Chapter XXXIV: When the plan is in progress

“You! You scum! Yes!!! Damn it! Natasha’s face turned pale, cold sweat flowed down like rain, and her voice began to chandou! Although the venom of the bullet ant is not fatal, the sharp pain of being hit by a bullet will last all day, and even the most cold-blooded killer cannot survive this pain!

Seeing this scene, Wang Wang couldn’t help but be a little interested, and said lightly: “You can still speak, the severe pain of bullet ants is not something that everyone can bear, it seems that your special training is quite strict.” ”

“As an agent of the 107th Bureau, enduring pain is mandatory! You will be sanctioned, you madman! “The roots of Natasha’s teeth are about to be crushed, and she can’t wait to eat the person in front of her alive.

“Bureau 107, it should be said that it is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. now. Right. Wang Ye sneered and said that he wanted to teach these leading agents some lessons, so that the next time S.H.I.E.L.D. sent to capture him, he would be stronger, so that he could try his plan!

Hearing Wang Ye’s words, Natasha simply kept silent, and Wang Ye stopped asking, and the two were at a stalemate. Time passed minute by minute, the sharp pain of the bullet ant continued, Natasha’s whole body was soaked with sweat, almost fainted several times, her face had lost a little blood, and even Shetou was bitten by herself twice.

After half an hour or so, Wang Ye felt almost the same, and the agent in front of him was really hard-mouthed. At this time, Wang Ye suddenly said: “Okay, you can leave.” ”

Natasha couldn’t even open her eyelids, and asked softly: “You, you let me go?” I won’t let you go next time! ”

Wang Ye simply opened the door, and then gave way to the road, seeing this scene, Natasha was not pretentious, forced to get up from the ground, and almost fell to the ground. Then turned around and glared at Wang Ye fiercely, and walked towards the door tremblingly, and when he reached the door, Wang Ye suddenly said: “I’m waiting for you to come and arrest me, remember to go back and tell your chief, don’t find some waste next time!” ”

“Scum!” Natasha said without looking back.

When the others left, Wang couldn’t help but fall into deep thought, glanced at the traces of the sweat of the woman on the ground, Wang couldn’t help but feel a little that it was time to strengthen his strength, bullet ants can be withheld, it means that the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. are all a group of freaks, and those who are stronger than themselves are definitely not nothing!

“I hope that next time it will be the top power of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Wang Ye said to himself, a look called anticipation flashing in his eyes.


At this time, Stark’s family had just sent away two murderous agents, and as soon as Tony left, he immediately called Wang Ye.

“Wang, now that the people who are eyeing you have determined that they have a deep relationship with the military, how did you mess with these people!” Tony asked seriously.

Wang also did not expect that these people already knew their relationship with Tony Stark and had already found out where he was, only to hear Wang Ye ask: “What do these people say?” ”

Tony was silent for a moment and said truthfully: “They only asked if I would help you, and I didn’t answer.” Wang, let’s be blunt, now that I and Stark Group have been kidnapped by you, you say, do you want to help you at that time! ”

Wang Ye said mysteriously: “No need, you will be a turtle this time, take a good look at the Stark Group, no matter what the result is in the end this time, you are not allowed to interfere.” ”

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a long time, and just as Wang Ye was about to hang up, Tony said: “Okay, but don’t go overboard.” ”

Wang also hung up the phone directly, but he didn’t expect Stark to know that Wang Ye must have made a big move.

At the same time, in an underground base built in the name of a private person, Natasha walked in with a shy, and as soon as she entered, the lights inside immediately turned on, and gradually an underground fortress appeared in front of her.

“Natasha, what’s wrong with you!” A man of medium height quickly walked over and asked. Natasha pushed him away and walked directly towards a black man with his back hand.

“Sir, I failed!” Natasha said. Fury turned around and suddenly saw Natasha’s bloodless face, and suddenly a serious burst out of his only remaining eye.

“You’ve been bitten by a bullet ant!” Fury asked seriously.

“Yes, that person is strong. And can unscrew my weapon empty-handed. But he put me back! After listening to Natasha’s reply, Fury immediately thought about it. I didn’t expect that this poisonous man really had supernatural abilities, and Natasha’s means were only available to top agents, and he couldn’t even hurt that guy with a pistol!

After a while, Fury said, “Agent Natasha, now you go to the treatment, you need to rest for the next few days.” ”

Without waiting for Natasha to say anything, Fury immediately pressed a button on the table in front of him, and suddenly the alarm sounded in the base, and at the same time, Fury’s voice reached the ears of every S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter, even fighters far away in Los Angeles could receive it!

“Imitation bird, it’s time for your vacation to end.” Fury said, and at the same time a muscular woman in the Los Angeles resort immediately jumped up from the ground. Imitation bird, because of the injection of super soldier serum and unlimited formula to gain strong physical energy and super speed regeneration ability, the weapon is a double stick.

“Sir, I invite the battle to participate!” The man in the base who had been before immediately came up and said. Fury glanced at him and nodded and said, “Yes, approve Hawkeye to enter the war.” In addition, you go and call the necromancer lock, this time he is the secret weapon! ”

“What! That maniac! Hawkeye’s eyes widened immediately. At this time, in a prison in the rear, a black man whose face was covered with metal violently tore off the chains on his body. I saw that a large area of his whole body was mechanically transformed, which was a collection of people and computers to transform people, invulnerable, and made good use of large-caliber thermal weapons, which was a secret weapon voluntarily imprisoned in S.H.I.E.L.D.!

A siege against the poison man is about to begin!

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