening to it, I'm scared to pee, is there ' Chen Yu thought boredly.

If it weren't for the fact that the Hulk was smashed by Thor's hammer several times in the movie and was fine, and the American team could block Thor's hammer unscathed, Chen Yu really didn't dare to block it.

Although the American team blocked the hammer, most of them relied on his vibranium shield. But is that hammer made of the core of a star, do you want a shield to block it? And looking at the trailer of Thor 3 later, the hammer seems to have been crushed by a woman.

Chen Yu felt that he might have seen a fake hammer. So I'm ready to test my meatball abilities with this hammer.

After a while, Hannah came out. Wrapped in a bath towel, covered in moisture, his hair is scattered behind his back, his glasses are missing, and his hands are tightly clasped in front of his chest and he looks shy.

Seeing Hannah's cute appearance, Chen Yu decided not to hesitate any longer, stepped forward to hug Hannah, and whispered in Hannah's ear: "Hannah, I love you!" "。

Hannah, who heard Chen Yu's confession, paused for a moment, and then began to respond gently.

The two of them have fewer and fewer clothes, and after that...

In a word... Cough. That's it.

The next morning, Chen Yu, who woke up, looked at Hannah, who was still asleep, kissed Hannah lovingly, got up and started washing, and walked downstairs to the living room after finishing it. I saw that my parents, mother, and sister were already having breakfast there.

Chen Xiang and Wang Yang, who saw Chen Yu coming down, all showed a narrow smile at Chen Yu, and Chen Yu was a little embarrassed. And her sister Chen Wen said to Chen Yu with a dissatisfied face:

"Brother, did you bully Sister Hannah last night? I heard it all, and she screamed so painfully. "

Chen Yu: ". "

Chen Xiang: ". "

Wang Yang: ". "

After eating, Chen Yu took a plate and filled it with some food, and then took a cup of wine and went back to the room. Woke up Hannah, watched her in infinite shyness, and after eating breakfast, they went downstairs together to happily start a family meal.

Every day after that, Chen Yu and Hannah stuck to you and me like two conjoined babies, and my sister Chen Wen looked a little jealous.

Just when Chen Yu couldn't stop this kind of leisurely life, finally, school started.

On the first day of school, Chen Yu took Hannah and the two walked into Midtown High School together, and they were very coincidentally assigned to a class, and in this class, there was Pete Parker.

The sweet appearance of Chen Yu and Hannah naturally attracted everyone's attention.

In particular, Hannah's former classmates found out that this girl, who usually didn't pay attention to it at all, was also very timid and didn't like to talk, but actually had a boyfriend. This took them by surprise.

And after paying attention to the two of them, some of Hannah's former classmates found out that Hannah was actually quite cute, which made some boys show regretful expressions for a while.

And Gwen, who was in the next class, was surprised after knowing that Hannah had a boyfriend and the two were very affectionate, so she blessed Hannah and came to meet Chen Yu.

After Chen Yu knew that Gwen was Hannah's friend, he also made friends with Gwen very politely.

Not to mention what others think, Chen Yu broke off the idea of contacting Pete Parker after he had Hannah.

'It's too late to fall in love, no matter what this little spider does, it's not as good as me anyway. That's what Chen Yu thinks

And after teaching a few classmates who saw Chen Yu being a bully and a yellow race came to provoke, Chen Yu overbearingly changed his position with Hannah, and lived a good campus life in this way.

Time always flies, and in the days when Pete Parker was bullied from time to time, Tony finally set off for Afghanistan.

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