"This is... Hell...,You..are.evil...magic...,"

After the bearded man finished speaking with difficulty, he vomited blood in pain and died. Li Xin also pulled Tingfeng out of his chest fiercely.

After that, the pool of blood on the ground began to slowly expand until it gathered at the other corpses. The whole room had turned into a bloody hell. However, Li Xin kept his head down and tightly grasped the Tingfeng Sword that was already stained with blood, trembling slightly.

Because the Tingfeng Sword in his hand, which was born for killing, was actually chirping slightly at this time! It seemed to be recalling the feeling of killing just now.

Li Xin could clearly feel that Tingfeng Sword was now in a state of satisfaction, and his pair of Sharingan began to move excitedly without knowing when.

"It's this feeling again~"

Li Xin slowly closed his eyes, feeling the joy of his Mangekyō Sharingan at this moment, and said lightly; this feeling is not the first time he has experienced it, but this time, since he entered this mansion and killed���As soon as a person starts, his eyes will send him a feeling of satisfaction, which makes Li Xin feel slightly addicted.

Under that strange feeling, he will also start to get excited, and every time he strikes the sword, it will be more concise and smoother than before, and more in tune with his heart!


With a sigh, Li Xin sheathed his knife and walked towards the dark corridor at the back. His figure disappeared as the breeze blew by. In the manor that was originally decorated magnificently, only corpses and blood were left everywhere. At this time, outside the mansion, the people of Dongxing had already arrived at their destination. A white man who was sleeping soundly in the sentry box at the entrance of the manor was also awakened by the noisy sound outside.

Just as he was about to get up and curse, he saw a car outside. After the aggressive car stopped, he immediately called for reinforcements on his intercom, but no one responded to him. The intercom, which was originally full of people talking about which girl had better skills, was now terribly quiet.

Just as the security guard took out his gun and went forward to drive away the intruders, an unruly yellow man walked towards him with an arrogant step. He smiled and greeted him, then took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it directly at the security guard's head.


A gunshot rang out, and the security guard in the sentry box fell to the ground. He never thought that someone would dare to cause trouble in the base of the Lucchese family.

Crow threw the pistol in the direction of Frank, then immediately signaled a younger brother carrying an RPG, and then pointed to the luxurious iron gate not far away.

After receiving the guidance of Crow, the excited younger brother immediately made an OK gesture. He didn't say much nonsense. After slightly aiming, he immediately pulled the trigger.


As a stream of flames streaked across the gate, a dazzling burst of fire broke out. After the smoke cleared, Crow made a charge gesture towards the manor in front of him, and the younger brothers who had been impatient for a long time, after receiving the order from the boss, rushed in with their weapons amid bursts of strange shouts and cheers.

Ten minutes later, Crow, with a cigarette in his mouth, led by Frank with a shocked face, found the"business managers" of the Lucchese family in a luxuriously decorated room."

"The bearded muscular man is in charge of transportation, the bald thin man is in charge of drugs. These people are all bigwigs of the Lucchese family. Who would have thought that these bigwigs who once called the shots in Brooklyn would die in their own homes in such an unclear manner?..."

An elderly black man was looking at the neatly arranged corpses on the ground with a shocked look on his face, and then he sighed and reported to Frank and Crow beside him:

This is the Lucchese family, and they were all wiped out overnight, leaving no one alive, and according to his experience, these people were killed by sharp weapons, and killed with one blow!

This old black has been in Brooklyn for so long, and he has seen the world, but now this hellish scene of corpses and blood in the mansion makes him shudder and feel strongly uncomfortable.

Just when Black and Frank were shocked by this hellish scene, Crow beside him pinched his cigarette butt and said domineeringly;

"The Lucchese family was actually destroyed, so we at Dongxing will clean it up for them."

Crow saw that many of his brothers couldn't stand the hellish scene in the mansion and began to cover their mouths and walk out, so he turned to the old black man with an evil smile and said;

"Tell the brothers to pour all the gasoline, and then set it on fire. From now on, East Star will be the overlord of Brooklyn!"

After hearing what Crow said, the fear and worry in the eyes of Old Black and Frank disappeared, and instead, excitement and ambition began to flicker slightly.

After that, the brothers gradually cheered and got excited amid the slogans of"East Star! Overlord!"

Ten minutes later, a police car with a rapid alarm sounded and slowly stopped in front of the Lucchese family manor with flames rising to the sky. A New York policeman with a big belly opened the door, looked at the blazing fire, and couldn't help but tremble and curse;

"Wang Defa~k!"........

On a sunny morning, in an old house in Great Neck, New York, Li Xin, with hazy eyes, was making herself a nutritious breakfast in the kitchen, while a big news was playing on the TV in the living room.

"According to our reporter, at 9:10 last night, a huge fire broke out in a manor in Brooklyn, which seemed to be caused by a feud between Brooklyn gangs."

"According to reliable sources, this manor is owned by the Lucchese family, the largest mafia in Brooklyn. Claro Lucchese, the leader of this mafia, has been confirmed to have died in the fire last night. Also killed in the fire are...."

While Li Xin was still making breakfast, the news on TV suddenly stopped. It turned out that a black man with one eye wearing a black leather windbreaker had sat on the sofa in the living room.

After Nick Fury turned off the TV, he put his feet on the table in front of him, then lay comfortably on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

When Li Xin came over with the milk, she saw that Nick Fury was frowning even with his eyes closed, so she turned around and left quietly without disturbing him.

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