Thor stretched out his hand furiously, and the Mjolnir that had just fallen in the distance flew into Thor's hand with a "whoosh".

Then Thor suddenly threw Mjolnir over at Karl, directly hitting Karl, who was closing his eyes and guiding the Immobile King Array.


Karl was directly knocked out, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, but when he opened his blood-red eyes, Carl showed a triumphant smile.

Without Karl's guidance, Ghost Yanzhu suddenly became unstable, shaking and about to explode.

But Thor suddenly rushed into the Fudo Ming King Formation and directly pushed the four people out, and then in a violent explosion, Thor was submerged in the explosion.

Carl has been observing Thor's movements with his heart, and seeing this situation, Carl shook his head slightly, lamenting that Sol is still very loyal to friendship, but he doesn't know if Sol can survive.

The power of the explosion of the Fudo King Array was even the Hulk, which had reached six meters, and the power of such a powerful Karl was a little worried about whether Thor could survive in the end.

Even if he survives, does Thor still have the power to fight?

Carl couldn't help but regret a little, and Carl didn't expect Thor to rush in for the sake of his four subordinates or friends.

But fortunately, Ghost Yanzhu has not yet been guided to the strongest moment, and Karl feels that Thor should be able to survive.

But at this moment, Karl's heart eye observed that a powerful, very high-level force wrapped Thor, and then a pillar of colorful light instantly fell down.

"How is it possible, it's actually this old guy who came out!"

Carl's face changed, his wings on his back opened sharply, and he came to Daisy's side with a slight shock, and said eagerly to Coulson on the side:

"Odin is here, things seem to be a little out of control, Coulson, please hurry up and let Daisy go!"

"What? Odin, the father of the gods in Norse mythology? I'll just tell you to be careful! "

Even Coulson, at this time, couldn't help complaining, cold sweat oozing from his forehead, quickly waved his hand at the back, and several agents ran over to take Daisy and Shavig and Jane with a worried look and got into the car and drove away.

"Carl, be careful, I'll wait for you to come back!"

Daisy rolled down the window before walking and looked at Carl with red eyes, this time the opponent was an alien, Daisy was really worried about Carl.

"I'll be fine, you obediently leave here and wait for me!"

Carl turned his head and said with a gentle smile, and then looked back at the field solemnly.

Jane still didn't want to leave, but was directly pulled away by Shavig, and then Coulson looked at the spectacular scene of the rainbow bridge energy descending in front of him, and a large figure that had been faintly revealed, and hurriedly said in the headset:

"Mobilize satellites, transmit the change back to the headquarters, request the dispatch of agents Barton and Natasha, all the agents on the scene are evacuated, we need troops, request to drive the sky aircraft carrier over, large precision weapons to lock!"

"The army is useless, bullets are of little use to them, the minions are all dishes, just let Natasha and the one who hid in the shadows yesterday come, there is still some high technology on the two of them!" Uncle Tony will be there soon! "

Karl's face was also a little ugly at this time, if only Odin came alone.

But looking at the one that had been revealed, riding a handsome war horse, holding a scepter in his hand, a one-eyed dragon like Fury, Odin, who was majestic and exposed, and the about five hundred fairy palace guards behind Odin, Carl knew that he was afraid of causing trouble this time.

"Father, you really are not dead!"

Thor originally felt the powerful power of the explosion and was ready to be seriously injured, but Odin used the energy of the Rainbow Bridge to protect him.

After seeing Odin's arrival, Salton shouted in surprise.


Odin did not reply, just rode on the horse and looked at Karl faintly, the scepter in his hand suddenly hit the ground, and the rainbow bridge energy reappeared, directly descending on the four people who were seriously injured by Karl, and instantly brought the four back to Asgard.

"Mortal, name you!"

Odin said lightly.

"Carlsas Potts! Your Excellency is the God King Odin, such a big move, is it too much? I just wanted to have a fight with Thor! "

Carl heard the word mortal again, his brows frowned, but in the spirit of not causing disputes between the two planets, the big things are small, and the small things are turned into small things, Carl still decided to speak well.

After all, although Carl is not afraid of things, and the earth is not afraid of things, but if he causes a big war between the earth and Asgard, then Pepper does not know what kind of pressure to face.

"Mortal Carlsas Potts, are you guilty? Guards, take down this mortal and bring it back to the Immortal Palace to be imprisoned! "

In the face of Karl's almost relenting words, Odin said lightly, the scepter was once again flicked, and ten soldiers lined up neatly, one shield and the other spear pressed towards Karl step by step.

"Father, it's not all to blame for this, I promised him first, but I backtracked, he just shot a little heavier, since you already know that he is wrong, then let him go, we should respect the life of the earth, he is just a mortal!"

Seeing this, Thor immediately came to Odin and knelt down on one knee and said, but he didn't know that Carl didn't want to listen anymore at this time.

"Mortal? Know the mistake? Do you think you're sure of me? "

"Evil wave slash!"

Karl's indifferent voice made Thor turn back in shock, only to see Carl suddenly swing out.

A combination of blue, yellow, green, and purple, a huge crescent magic knife qi that was ten meters long, was swung out horizontally by Karl, and instantly crashed into the ten Immortal Palace soldiers holding shields.

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