Li Xin clicked on the introduction of the knife.

This is a sword worn by an unknown soldier in the Sui and Tang dynasties, who killed countless people in his life. This sword also contains a fighting skill called"Listening to the Wind and Slashing".

After clicking to buy, a blue light flashed on Li Xin's hand. After the blue light dissipated, a black one-piece Tang horizontal sword appeared in Li Xin's hand.

Li Xin tried the weight of the blade, and the weight of three pounds was very comfortable. Moreover, the blade was straight and upright in shape. It has both the kingly style of a sword and the domineering spirit of a knife. No one should refuse such a handsome knife.

"By the way, it also contains a fighting skill, right? Listen to the Wind and Slash, right?"

"With a"clang" sound, a cold light flashed in front of him. Li Xin drew his sword.

Suddenly, Li Xin felt a picture in his mind.

This is a chaotic battlefield. People around are wearing ancient armor, and some are even wearing only leather armor. There are sounds of fighting all around, and there are also sounds of cold weapons and flesh and blood.

The soldier in leather armor in the perspective is holding [Listening to the Wind] in his hand. Countless people are fighting on the battlefield. When the two sides meet, life and death can be determined within three moves. The noisy sounds around and the messy environment make you unable to hear clearly from which direction the enemy is attacking you.

And this soldier is already accustomed to fighting in this environment.

Facing He would simply hack and slash at the enemies that attacked him. He had experienced countless wars and killed countless people of all kinds. With constant accumulation, his hacking and slashing skills gradually became perfect.

No matter how noisy the environment was or where the enemy attacked from, he could steadily use his fierce and sharp hacking and slashing skills at the enemy.

Li Xin returned to the room, looking at the"Listening to the Wind Knife" in his hand, thinking about the picture that just appeared in his mind.

He just deeply experienced the ancient cold weapon fighting, which was the simplest, most primitive and most direct killing.

But now there is a problem, this knife can't be put into the system's inventory.

"Forget it, I'll buy myself another set of skins."

After saying that, Li Xin called out the system again, mainly to look for suitable costumes.

He didn't want to go out to fight in a tights like Spider-Man.

After searching around, Li Xin stopped in front of a mask. This was a white mask with a magatama Samsara eye. Yes, this was exactly the white mask that Uchiha Obito wore after obtaining the Samsara eye.

Looking at the price, this is a green quality item, [Gama Samsara eye white mask] is priced at 400

"Wearing this mask will increase your ninjutsu release speed and change your voice."

""It's like fate, Obito"

Li Xin decisively bought the mask. In the world of Naruto, Obito is a complex and tragic character.

From cherishing friends, being kind, having dreams, and being positive in his youth, he later became cold-blooded and ruthless. Li Xin believes that she is not qualified to comment on the reasons.

"But since I have drawn your talent in this life, I will wear this mask to tear apart this dark world."

Li Xin looked at herself in the mirror wearing a mask. Her eyes had changed from deep black to blood-red three-magatama blood-red eyes.

""Bang" a burst of white smoke, another masked Li Xin appeared in the room. After Li Xin greeted the shadow clone in front of him, he confirmed that this mask did have a certain blessing ability for ninjutsu.

Then the black three magatama in Li Xin's blood-red eyes rotated again and became like a rotating windmill. Mangekyō Sharingan - Kamui.

After a space rotation and distortion, Li Xin disappeared in the room.

In the Kamui space, Li Xin was performing the Xuanxu swordsmanship, with superb swordsmanship, swinging the sword like flowing clouds and water; the sword path was tortuous and varied, dazzling.

Then Li Xin jumped into the air, and"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique" spit out a huge fireball forward. With a"bang", the fireball exploded.

"George Street? The Rat Pack? How many bags of rice can you carry?..."


In the morning, Matt hurried down the stairs, putting on his coat, saying"I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late."..."

Li Xin was eating breakfast listlessly at the dining table. She had practiced too long last night and could hardly get out of bed in the morning.

John was on the phone preparing for the morning meeting today while grabbing a few buns and heading out.

"Oh, by the way, this is for you. You and Catherine will drive my car today. I have asked the driver to pick me up."

John threw a driver's license and a car key from his briefcase on the table as he passed by Li Xin.

"Of course I know you, the New Bern car god~"

John said and blinked;

Li Xin looked at the driver's license on the table, opened it and saw that the information photo was indeed his. Is this the driver's license he bought?...Although in the United States, you can get a driver's license at the age of 16.

I looked at the car keys and saw that this should be John's Mercedes-Benz B200. It's a pity that he can no longer ride a bicycle to take people to school.

"Good morning, Philip. Oh, it's rare to see you like this. Did you do something secretly last night?"

Catherine said while yawning.

"You got up late, Catherine, save some time on the way to school,"

Li Xin said, pointing at her watch; the ordinary morning passed quickly, Darlene sent Matt to school, and Li Xin went to the garage to drive out the Mercedes-Benz B200

"Mercedes-Benz B200cvt luxury model, 4 cylinders, 136 horsepower."

Li Xin touched the steering wheel, this time he was really a driver.

"Philip, aren’t you an underground racer? I haven’t seen you racing before. It seems like this is the first time I’ve seen you driving a car."

As soon as she got in the car, Catherine said excitedly;

"Give me a ride, Philip, will you?"

"Fasten your seat belt, sister, and it is very dangerous to drive randomly on the road,"

Li Xin said speechlessly;

"A true driver pursues the limit of speed driving, not just racing with others on the street, which will only hurt you and others."

""Okay, okay, no wonder some people call you Teacher Dafei."

Catherine covered her mouth and laughed;

Li Xin vowed to find out who gave him this nickname.

In the school parking lot, Li Xin parked the car steadily within the parking line. Although most of the parking lot was occupied by teachers, there were also a few high-profile convertible sports cars.

""Catherine, you go up first." After seeing Catherine leave, Li Xin secretly opened the trunk and took out a 'long stick' wrapped in white bandages.

When he arrived at the locker, everyone had gone to class. After Li Xin looked around to make sure that no one was there, he lifted the entire locker with his hands.

Sure enough, there was an empty slot underneath. Li Xin put the knife down.

He decided to go to George Street after school today. It would be best if he could complete this task before Tony held the World Expo.


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