"Bang~Swish, swish, swish"

Instantly, several quick Viper missiles were fired! But Ivan Vanko quickly closed his mask and blocked them all, and the Viper missiles only scratched the paint!

"Have you had enough fun? It's my turn now."

Ivan Vanko said as he began to swing the two big whips quickly. In an instant, the two whips were full of lightning, and their power seemed to be even stronger.


Ivan whipped the two men fiercely, but only left a big hole on the ground; Iron Man and War Machine had already jumped back to avoid it; the battle between the two sides was about to break out, the Gatling gun on War Machine's back began to fire rapidly, and the machine gun on his arm did not stop either, and the three gun lines shot rapidly at Iron Overlord with sparks flying everywhere.


Seeing Iron Monger's lightning whip coming, War Machine could only dodge again, but when Iron Monger's lightning whip passed by, War Machine's Gatling gun had been neatly cut in half.

While Rhodes was still in a daze, Tony hurriedly grabbed the fighter plane, flew behind Iron Monger, and began to attack with his palm cannon.

But Iron Monger turned around and whipped again;"Snap!" Tony was entangled by the lightning with nowhere to hide, and fell heavily on the big rock next to him.

When Tony was a little bit unconvinced that this would be the case, Rhodes started machine gun fire again to attract Ivan Vanko's attention.

Ivan raised his hand to block, and Tony, who had already stood up, rushed over with a high-speed jet, wanting to give Ivan Vanko an iron-blooded hug and throw!

But Ivan, who was proficient in fighting, suddenly uppercut the flying Iron Man's head when Tony approached, and knocked Tony to the side again.


There was a loud metal collision sound, and Tony was knocked to the ground again. This time, Tony swore in his heart that he must improve his close combat ability and learn Chinese Kung Fu when he returned.

Seeing this, Rhodes raised his hands again and fired wildly at Iron Overlord, but the level of Hammer Industries' weapons was really limited.

Ivan only blocked it with his hands at the beginning. After seeing that the bullet could not break his defense at all, he gave up defense and swung two whips at War Machine.

""Snap~ Snap!"

Two thick lightning whips passed by, and two dazzling electric sparks burst out on Rhodes' armor. War Machine's chest was already charred and damaged, and the system panel in front of Rhodes also showed an energy damage report.

At this time, Tony couldn't bear it anymore. He decided to use Mark VI's new weapon - the 'laser sword'. Iron Man's hands began to flash red light rapidly; then he clenched his fists and stretched them forward towards Ivan;


Two strong red laser beams instantly shot towards Iron Overlord; the red laser beams were too fast, and the distance between the two sides was too close, Ivan Vanko could not dodge them, and could only make simple defensive moves, but he was hit in the waist by the red laser in an instant, and a violent explosion light instantly broke out. Under the powerful energy pulse, Iron Overlord was shot down next to the rockery on the side.


Under the Iron Overlord's mask, Ivan Vanko's mouth began to bleed, because his system page had already shown that the laser just now destroyed his armor waist in an instant, and his body was also injured by a trace of residual laser.

But Ivan Vanko didn't care about his seriously injured body at all, and controlled Iron Overlord to stand up again, and the energy of the whip had been blessed to the maximum by him.

""God's punishment!"

Ivan, who could finally feel the intense pain in his body, raised the lightning whip high, roared, and swung it down fiercely!

Iron Man, who was still throwing away the laser equipment magazine, looked at the lightning whip with lightning and felt that he could not dodge it for a moment; he could only watch the lightning whip like a punishment from heaven swinging towards him.


But just as Ivan was about to swing the whip, Rhodes, who was looking for an opportunity on the flank, directly knocked Ivan to the ground with an iron mountain lean, unable to get up.

"Good brother!"

Tony saw that his opponent fell to the ground and could not fight back, and the operating system page under the mask also found the damage to the armor on his opponent's waist, so he immediately raised his hand and prepared to take this opportunity to finish off the opponent.

But Tony, who was under the auxiliary aiming system, did not take action at this time, because Ivan Vanko, who fell to the ground, no longer had the strength to stand up again.

After Iron Monger opened the mask, Ivan Vanko inside had a mouth full of blood. He was saying something in a trembling voice, his expression was distracted and he was breathing hard.

It turned out that Tony's laser not only destroyed his armor, but also penetrated his kidneys. The internal organs inside had been completely destroyed. Ivan Vanko was already on the verge of death.

"You should use this trick first next time."

Rhodes, feeling relieved, ran to Tony and said,"But Tony was overwhelmed with emotions as he looked at Ivan, who was dying on the ground."


Ivan Vanko, with blood all over his mouth, spoke with difficulty. The reactor in his chest began to flash red rapidly, and he slowly closed his eyes.

""Oh no, Pepper!"

Tony said, and then he flew quickly into the sky. The Iron Man suit instantly broke through the fastest speed and flew towards Pepper's position, because he knew very well that this was a self-destruct system; at this time, on an empty street, a little boy wearing an Iron Man mask was looking at an Iron Soldier on the ground seriously. Just when he was about to touch it with his hand, the robot's chest began to flash red lights rapidly.

The boy immediately felt a very uneasy emotion. Just when he was about to run back, he was too nervous and sat on the ground.

But he also took advantage of the situation and used his hands and feet to quickly crawl and run towards the distant corner. At this time, the"beep beep" sound behind him became more and more urgent, as if it was about to reach a critical point!

The boy who finally felt scared began to run with all his strength. Just when he ran not far away, he found that he was getting farther and farther away from the ground, and his speed was getting faster and faster, just like flying!

"Oh my god! I can actually fly!"

The boy found himself flying higher and higher, and began to shout excitedly!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

As the sparks of the explosion appeared, a violent explosion sounded from the street below. On a tall building far away from the exhibition, Tony was holding Pepper and staring blankly at the exhibition site not far away, which was blown into ruins and flames....

At this time, on a rooftop, Li Xin also put the boy down, and finally let him find the body of the iron soldier at the last moment. He did not expect Tony to finish the battle so quickly.

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