Chapter 6: Fusion Mantis Shrimp

“Ahhh!! Save me! “The big man rolled desperately on the ground, and the severe pain after being bitten by bullet ants was almost unbearable, and the man’s head slammed on the cement floor, and the blood roared behind, and after a while there was no sound.

“Who the hell are you! Why be nosy! “The big man who was attacked by the killer bee on the other side was desperately patting the bees flying down, and when he saw the scene on this side, he questioned loudly, Wang Ye’s means were unheard of, making him even think that it was the devil!

“Me? I’m a superhero. Wang Ye grinned and said, looking more terrifying than the most murderous criminal.

After hearing this, the big man suddenly exploded, and despite the harassment of the killer bee, he rushed towards Wang Ye: “Fart! Superhero which kills like you! You can magic, you are a wizard! ”

As soon as the words fell, the knife in the hand of the big man stabbed towards Wang Ye’s neck, Wang Ye suddenly took a step back, the big man’s knife suddenly flew into the air, taking advantage of this time Wang Ye slammed a punch towards the stomach of the big man, slammed the big man directly kneeling on the ground, a sharp colic made him spit out a mouthful of acid, and all his internal organs seemed to be stirred together!

“Who the hell are you! We didn’t mess with you! The big man half-knelt on the ground and endured the severe pain and whispered.

Wang Ye chuckled and said lightly: “You scum will also be afraid of evil people? Aren’t you yourselves? ”

Hearing this, no matter how stupid the big man was, he knew what was going on, and suddenly got up from the ground and turned around and ran towards the exit of the alley, shouting loudly while running: “Help! ”

“Let you go!” Wang Ye’s face sank, and he waved his hand sharply, only to see a group of murderous bees flying in the air buzzing and flapping their wings and flying towards that person! Almost immediately, they chased after it, dozens of murderous swarms swarmed to directly surround that person, and the highly poisonous tail thorns continued to stab up!

“Ah! Kill! The big man cried and rolled to the ground, only to see killer bees biting him all over his neck, face and arms! At first, the man could still struggle, but after a while, pieces of puffiness appeared on his skin, and he fell directly to the ground and convulsed!

Killer bees are produced in North America, with fierce personalities, dozens of killer bees can make a brown bear sting to death, which shows how lethal this small thing is.

Under the light, the two corpses emitted a terrifying smell on the ground, but Wang Ye seemed to be used to it. Ignoring the kings, he also walked towards the two girls who fell to the ground and shivered.

“It’s okay, if it’s not dead, go home.” Wang Ye squatted down and said lightly, taking a closer look at the two girls are very young, they should have just returned from a party.

Michelle and Amy hugged each other, sitting on the ground and not getting up, it is estimated that their legs were numb. Hearing Wang Ye’s question, Michelle suddenly looked up and saw a somewhat cold handsome face that looked a little psychedelic under the light, and she was a little stunned for a while, and after a few seconds, she boldly said: “Thank you, are you a wizard?” ”

Wang Ye frowned, touched his face a little strangely, and then said: “No.” ”

“Thank you for saving us, but those two died.” Amy suddenly said nervously.

Wang also sneered with disdain, and his eyes began to become cold: “Shouldn’t they be dead.” ”

Glare by Wang Ye’s eyes, the two girls suddenly shrunk their necks, only to hear Michelle say: “What’s your name?” ”

“Hmph.” Wang did not answer, now he has not exposed his strength, the words have come to this Wang also directly stood up and turned around and walked outside, disappearing into the darkness after a while.

“What kind of person is this?” Amy said fearfully.

Michelle was silent for a few seconds and said, “This is an unusual man. Let’s go! ”


Wang Ye stood on a bridge in the new city and said silently in his heart: “System, how many points do I have now.” ”

“Now the hero is worth two hundred points, and the sin value is two hundred and ten. The host can choose a creature to fuse, but only to less than 200 points. ”

Wang Ye suddenly had a concept of good and evil values, saving people and killing people has a hundred points, it seems that it is also determined by the size of the thing, and suddenly Wang Ye began to search for the creatures he can fuse with in his heart. The creatures that can be fused also depend on how many points there are, and the size of the abilities obtained is also different.

A few seconds later, a praying mantis-like creature appeared in Wang Ye’s choice, the phoenix-tailed mantis shrimp, living in the deep sea, the crab claw of the praying mantis shrimp can and quickly strike, the speed is comparable to a bullet, the instantaneous punch speed can evaporate seawater, and the hard shell can be shattered in front of it!

“The host chooses the Phoenix Mantis Shrimp, which will consume two hundred hero points and begin to fuse.” After a cold electronic sound, Wang Ye immediately felt that his entire upper body began to burn rapidly, and then a sharp pain spread into Wang Ye’s mind. The position of the two arms to the shoulders began to heat up rapidly, and in just a few seconds it became like a red-hot soldering iron, and the strong arm muscles began to twist like clockwork, and the clicking sound continued to sound on his bones!

Douda’s sweat trickled down Wang Ye’s forehead, and he couldn’t bear to shout. I don’t know how long it took, the heat on my arm dissipated, and there was still a burst of white smoke on my arm. The clothes on Wang Ye’s back were soaked, and the muscles on his arms were glowing with a metallic sheen!

A powerful confidence rose up, and Wang Ye even felt that he could shatter a stone tablet with one punch! Thinking of this, Wang Ye slammed into the air in front of him and blasted out!

“Drink!” I only listened to the boom and a burst of air waves spread out violently, and the air in front of him suddenly burst into a sonic boom, and there was even a burst of fire on his arm at the moment of punching! This punching speed actually ignited the air!

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